Polygamy Attorney On Gay Marriage Decision: SCOTUS Opinion ‘Resonates With Our Arguments’


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The GAYstapo claimed that gay marriage couldn't possibly lead to polygamy, but here it is:

Could Friday’s Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage across the country make polygamous marriage a legal reality nationwide in the near future?

Jonathan Turley, the attorney who won the polygamy marriage case in Utah for Kody Brown and his four “Sister Wives” thinks the majority opinion “resonates” with the arguments he made to the Utah Supreme Court to decriminalize polygamous consensual relationships.

Read more: Polygamy Attorney On Gay Marriage Decision SCOTUS Opinion Resonates With Our Arguments The Daily Caller
Polygamy Attorney On Gay Marriage Decision: SCOTUS Opinion ‘Resonates With Our Arguments’

And we should give a fuck about that why exactly?
Polygamy Attorney On Gay Marriage Decision: SCOTUS Opinion ‘Resonates With Our Arguments’

And we should give a fuck about that why exactly?

You think legalized polygamy would be good thing?
Why the fuck should it matter to you, or anyone else for that matter? Go play with your piss and leave others to get on with their damn lives for once...
It's interesting that two people of the same gender should be allowed to marry....but many who support that find polygamy repulsive.

Why is that ?
Mormons claimed that polygamy was a religious practice and should be protected by the 1st Amendment. They lost in court in the 19th century.

Isn't it odd that the otherwise religious freedom zealots on the Right side with the Court instead of the Mormon faith on that issue?
It's interesting that two people of the same gender should be allowed to marry....but many who support that find polygamy repulsive.

Why is that ?
List them? I couldn't care less but more than one woman in the same house, not on your damn life. Knew a guy with seven daughters once, he spent a lot of time at work, or in his garage.
Polygamy Attorney On Gay Marriage Decision: SCOTUS Opinion ‘Resonates With Our Arguments’

And we should give a fuck about that why exactly?

You think legalized polygamy would be good thing?

Question One:

Why do you object to polygamy?

Question Two:

Seeing in the Christian Bible along with other religious texts Polygamy was part of the culture at one time, so again why would you be against it?

Question Three:

Who are you to say what is morally right or wrong?


Now here is my opinion and if a man or woman can afford more than one spouse than by all means enjoy the polygamy life. As for me I will not partake in it, but I am not going to deny someone the right if they can afford to support more than one spouse.

Now your next question will most likely about Goats, Donkeys and Children and if so please note in many states it is legal to marry a woman under the age of 18 and in some states it is legal to marry as young as 12 in states like Massachusetts where a parent or court give permission.

So as you grasp for straws to hold onto your bigoted view against gay marriage society will march on and here is a link for you on consent age for marriage and tell how do you feel about a 12 year old girl being able to get marry if the Parents or courts approve?

Age of marriage in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Polygamy Attorney On Gay Marriage Decision: SCOTUS Opinion ‘Resonates With Our Arguments’

And we should give a fuck about that why exactly?

You think legalized polygamy would be good thing?
Mormons claimed that polygamy was a religious practice and should be protected by the 1st Amendment. They lost in court in the 19th century.

Isn't it odd that the otherwise religious freedom zealots on the Right side with the Court instead of the Mormon faith on that issue?

Has the issue really been addressed in the last 100 years ? I think momons stopped (or were stopped) prior to 1900.

I don't know what it would look like today.

But it's just as odd that people who are so quick to defend marriage between two men can't grasp a man marrying two women.

It will only get real when one man wants to marry two men.
Turley's case was not a polygamy case; it was cohabitation case.

That means nothing.

It's the language he was citing (you know.....resonates).

It wasn't about polygamy. There is no legal polygamy under Utah law, and there isn't now.

Get another cup of coffee.

I said that. He was citing language and how it resonates with what his case was about (which really wasn't polygamy to begin with).
Polygamy Attorney On Gay Marriage Decision: SCOTUS Opinion ‘Resonates With Our Arguments’

And we should give a fuck about that why exactly?

You think legalized polygamy would be good thing?
Mormons claimed that polygamy was a religious practice and should be protected by the 1st Amendment. They lost in court in the 19th century.

Isn't it odd that the otherwise religious freedom zealots on the Right side with the Court instead of the Mormon faith on that issue?

Has the issue really been addressed in the last 100 years ? I think momons stopped (or were stopped) prior to 1900.

I don't know what it would look like today.

But it's just as odd that people who are so quick to defend marriage between two men can't grasp a man marrying two women.

It will only get real when one man wants to marry two men.

Mormons pretended that their God told them to stop with the polygamy for political purposes. It was standing in the way of statehood.
The GAYstapo claimed that gay marriage couldn't possibly lead to polygamy, but here it is:

Could Friday’s Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage across the country make polygamous marriage a legal reality nationwide in the near future?

Jonathan Turley, the attorney who won the polygamy marriage case in Utah for Kody Brown and his four “Sister Wives” thinks the majority opinion “resonates” with the arguments he made to the Utah Supreme Court to decriminalize polygamous consensual relationships.

Read more: Polygamy Attorney On Gay Marriage Decision SCOTUS Opinion Resonates With Our Arguments The Daily Caller
Well, what would you expect him to say? Good luck with that stuff guy.
The GAYstapo claimed that gay marriage couldn't possibly lead to polygamy, but here it is:

Could Friday’s Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage across the country make polygamous marriage a legal reality nationwide in the near future?

Jonathan Turley, the attorney who won the polygamy marriage case in Utah for Kody Brown and his four “Sister Wives” thinks the majority opinion “resonates” with the arguments he made to the Utah Supreme Court to decriminalize polygamous consensual relationships.

Read more: Polygamy Attorney On Gay Marriage Decision SCOTUS Opinion Resonates With Our Arguments The Daily Caller

What possible argument could there be now to deny polygamy? Or even set an age of consent?
The Mormon church has spent millions fighting against gay marriage rights.

That's some hi-grade irony for you.

Actually, that is where the bandwagon types on both sides expose themselves.

From what I know, polygamy was seen as a religious practice.

We are talking religion. In this case a class of people who claim to follow the bible....where polygamy was commanded of some of it's most idealized characters (Abraham for instance).

That same bible prescribes a punishment for homosexual behaviour.

Unless you find the bible to be ironic....at which point it's about every Christian Sect.

Me....I could care less. I want to exercise my right to not hear or read any more about gay marriage for five years.
Turley's case was not a polygamy case; it was cohabitation case.

That means nothing.

It's the language he was citing (you know.....resonates).

It wasn't about polygamy. There is no legal polygamy under Utah law, and there isn't now.

Get another cup of coffee.

I said that. He was citing language and how it resonates with what his case was about (which really wasn't polygamy to begin with).

The Daily Caller as usual totally misrepresents Turley in the article:

“The cases are actually different in that the Brown case is about the criminalization while today’s case was about recognition. We have not argued for recognition of plural marriages. Indeed, the Browns have never asked for multiple marriage licenses,” Turley said in an e-mail statement to The Daily Caller.
The GAYstapo claimed that gay marriage couldn't possibly lead to polygamy, but here it is:

Could Friday’s Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage across the country make polygamous marriage a legal reality nationwide in the near future?

Jonathan Turley, the attorney who won the polygamy marriage case in Utah for Kody Brown and his four “Sister Wives” thinks the majority opinion “resonates” with the arguments he made to the Utah Supreme Court to decriminalize polygamous consensual relationships.

Read more: Polygamy Attorney On Gay Marriage Decision SCOTUS Opinion Resonates With Our Arguments The Daily Caller

What possible argument could there be now to deny polygamy? Or even set an age of consent?
Consent is easy, since it's still required you fucking dumbass.

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