Poll: Would you prefered to have been aborted?

Would you have prefered to have been aborted?

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If Roe v. Wade is overturned it will be up to the states to decide. However horrific, accidental or loving the sex is, if a life is created it should be respected. It is women who wish to play the role of God and pretend it somehow just doesnt' count. Why ? They don't think it's fair.

So the life that has been created and which happens to be a woman with a fetus growing inside her was not created??? She does not need to be respected??? Sounds like you want to play God and pretend she somehow just doesn't count. You people make no sense whatsoever.
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The bottom line is this: who is any to force their religious and moral beliefs on anyone else especially when it has no affect on them??????

Great post. All of it.

I just wanted to comment on your last paragraph and say that where do these anti choicers get the idea that they and they alone speak for potential human beings? It's all supposition on anyone's part what a fetus would want.
Are these nutcases next going to appoint themselves official spokespersons for single cells when cloning of humans becomes a successful procedure?
There's nothing to get. It's not our fault you have a uterus and just because you do doesn't make killing a fetus OK.
Would you prefer that men carried the child for 9 months and delivered it ?

Not me. As I said earlier, if it were up to men to bear children, humans would have gone extinct eons ago.
We had this discussion on another thread, the mythological explicit sex education. Turned out to posters like dillo, explicit sex ed is admitting to students that babies don't arrive by stork.

Great post. All of it.

I just wanted to comment on your last paragraph and say that where do these anti choicers get the idea that they and they alone speak for potential human beings? It's all supposition on anyone's part what a fetus would want.
Are these nutcases next going to appoint themselves official spokespersons for single cells when cloning of humans becomes a successful procedure?

God forgive me!

I clipped my nails recently.
Well what if I need a kidney transplant? I can't take care of myself then can I? If your kidney is a match isn't it the position of "right to life" that government can force you to give one to me irrespective of your right to control your body? After all, my right supercedes all your other rights correct? Isn't that the position of right to life?

Good post.

It reminds me of a thought I had after logging off last night.

Isn't the idea that a woman can and should be denied the right to abort an argument against property rights?

It seems to me that some of these anti choicers are also the same ones (RetGySarge, Alli BeBop, etc) who are pro gun ownership for the purpose of protecting private property and who even applauded that maniac in Texas who shot the two burglars in the back. Wouldn't the idea that the the government could step in and say that you cannot do as you wish with your own body antithetical to their beliefs? If we own anything, wouldn't our own bodies be the thing to which we have the most obvious rights?
seriously tho, people will try to save your life just as they try to save the life of a child. If people could do something as simple as donating a kidney to stop an abortion I bet people would step up !

The question is whether the government should legislate. Should the government be able to force a person to donate a kidney because they are the best match for a person who will die otherswise.

You have actually answered that people will choose to help.

I think you are are pro-choice :D.
The question is whether the government should legislate. Should the government be able to force a person to donate a kidney because they are the best match for a person who will die otherswise.

You have actually answered that people will choose to help.

I think you are are pro-choice :D.

You see right through him. He is indeed prochoice.
[Wow, so what if the 16 year old girl is sexually abused and ends up pregnant? She didn't have a choice. What if a couple of kids have sex and use contraception but it fails (it does happen)? What a woman is told that if she continues with her pregnancy she'll die? Are you telling me the unborn's "life" is more valuable than the pregnant woman's life?

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, there'll be back street abortions and women and young girls will die. But I guess you think that's okay.

Palin believes that you should never have an abortion for any of the above reasons, right? :cuckoo:
Surely the original question should be... Have you ever masturbated?

We see the results of the original posters masturbation in his post.
Isn't the idea that a woman can and should be denied the right to abort an argument against property rights?

Not if you really understand that as far as some people in charge are concerned YOU and people like you are their property.

If we own anything, wouldn't our own bodies be the thing to which we have the most obvious rights?

Yes...if we really owned anything, that would be the case.

Are you free to come and go across international borders?

ARe you free to take any substance into your body?

Are you free to commit suicide?

Are you free not to pay taxes on your LABOR?

If you're a man 18 or older, are you free NOT to sign up for selective service?

Are you free NOT to have a social security number?

The freedom that we worship in this nation is rather how shall I say this without sounding like a lunatic? somewhat limited.

On that specific issue, I completely agree with my libertarian brothers and sisters who feel the noose of police state tightening around their necks.

Freedom in ANY society is a delusion.

At best we in this nation have rights, not freedoms.

And even those rights are something that most of us only have in THEORY.

Am I free to be a practicing Rastafarian? No. Ergo I do not have religious freedom regardless of what the Constitution tells me.

Do I really have the right to privacy? No. On the flimsiest evidence my whole life can be invaded by just about any cop that chooses to invade my privacy who can find even someone so nominally versed in the law as a Justice of the Peace to sign a warrant, regardless of what the Constitution tells me.

Do I really have the RIGHT to bear arms? Not really. Not unless my local police chief says its okay with him.

Do I really have the right to a fair and speedy trial? Not unless I can agree that the trial is fair and speedy, no, I do NOT.

The so-called freedoms we Americans think we have, as as emphemeral as the morning dew, folks.

In the harsh glare of de facto reality, we have no rights of freedom whatever.

Your property can be taken and YOU have to prove to a court that you own it, not the other way around.

You right to do with you body as you choose is serverly limited.

And if you don't have your freedom to own property, and you don['t have absolutely control over your body, then honestly...what freedom do you really have?

You have the freedom to delude yourself, I suppose, that you are free.
Aren't you playing the role of God by saying women shouldn't have a choice?

Yep. I guess dilloduck wants the single mom's living in poverty to wait until after they have the baby to kill them. I see it on the news all the time. Mom kills baby. . . . mom's boyfriend kills baby. Some people weren't meant to have kids and better they find that out before the baby is born!!!!!!!

I'm not going to bother because you're a man who clearly could care less what impact this has on women. If you were a woman, you might have a different opinion. Alas, you are entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine, and we're just going to have to "agree to disagree."

:banghead: Another guy who really just doesn't get it. :doubt:

All I see from you is an attempt at dismissing anything you don't agree with by attacking his gender.

You are correct about the definition of embryo. But it doesn't make a difference.

What exactly motivates you to spend so much time on the question of what one person does with her body? How does this affect your life?

There are fine advocates on the board who's mantra is "my body, my choice" but once a baby reaches the middle of the first trimester, they have a body too. Who speaks for their choice?

That was the purpose of this poll, to point out the fact that given the choice, who would choose to be aborted. Some might believe that by voting yes, they have obscured the poll, but the point is that at least they have the choice. The choice that a mother denies her unborn baby when she has an abortion.

Here are three great reasons, they are quotes from Jane Goodall:

The greatest danger to our future is apathy.

Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.

The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.

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