Poll for liberals: who do you support, AOC or Pelosi?

Pelosi or AOC

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No, we’re not talking about a false dichotomy, the feud is very real. Pelosi has one of the most effective politicians in passing laws. Make no mistake, I don’t agree with what she’s done, but she’s been an efficient adversary. Now AOC is a big mouth who has no followers in congress and has yet to do anything besides talk. So, who do you support?

Try to contain your glee. This is a minor tiff that will be quickly settled. There are bigger fish to fry, and neither of these women are as stupid as you think they are.
Are you telling us they are even dumber than we thought?
No, we’re not talking about a false dichotomy, the feud is very real. Pelosi has one of the most effective politicians in passing laws. Make no mistake, I don’t agree with what she’s done, but she’s been an efficient adversary. Now AOC is a big mouth who has no followers in congress and has yet to do anything besides talk. So, who do you support?

Nancy pelosi is clearly a racist who is frightened by strong women of color .....with edUmactaions

"Nancy Pelosi tried to scold the "Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse" this week, and boy, did it escalate quickly.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has responded by accusing the speaker of — what else? — racism. Considering Democrats spent the entire Obama era claiming that all opposition to their agenda constituted racism, it really could not have happened to a nicer party."

clown world is friggin bananas baby

Yeah. That's stupid. She isn't that bright.
No, we’re not talking about a false dichotomy, the feud is very real. Pelosi has one of the most effective politicians in passing laws. Make no mistake, I don’t agree with what she’s done, but she’s been an efficient adversary. Now AOC is a big mouth who has no followers in congress and has yet to do anything besides talk. So, who do you support?

As a Progressive Green Democrat, I support both AOC in promoting greater public outreach and participation in democratizing representation and the reform process.
And I still oppose Pelosi abusing federal govt to impose health care and other social
programs better managed on state and local levels. I believe AOC's strength would be
to go in the OPPOSITE direction and redistribute the authority to LOCAL populations
to manage their own social programs, including health care, education and now support for immigrants and workers instead of trying to divide sides nationally.

For the immigration funding, I disagree with both, but think Pelosi's approach is
wiser. If AOC wants to protest, it should be to push for local worker owned cooperative programs and schools, not depending on federal govt to mandate and manage that.

Both go against the direction and purpose by which the Constitution should be guiding and governing our nation.

But whatever Pelosi was getting wrong, by depending too much on federal govt
instead of solving the actual problems, AOC makes it worse and needs to use
the populist power to move in the other direction toward restoring democratic
control and representation back to the people.
and needs to
No, we’re not talking about a false dichotomy, the feud is very real. Pelosi has one of the most effective politicians in passing laws. Make no mistake, I don’t agree with what she’s done, but she’s been an efficient adversary. Now AOC is a big mouth who has no followers in congress and has yet to do anything besides talk. So, who do you support?

The only reason why AOC has any relevance is the right's obsession with her.
No, we’re not talking about a false dichotomy, the feud is very real. Pelosi has one of the most effective politicians in passing laws. Make no mistake, I don’t agree with what she’s done, but she’s been an efficient adversary. Now AOC is a big mouth who has no followers in congress and has yet to do anything besides talk. So, who do you support?
I'll take AOC, Pelosi is entirely owned by the ruling class.
Poll for liberals: who do you support, AOC or Pelosi?


i support both!
No, we’re not talking about a false dichotomy, the feud is very real. Pelosi has one of the most effective politicians in passing laws. Make no mistake, I don’t agree with what she’s done, but she’s been an efficient adversary. Now AOC is a big mouth who has no followers in congress and has yet to do anything besides talk. So, who do you support?

The only reason why AOC has any relevance is the right's obsession with her.
Lol, no your fellow democrats voted her in. We are just enjoying the show.
Mussolini was also a reject in his own party, and was exiled to Switzerland.

AOC should be exiled to Saudi Arabia!
Mussolini was also a reject in his own party, and was exiled to Switzerland.

AOC should be exiled to Saudi Arabia!

What for?

What the fuck does her Queens district have to do with "LaPorte Indiana"?

Maybe take care of your own home business and let others take care of theirs. YA THINK?
No, we’re not talking about a false dichotomy, the feud is very real. Pelosi has one of the most effective politicians in passing laws. Make no mistake, I don’t agree with what she’s done, but she’s been an efficient adversary. Now AOC is a big mouth who has no followers in congress and has yet to do anything besides talk. So, who do you support?

The only reason why AOC has any relevance is the right's obsession with her.

Zackly. If not for the obsessed on this board, particularly Weatherman2020 drooling over her every move from three thousand miles away, I would have never heard of her.

When parrots squawk they seem to want to outsquawk each other. The effect is that district of New York now has a "celebrity", which just strengthens her seat, as there's no such thing as bad publicity. It's how Rump got votes.

But it is revealing in posts like the one immediately before yours, that she scares them shitless. And that's entertaining. :popcorn:
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Mussolini was also a reject in his own party, and was exiled to Switzerland.

AOC should be exiled to Saudi Arabia!

What for?

What the fuck does her Queens district have to do with "LaPorte Indiana"?

Maybe take care of your own home business and let others take care of theirs. YA THINK?
she represents all of america.

in fact, my friends, when AOC takes a vote, she has to first think "how does this benefit Queens", and then "how does this benefit NY"...and then "how does this benefit America?"...and then "how does this benefit the world"

and if she doesn't have the guts to do that, she should get out of politics and find another job!
No, we’re not talking about a false dichotomy, the feud is very real. Pelosi has one of the most effective politicians in passing laws. Make no mistake, I don’t agree with what she’s done, but she’s been an efficient adversary. Now AOC is a big mouth who has no followers in congress and has yet to do anything besides talk. So, who do you support?

The only reason why AOC has any relevance is the right's obsession with her.
Lol, no your fellow democrats voted her in. We are just enjoying the show.

You must be new to this country.

You don't have to be a "democrat" [sic] (proper names get capitalized in English, so Democrat) to vote for one. AOC or any Congressional Rep anywhere, is voted in by what we call "VOTERS". Voters don't have to register with a political party in order to vote FOR that party's people. You might be amazed to learn that they can actually vote for anybody they want.

So why even join a political party?
Exactly. Most voters don't. The ones that do, hang out here and try to justify the unjustifiable. And watching them do that is why the rest of us don't bother.
Mussolini was also a reject in his own party, and was exiled to Switzerland.

AOC should be exiled to Saudi Arabia!

What for?

What the fuck does her Queens district have to do with "LaPorte Indiana"?

Maybe take care of your own home business and let others take care of theirs. YA THINK?
she represents all of america.

NO stupid, she represents ONE OF the districts in ONE state. Read your Constitution.

What am I saying ---- OK you can borrow mine.

You'll notice it spells out how Congress works, and does not spell out any provision for deportation on the basis that some attention whore from Indiana with no life gets to deport people they've never even met.

Fucking DUMBASS.
Agree with Disir, this looks more like a political party question.

I haven't been following it. I don't care. These are two Congressional Reps neither of whom represent my district.

WTF, so it only matters if they represent your district?
Agree with Disir, this looks more like a political party question.

I haven't been following it. I don't care. These are two Congressional Reps neither of whom represent my district.

WTF, so it only matters if they represent your district?

We have a winner! :eusa_dance:

Amazingly enough, I have my own Rep here who is not named AOC (or Pelosi). I vote for who that is and I've worked for one or against another. What I don't do is bring it here because this is a national board, not a Western North Carolina board. That means it's my problem, not the problem of fricking LaPorte Indiana or Washington state.

I mean how arrogant is it to go "hey you guys eight hundred miles away, I'm sending your Congressional Rep to Saudi Arabia".

Who knew right? Half this board thinks "AOC" is the entire House of Representatives.
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Agree with Disir, this looks more like a political party question.

I haven't been following it. I don't care. These are two Congressional Reps neither of whom represent my district.

WTF, so it only matters if they represent your district?

We have a winner! :eusa_dance:

Amazingly enough, I have my own Rep here who is not named AOC (or Pelosi). I vote for who that is and I've worked for one or against another. What I don't do is bring it here because this is a national board, not a Western North Carolina board.

So sad, but it's good to know we have such narrow minded folks on-line.
Agree with Disir, this looks more like a political party question.

I haven't been following it. I don't care. These are two Congressional Reps neither of whom represent my district.

WTF, so it only matters if they represent your district?

We have a winner! :eusa_dance:

Amazingly enough, I have my own Rep here who is not named AOC (or Pelosi). I vote for who that is and I've worked for one or against another. What I don't do is bring it here because this is a national board, not a Western North Carolina board.

So sad, but it's good to know we have such narrow minded folks on-line.

And that they name themselves ironically.

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