Politico panel predicts President Trump’s second “crazy” term


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Would President Trump’s second term be crazy?

Politico claims to have armchair time travelers who predicted the president’s win in 2016 when everybody else thought it was impossible.

So now they are going to tell us what a second term would be like.

The time is January 2021. The election has left the nation a psychological mess and a sulfurous cloud of election meddling by foreign hackers hangs over the still-contested results. Trump’s Ukraine scandal ultimately spared him but it wounded Joe Biden enough to give Elizabeth Warren the nominationHakeem Jeffries, a 50-year old lawmaker from a Brooklyn-Queens district that is a stone’s throw from the president’s childhood home.. Once again, though, the result came down to the Electoral College, but even closer than in 2016. Warren, like Hillary Clinton four years earlier, took the popular vote by a resounding margin. But this mixed verdict has done nothing but further entrench the battle lines of a civil war that has become more than just a metaphor.

Here we go. Another push to get rid of the Electoral College, the most basic protection against mob rule ever envisioned by our Founders.

They claim he will call out the troops on Inauguration Day and that the Dims would boycott it en masse. Their seats are given away in a lottery open to Trump supporters.


They claim the Dims will hold the House by a slim margin but Pelosi will call it quits, turning the Speaker’s gavel over to Hakeem Jeffries, a 50-year old lawmaker from a Brooklyn-Queens district that is a stone’s throw from the president’s childhood home.


The real kicker. He’ll continue stacking the Federal judiciary with conservatives and will have a chance to change SCOTUS for decades to come.

Trump’s critics also worry that, given four more years in office, the president's unconventional ways could have other long-lasting effects on society. “Young people will grow up thinking that’s the way politics is,” said Shays. “So many of the things our Founding Fathers believe in will just go out the window.”

To Trump supporters, including the ones who came along on our time machine ride, all the talk about the end of democracy sounds laughable. “We said the same thing in 2012. ‘The stakes are just so high,’” Nunberg said of the fears surrounding a second Obama term. “We were fine.”

America, Trump’s supporters argue, is much more durable than the president’s critics acknowledge—even if he wins two terms. “It drives me crazy,” Fleischer said, “when people think Donald Trump’s tweets somehow are stronger than James Madison’s handwriting.”

You really need to take the time to read the full piece. It’s sound, sometimes amusing, and an open admission by swamp creatures that Donald J. Trump will win again in 2020. Full piece @ What If Trump Wins?
Just a few things they are WRONG on.
1. He will win and it will be a bigger win in the electoral college than before. I think he takes Minnesota AND New Hampshire and POSSIBLY Virginia but not likely.
2. Carter I don't think will make it until next November or January
3. Graham would NEVER be asked to be Defense Secretary

Good lord....that person has a sick mind...seriously selling Alaska to Russia? Who comes up with this shit? Much less who actually allow this garbage to be put online!?
If Trump wins, America as we know it will die. That's what will happen. Talk shit on me now, but remember what I have said once 2023 rolls around if Trump wins.
If Trump wins, America as we know it will die. That's what will happen. Talk shit on me now, but remember what I have said once 2023 rolls around if Trump wins.
I thought Democrats ran on fundamentally changing everything?
You sound disingenuous.
If Trump wins, America as we know it will die. That's what will happen. Talk shit on me now, but remember what I have said once 2023 rolls around if Trump wins.

How did you pick 2023, Chicken Little? Is that when you graduate from high school?

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