Politically Unacceptable to Speak Scientific Truth?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
  1. 1.
    the alteration of something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.

    I just witnessed a video of Senator Corey Booker DARING SoS Nominee Pompeo to acknowledge that he considers homosexuality to be a perversion (based on a political speech of a few years ago).

    That homosexuality is a perversion is a scientific fact. The biologically-defined purposes of the penis, anus, and other parts of the digestive system are no mystery. One man who desires to, and in fact does, insert his penis into another man's anus in a parody of sexual intercourse is, in fact "perverse." It is also perverse when heterosexuals do similar things, even though it may be common and even though it feels good, and even though such heterosexuals may consider it a lovely part of their relationship.

    It is "perverse" to light a match to a weed, then inhale the smoke, in an attempt to accomplish a state of euphoria. That's not what our lungs are for. It is a perversion of breathing.

    But having said that homosexual CONDUCT is perverse is not "hate" any more than saying adultery is sinful, or jumping out of an airplane is foolish. Nor is considering homosexual conduct to be perverse any bar to embracing homosexual "marriage," when enacted constitutionally by a state legislature. It may very well be good public policy, especially in light of the AIDS pandemic.

    Booker's implication was that as Secretary of State, if Pompeo is on record as believing that homosexuality is perverse, Pompeo will be unable to credibly condemn persecution of homosexuals in countries (e.g., Saudi Arabia) where such persecution is either accepted or indeed, where it is public policy. I say, "Bullshit."

    Yet another example where the self-described, "Party of Science" abhors scientific reality where it conflicts with their perverse ideology.
yay, free markets...
yay, free markets...
What do vaginas have to do with homosexuals, as defined in the OP?

It falls under the topic of "sex".
I've said this before: homo sapiens have the ability to love anyone emotionally. They also use physical affection and sex to demonstrate this emotional love. Therefore, while perverse by any other natural standard, homosexual relationships are understandable given human capacity to equate the physical and emotional states of "love".
At least homosexuals and lesbians still accept that they are men, or women, albeit men who prefer sex with other men, or women preferring sex with other women. These folks are not so totally mind-screwed that they have lost track of their biologically specific gender.
And you know what's even more perverse than being "gender confused"? Accepting carte blanche each individual's self-determination as to what they "feel" like being. FACT: you are born Tab A or Slot B. No amount of surgical or chemical self-mutilation will ever change that FACT.
  1. 1.
    the alteration of something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.

    I just witnessed a video of Senator Corey Booker DARING SoS Nominee Pompeo to acknowledge that he considers homosexuality to be a perversion (based on a political speech of a few years ago).

    That homosexuality is a perversion is a scientific fact. The biologically-defined purposes of the penis, anus, and other parts of the digestive system are no mystery. One man who desires to, and in fact does, insert his penis into another man's anus in a parody of sexual intercourse is, in fact "perverse." It is also perverse when heterosexuals do similar things, even though it may be common and even though it feels good, and even though such heterosexuals may consider it a lovely part of their relationship.

    It is "perverse" to light a match to a weed, then inhale the smoke, in an attempt to accomplish a state of euphoria. That's not what our lungs are for. It is a perversion of breathing.

    But having said that homosexual CONDUCT is perverse is not "hate" any more than saying adultery is sinful, or jumping out of an airplane is foolish. Nor is considering homosexual conduct to be perverse any bar to embracing homosexual "marriage," when enacted constitutionally by a state legislature. It may very well be good public policy, especially in light of the AIDS pandemic.

    Booker's implication was that as Secretary of State, if Pompeo is on record as believing that homosexuality is perverse, Pompeo will be unable to credibly condemn persecution of homosexuals in countries (e.g., Saudi Arabia) where such persecution is either accepted or indeed, where it is public policy. I say, "Bullshit."

    Yet another example where the self-described, "Party of Science" abhors scientific reality where it conflicts with their perverse ideology.
And this is why we have a Constitution and its case law: to protect citizens from the fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate common to most on the right.
yay, free markets...
What do vaginas have to do with homosexuals, as defined in the OP?
It accurately references how the authoritarian right seeks to compel conformity through force of law matters both personal and private best left to individuals to determine, such as a woman’s right to privacy or expressions of individual liberty concerning sexual orientation.

Conservatives seek to regulate that which doesn’t warrant regulation, while ignoring issues where regulation is more than warranted.
the alteration of something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.

As in marrying a woman and then having sexual intercourse with another woman and paying her $130,000 to keep it quiet? Or a man lusting after his own daughter? Or perhaps a man endorsing another man for public office that is accused of pedophilia.

Conservatives, you are the poster child for perversion now. You support a POS that looks at a 10 year old female child and claims he'll be dating her in ten years.

You relinquished any and all claims today and in the future of moral high ground. You are the party of debauchery and filth.

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