Political Over reaction or measured response?


Zen Bonobo
May 1, 2006
Wady-Peytona Sector
Here is a interesting point of view.

December 08, 2007
When None Dare Urge Restraint

One morning, I got out of bed, turned on my computer, and my Netscape email client automatically downloaded that day's news pane. On that particular day, the news was that two hijacked planes had been flown into the World Trade Center.

These were my first three thoughts, in order:

I guess I really am living in the Future.
Thank goodness it wasn't nuclear.
and then
The overreaction to this will be ten times worse than the original event.

A mere factor of "ten times worse" turned out to be a vast understatement. Even I didn't guess how badly things would go. That's the challenge of pessimism; it's really hard to aim low enough that you're pleasantly surprised around as often and as much as you're unpleasantly surprised.

Recently my very polite and Christian School attending nephew was charged in an act of vandalism on a rival Christian School. His parents were appalled. His grandmother was beside herself. He had to go through a complicated sanctioning process with the authorities. Some prosecutor wanted to bring terrorism and hate crime charges against him.

I am a fan of the measured response in situations like the one above. In situations like attacks on our society from outside unconventional forces, I think that it requires creative, clandestine counter measure ops with special troops. Get the real intel. Pinpoint the target whether they are citizens of hand holding "jack off" buddy's country or not and do what needs to be done. What we got was grandstanding and institutional erosion on a grand scale.

I am now listening to Rudy doing a tap dance in the back ground about the questionable ME clients he has in his consulting firm. My wife is commenting on his body language and especially the facial signals that are flashing "I am a lying manipulating bastard." Rudy is way too slick by half. Russert is way too accommodating.

More as my outrage rises.

Over reaction is the domain of the inexperienced or rigid. Anyone who has raised kids should know better than to make a so big deal of a prank. We have all got in trouble, you eventually grow up.

“A mature person is one who is does not think only in absolutes, who is able to be objective even when deeply stirred emotionally, who has learned that there is both good and bad in all people and all things, and who walks humbly and deals charitably” Eleanor Roosevelt
Over reaction is the domain of the inexperienced or rigid. Anyone who has raised kids should know better than to make a so big deal of a prank. We have all got in trouble, you eventually grow up.

“A mature person is one who is does not think only in absolutes, who is able to be objective even when deeply stirred emotionally, who has learned that there is both good and bad in all people and all things, and who walks humbly and deals charitably” Eleanor Roosevelt

I agree with you as to parenting.

But, just to get back to Diogenes' point about Rudy, overresponse is also the general response of government to any problem, perceived or actual. Measured responses do not allow for self-congratulatory press conferences bathed in the pretence of some non-accomplishment accomplishment.
I agree with you as to parenting.

But, just to get back to Diogenes' point about Rudy, overresponse is also the general response of government to any problem, perceived or actual. Measured responses do not allow for self-congratulatory press conferences bathed in the pretence of some non-accomplishment accomplishment.

Ahh yes remember this the next time dems do exactly that.
Ahh yes remember this the next time dems do exactly that.

is called a "yes,BUT". It is the equivalent of "Mommy! He hit me first." It is juvenile petulance not given to establishing conversation, dialog or colloquy. All of which is outlined in the ground rules of conduct for this forum. I read it.

We do not need a straw man to discredit Rudy G. He is doing just fine on his own. If you want your America to be a moral, family centered, scandal free nation, then reject candidates who have displayed just the opposite in their personal lives. If they are marred in some way, then we need to know that by way of open records and a history of stepping up and taking responsibility.

My jobs over the years have required that I stay ahead of anyone that I am dealing with. I have to look for things that I can read in people. I have to have a plan of action for any eventuality. I have to be "fore-warned". I am a field op. I have had cubicle and office jobs. I found them to be tombs. My friend Sam was an infantry officer and a second time around helo pilot. When I got back together with him on projects in 1994, he was wearing tomb shrouds. He was out of touch. He had become a REMF. We have since become a formidable field operation buying and selling (business machines and supplies). We run things on the basis of a Recon or LRRP op. We are running H&I on our competition, the IKONS and the Dankas. I read the wind and he pulls the trigger (closes sales). We have our support units but we run the op.

There is a vast difference between "I filled a slot." and "I run my shop like a military operation." There is a vast difference between "Go counter this operation." and "Go shoot a bunch of people." That has been tragically played out all too often in the pasts weeks.

How does Rudy run his shop? Watch Lawrence of Arabia again. Lawrence had a whole passel of "Rudies" to deal with.

I heard an interesting bit from Peter Jennings last evening. I was with friends late and we mixed our conversation with PBS. It was an interview from before Peter's death in '05.

Here is Jennings appraisal of party effectiveness in the US. "The Democrats have a wealth of ideas and practical solutions to the affairs of state. Sadly, they are fractured and disorganized in their efforts. The Republicans on the other hand have a superior organization and nose-to-the-grindstone types in the ranks. They do not, however, display any brilliance or practical ability in the operation of government for the people."

I know that this is another DD brain dump. I started this hours ago and I keep adding and revising. There must be a diamond in here somewhere.

Over reaction is the domain of the inexperienced or rigid. Anyone who has raised kids should know better than to make a so big deal of a prank. We have all got in trouble, you eventually grow up.

“A mature person is one who is does not think only in absolutes, who is able to be objective even when deeply stirred emotionally, who has learned that there is both good and bad in all people and all things, and who walks humbly and deals charitably” Eleanor Roosevelt

TEaching your children about the negative consequences of poor choices is one of the best favors you can do them.

Underreaction is every bit as destructive and dangerous as overreaction. And I can't imagine any reaction strong enough as to be an "overreaction" to 9-1-1. Fewer people died when Pearl Harbor was bombed. Obviously there is a problem that needs to be addressed, and strongly.

With regards to a child who vandalizes schools, I'd say the family was right in being appalled. It is not a funny thing to commit a crime, at whatever age. And the younger a child tries to break the law and get away with it, the younger he needs to learn that lesson. And one of the things he should have to be subjected to is the mortification and suffering his family goes through when he does something so supremely stupid.

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