Political Landscape.

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
This is not a nanoessay based on thorough research. This is off the top off my mind.

About 30% of Americans are firmly Conservative -- called Deplorables by Liberals. About 35% of Americans are firmly Liberal -- aka The Woke. About 25% of Americans are Independent/Hesitant/Apolitical.

Only about 10% of Americans are strong supporters of many groups that are neither Liberal nor Conservative. They are third parties. Maybe 3% are Nationalists of different Races and Nations. Maybe 2% are Christian and Muslim Fundamentalists. Maybe 1% are Classical Liberals. Maybe 1% are Brogressives.

As a Classical Liberal I have fundamental disagreements with Liberals and Conservatives. I support Freedom and Equality for all People. I believe that no one should be deprived of food, shelter, and medical care -- even the many unable and few unwilling to work.

Third party people are too few to have any influence. We are too few to build our own Media, Social Media or Economy. We are not in a position to demand anything of anyone. Hopefully Conservatives will allow us to use their Media and Social Media. The Woke tolerate no dissent. Hopefully we can be allies to Conservatives at least in some areas -- like Making America Free Again.
This is not a nanoessay based on thorough research. This is off the top off my mind.

About 30% of Americans are firmly Conservative -- called Deplorables by Liberals. About 35% of Americans are firmly Liberal -- aka The Woke. About 25% of Americans are Independent/Hesitant/Apolitical.

Only about 10% of Americans are strong supporters of many groups that are neither Liberal nor Conservative. They are third parties. Maybe 3% are Nationalists of different Races and Nations. Maybe 2% are Christian and Muslim Fundamentalists. Maybe 1% are Classical Liberals. Maybe 1% are Brogressives.

As a Classical Liberal I have fundamental disagreements with Liberals and Conservatives. I support Freedom and Equality for all People. I believe that no one should be deprived of food, shelter, and medical care -- even the many unable and few unwilling to work.

Third party people are too few to have any influence. We are too few to build our own Media, Social Media or Economy. We are not in a position to demand anything of anyone. Hopefully Conservatives will allow us to use their Media and Social Media. The Woke tolerate no dissent. Hopefully we can be allies to Conservatives at least in some areas -- like Making America Free Again.
Can you name the groups that are being deprived of food, shelter, and medical care?
I can not and will not support the party of total failure, the GOP.

Bush was a total failure. He inherited a balanced budget and a projected surplus, and turned that into total financial collapse. And started 2 wars that he couldn't win. Total failure.

Trump was just as bad. Trump watsed $trillions on spending programs, never had 3% GDP growth annually then completely imploded on covid and fucked it up viciously. America had the worst covid response in the world, with the most cases and the most deaths.

Anybody that loves America and wants America to be great can not logically defend the failure of the GOP.

I wish the GOP would finally admit they fucked everything up, so they can change their failed ways. But they won't do it. Republicans would rather live a lie, than admit they failed.

This chart says it all:

US GDP presidents.png
This is not a nanoessay based on thorough research. This is off the top off my mind.

About 30% of Americans are firmly Conservative -- called Deplorables by Liberals. About 35% of Americans are firmly Liberal -- aka The Woke. About 25% of Americans are Independent/Hesitant/Apolitical.

Only about 10% of Americans are strong supporters of many groups that are neither Liberal nor Conservative. They are third parties. Maybe 3% are Nationalists of different Races and Nations. Maybe 2% are Christian and Muslim Fundamentalists. Maybe 1% are Classical Liberals. Maybe 1% are Brogressives.

As a Classical Liberal I have fundamental disagreements with Liberals and Conservatives. I support Freedom and Equality for all People. I believe that no one should be deprived of food, shelter, and medical care -- even the many unable and few unwilling to work.

Third party people are too few to have any influence. We are too few to build our own Media, Social Media or Economy. We are not in a position to demand anything of anyone. Hopefully Conservatives will allow us to use their Media and Social Media. The Woke tolerate no dissent. Hopefully we can be allies to Conservatives at least in some areas -- like Making America Free Again.
About 35% of Americans are firmly Liberal.


As a Classical Liberal.

Judging by your post, you wouldn't know a classical liberal if he punched you in the face.
As a Classical Liberal I have fundamental disagreements with Liberals and Conservatives. I support Freedom and Equality for all People. I believe that no one should be deprived of food, shelter, and medical care -- even the many unable and few unwilling to work.
Such expansion of the federal government does not follow in Classical Liberalism.
Such expansion of the federal government does not follow in Classical Liberalism.

OK, I will refrain from calling myself a Classical Liberal.

I strongly disagree with Liberals on some issues.
I strongly disagree with Conservatives on some issues.
Such expansion of the federal government does not follow in Classical Liberalism.

OK, I will refrain from calling myself a Classical Liberal.

I strongly disagree with Liberals on some issues.
I strongly disagree with Conservatives on some issues.
Lets discuss the actual issues instead of generalities.
Here are some of the policies democrats support that I oppose:
Open Borders and lax immigration policies
Defund the police
Russia First Energy policies
Lax Military posture
The Green New Deal
Support of criminals, no bail, etc.
Reprogramed US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
Oppose school vouchers
China First trade policies
Outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists
This is not a nanoessay based on thorough research. This is off the top off my mind.

About 30% of Americans are firmly Conservative -- called Deplorables by Liberals. About 35% of Americans are firmly Liberal -- aka The Woke. About 25% of Americans are Independent/Hesitant/Apolitical.

Only about 10% of Americans are strong supporters of many groups that are neither Liberal nor Conservative. They are third parties. Maybe 3% are Nationalists of different Races and Nations. Maybe 2% are Christian and Muslim Fundamentalists. Maybe 1% are Classical Liberals. Maybe 1% are Brogressives.

As a Classical Liberal I have fundamental disagreements with Liberals and Conservatives. I support Freedom and Equality for all People. I believe that no one should be deprived of food, shelter, and medical care -- even the many unable and few unwilling to work.

Third party people are too few to have any influence. We are too few to build our own Media, Social Media or Economy. We are not in a position to demand anything of anyone. Hopefully Conservatives will allow us to use their Media and Social Media. The Woke tolerate no dissent. Hopefully we can be allies to Conservatives at least in some areas -- like Making America Free Again.
My guess is that the largest single group doesn't associate itself with either primary tribe. The problem is that, within the structure of our current political system, it's only those who belong to a tribe and are hyper-political who get all the attention and have all the influence.

So what are the "members" of this large group supposed to do? Are they supposed to play this dishonest and destructive game and join one of the tribes, mindlessly and obediently spinning and lying and attacking when needed to protect that tribe, as we see every day?

The obvious fix here is a strong and viable third party. But again, within our current system, that isn't going to happen. So it appears that we're stuck and sinking in an anthropological quicksand, and we're watching it manifest in real time, as both tribes only become more separated.
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This is not a nanoessay based on thorough research. This is off the top off my mind.

About 30% of Americans are firmly Conservative -- called Deplorables by Liberals. About 35% of Americans are firmly Liberal -- aka The Woke. About 25% of Americans are Independent/Hesitant/Apolitical.

Only about 10% of Americans are strong supporters of many groups that are neither Liberal nor Conservative. They are third parties. Maybe 3% are Nationalists of different Races and Nations. Maybe 2% are Christian and Muslim Fundamentalists. Maybe 1% are Classical Liberals. Maybe 1% are Brogressives.

As a Classical Liberal I have fundamental disagreements with Liberals and Conservatives. I support Freedom and Equality for all People. I believe that no one should be deprived of food, shelter, and medical care -- even the many unable and few unwilling to work.

Third party people are too few to have any influence. We are too few to build our own Media, Social Media or Economy. We are not in a position to demand anything of anyone. Hopefully Conservatives will allow us to use their Media and Social Media. The Woke tolerate no dissent. Hopefully we can be allies to Conservatives at least in some areas -- like Making America Free Again.
Can you name the groups that are being deprived of food, shelter, and medical care?

Let's be practical. Look at the map.

Red States have the worst healthcare.

Trump has weaponized devisiveness..
I oppose Mainstream Liberals:

-- Cancel Culture
-- Presumption of Guilt for those who are accused of Sexual Misconduct
-- View of men as a class of oppressors

I oppose Mainstream Conservatives:

-- I support Welfare ; denying help to those in need is inhumane
-- Guns; 572,000 Americans died by guns in 1999-2016
-- White Nationalism; it has been reemerging among some parts of Conservative Counterculture
-- American History is largely History of Slavery, Genocide, etc.

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