Political Death Pool

Iron Head

VIP Member
Oct 3, 2015
Can we do a celebrity death pool on presidential candidates? There are some old and unhealthy fuckers in the presidential race. Both Bernie and Hillary are old and could expire at any moment. Chris Christie is obviously in poor health and could stroke out at any point, especially given his temper. I suspect that Martin O'Malley already has a brain tumor. Trump is old. Bush is older than you would think. Fiorina is getting up there and has already had cancer. Huckabee is old and getting fat. Carson is black.

Maybe they all live another year, and maybe not.

We can play for points, with the younger ones like Rubio being worth more points than the older ones like Hillary and Sanders. Run the timeline up until the election.

Any interest in this?
Can we do a celebrity death pool on presidential candidates? There are some old and unhealthy fuckers in the presidential race. Both Bernie and Hillary are old and could expire at any moment. Chris Christie is obviously in poor health and could stroke out at any point, especially given his temper. I suspect that Martin O'Malley already has a brain tumor. Trump is old. Bush is older than you would think. Fiorina is getting up there and has already had cancer. Huckabee is old and getting fat. Carson is black.

Maybe they all live another year, and maybe not.

We can play for points, with the younger ones like Rubio being worth more points than the older ones like Hillary and Sanders. Run the timeline up until the election.

Any interest in this?

Reagan was 69 when first elected in 1980. You are right, it WAS a big mistake to elect a pre-Alzheimer bobbing head.
And god forbid electing anyone who makes movies with primates as lead characters.


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