Political correctness is kind of phony


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
i know a lot of people who say things that align with the pc dogma and never say anything that dares violate because of the fear of being deemed racist or some other nasty name. The very fact that something is not said does not mean it hasn't been thought of by the same person. They are just holding back what they really think which means that these people are not being themselves. What are people who are not being themselves? Phonies!

Here is an example. I am not sexually attracted to black women and I don't like to date outside my race. This doesn't mean I would not do so. I do find Hispanic women HOT! Even though I may find hispanic women attractive I may not date one because I don't like to date outside my race. I do like to date outside my gender though. Some people may really find this offensive for many reasons. Do these people have the right to compel me to force me to do something I don't want to do? The answer should be NO! But the pic police come along and would condemn me as racist until I feel I have adjust my preferences. Preferences that might make me unhappy.

It just seems like political correct people are living there lives a lie because they are forced to say things that they don't internally agree with. They do so just to please the politically correct enforcers and that just seems unfair. I also see the same fear in many republican candidates as well.

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