Political confessions


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Conservatives and Liberals. Here is an interesting thought: Would any of you care to look in the mirror and confess something about your chosen party you don't like?

As a Liberal, I'll start: Democrats, stop harping on race so much, you need to tell us your views about national security, the national debt, a collective response to COVID 19, income inequality, etc. It can't be all about race. Anyone here care to confess their own party's sins??
Conservatives and Liberals. Here is an interesting thought: Would any of you care to look in the mirror and confess something about your chosen party you don't like?

As a Liberal, I'll start: Democrats, stop harping on race so much, you need to tell us your views about national security, the national debt, a collective response to COVID 19, income inequality, etc. It can't be all about race. Anyone here care to confess their own party's sins??

Yes, the Republicans need to grow some cojones and quit caving in to the Commiecrats.
Dear conservatives,

Stop being cuckservatives and conserve something for a change. Less principles, honor and purity spiral, more winning.

The end.
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Oh also,

To the republican anti-Americans who participated in the DNC convention, you are a bunch of losers. It is no wonder the country is in the trouble it is in, having you as our prior leaders. Total unmitigated failure.

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