Police tell Detroiters to buy guns

That the gun laws in Detroit are no more restrictive than the rest of the state, therefore invalidating your original thought in that regard.

Now tell us what you think about the police chief's suggestion to the people of Detroit.

How does that "invalidate" my "original thought"?

And I don't give a shit about what the Police Chief of Detroit has to say.
I don't think crime is dependent upon gun control laws. Criminals are going to commit crimes regardless of gun laws, hence why we refer to them as "criminals."

You would be extremely silly not to have some sort of weapons for self defense if you live in a bad section of ANY city. The police will never get there in time to "save" you. They will show up after the fact, so why is it a problem for law-abiding citizens to practice their 2nd amendment rights again?

I don't think crime is dependent on gun laws either, and I don't have any problem with people "practicing their 2nd Amendment rights".
When the police tell good 'ol boys and girls to arm themselves, it is suddenly all right.

And who are these "good 'ol boys and girls" you refer to? United States citizens who want to practice one of their rights? If YOU want to be at the mercy of some criminals who wouldn't think twice about harming you, then that's your problem.

And BTW, yes it IS alright. It is a citizen's right.
Same source notes that the three lowest murder rate cities are Plano TX, Lincoln NE and Henderson NV.

Gun laws in Texas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gun laws in Nebraska - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gun laws in Nevada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What do you think this proves?

What "issue" do you want me to address?
The one where the DPD chief advise the people of Detroit to arm themselves.
Here is an interesting story about a few gun owners who saved lives.

Here are three gun owners who stopped crime and saved lives, courtesy of the Second Amendment | The Daily Caller

From the article:

Two of the instances occurred on Saturday morning. Two men — one armed a tire iron — attempted to rob a home in southwest Detroit and attacked the homeowner. Luckily, he was armed with a gun, and shot back. One of the criminals was killed; the other fled the scene.

A woman in west Detroit parked her car a in a garage and was immediately confronted by a man with a gun. According to WXYZ News, she dropped her belongings so as to confuse the man, and then shot him.

Detroit Policed Deputy Chief Rodney Johnson approved of the actions taken.

“I think it’s just a matter of the individual homeowners protecting themselves and finally catching up with the criminals in that enough is enough and they aren’t going to take it anymore,” he said in a statement.

Earlier last week, a Detroit mother used a gun to defend her home and her young children from three teenage intruders, at least one of whom was armed. The criminals retreated after the mother fired at them, and all were later arrested by police.

According to Johnson, more and more Detroit citizens are applying for gun permits.
Same source notes that the three lowest murder rate cities are Plano TX, Lincoln NE and Henderson NV.

Gun laws in Texas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gun laws in Nebraska - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gun laws in Nevada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What do you think this proves?

The one where the DPD chief advise the people of Detroit to arm themselves.

I don't think it "proves" anything - except perhaps blowing the "Guns prevent crime" bullshit completely out of the water.

Gun laws and crime rates have almost nothing to do with each other.
No, you just assume I do because I don't swallow the "Guns prevent crime" line of bullshit.

I have no problem with people owning guns. I have plenty myself.

I just posted a story about a few instances where they have actually stopped crime. If a man broke into your home with the intent on raping your wife and children, don't tell me you wouldn't get your gun and use it on him. Don't tell me that you wouldn't feel sorry if you didn't shoot him. I believe there are MANY instances in which a gun could have saved a person's or persons' lives. Not all, but many.
I don't think it "proves" anything - except perhaps blowing the "Guns prevent crime" bullshit completely out of the water.
The three cities with the lowest murder rates being in states with lax gun control doesn't support this?

Gun laws and crime rates have almost nothing to do with each other.
You say right after you cite the fact that the three cities with the highest murder rates are in states with lax gun control.
I just posted a story about a few instances where they have actually stopped crime. If a man broke into your home with the intent on raping your wife and children, don't tell me you wouldn't get your gun and use it on him. Don't tell me that you wouldn't feel sorry if you didn't shoot him. I believe there are MANY instances in which a gun could have saved a person's or persons' lives. Not all, but many.

I could find "a few instances" when brooms were used to "stop crime".

The plural of anecdote is not data.
The three cities with the lowest murder rates being in states with lax gun control doesn't support this?

You say right after you cite the fact that the three cities with the highest murder rates are in states with lax gun control.

You're not getting it.

My point is that Gun Control laws and Crime Rate have no real relevance to each other at all.
Mumbo jumbo. I just posted an article where people have saved themselves and others with firearms. You cannot refute that point. It happens.

The fact that "it happens" doesn't mean that it happens enough to be statistically relevant to any sort of discussion.

People murder each other with legal guns, too.
The fact that "it happens" doesn't mean that it happens enough to be statistically relevant to any sort of discussion.

People murder each other with legal guns, too.

I totally disagree. Having an armed populace would tend to deter at least some crime out of fear of being shot and killed!! That's why mass shooters ALWAYS target gun free zones. They can do the most damage with minimal resistance, and they know this.
The topic of this thread is that you (and the Detroit Police Chief) are claiming that guns prevent crime.
I disagree.
How is that not "on topic"?
Isn't it obvious?

Your point is that Gun Control laws and Crime Rate have no real relevance to each other at all.
The topic here centers around the idea that more legally armed citizens means less crime.

So, again, I ask: How is your point relevant to the topic?

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