Police State: Police Officer Slays Marine Sergeant In School Parking Lot...

If he is acting erratically, and failing to comply with orders the police can use force. He should have tazed him before anything else though, but if time was imminent he did what he had to do to save the girls. Do I agree with it? Nope, but I wasn't there so I cannot judge the officer, I did not see what he seen.

Shooting the man dead was not the cop's only recourse. He should be held accountable.

The marine brought this on himself. The sergeant did that right thing. You ae wrong.
and please do tell how how brought it on himself
The man was unarmed. Shooting him dead was not necessary. It's very sad.

If he is acting erratically, and failing to comply with orders the police can use force. He should have tazed him before anything else though, but if time was imminent he did what he had to do to save the girls. Do I agree with it? Nope, but I wasn't there so I cannot judge the officer, I did not see what he seen.

Shooting the man dead was not the cop's only recourse. He should be held accountable.

Who knows what transpired? Not knowing the full story, I can't judge this cop; however, if the cop did shoot him without a good reason, it certainly wouldn't be the first time that has happened. The only reason a cop should shoot somebody is if the cop's life is in danger or another person's life is in danger. Some cops are trigger happy; some panic; some cops just shouldn't be cops. I don't know which one this cop is; perhaps he's a good cop who made a good decision. We just don't have the full story. And we certainly can't judge all cops based on the actions of one - whether he acted justly or not.
Shooting the man dead was not the cop's only recourse. He should be held accountable.

The marine brought this on himself. The sergeant did that right thing. You ae wrong.
and please do tell how he brought it on himself

I sure don't see it either... "appeared to be acting irrationally" WTF? :cuckoo:

Sgt. Manuel Loggins Jr. was shot early Tuesday as he started to get into the SUV where his two daughters -- 9 and 14 -- were sitting, authorities said. Jim Amormino, a spokesman for the department, said the deputy was fearful that Loggins -- who he said appeared to be acting irrationally -- was about to drive off with the girls.

"The real threat that was perceived was the safety of the children," Amormino said.

"The deputy formed an opinion that he had a deep concern for the children, that he would not allow Mr. Loggins to drive away with the kids," Amormino said.

A former commanding officer said Loggins routinely went to the school with his daughters during the early-morning hours to walk the track and read the Bible.

Amormino said Loggins was not armed and that it doesn’t appear the incident was alcohol- or drug-related.

Deputy killed Marine out of fear for children's safety, officials say - latimes.com
The cop did the right thing.

Shoot this guy before he flees.

When you crash thru a gate and fail to follow orders from a peace officer with a gun aimed at you with your children only a few feet away, that's proof enough for me that you don't give a damn about their well being.

When that guy flees, you have a high speed pursuit endangering the kids, the cops and the general public.
The cop did the right thing.

Shoot this guy before he flees.

When you crash thru a gate and fail to follow orders from a peace officer with a gun aimed at you with your children only a few feet away, that's proof enough for me that you don't give a damn about their well being.

When that guy flees, you have a high speed pursuit endangering the kids, the cops and the general public.

he crashed through a gate ?
I don't know about 'most' police. I know about those around me. Here they hold a BS in police science or they were MP's in military. The departments spend about $100k in training each for first 2 years and they are never alone during that time. So yeah, there are some that are let go, but I'm fairly confident with those on the street.

With that said, if any of them were making a call and shooting their gun, much less killing someone, there would be a very detailed report. Hopefully we'll get a better picture down the line.

They are taught how to be cops which emphasizes paper work. I am talking about tactical and situational awareness. That takes extensive training that is not taught (other than a one day tactics class for the vast majority) to police officers.

The kind of training I am talking about is put on by Gunsite, Thunder Ranch and a whole host of other specialised training facilities. Police officers will rarely be reimbursed for taking that type of training.

Most cops look at the gun as just a simple tool on their belt. It isn't. It is the most powerful tool they carry, and its misuse leads to pain, anguish and death. They are not trained in its proper use no matter how many will say they are.

I feel that ALL police officers should be required to take at least one of those classes a year and yes, I would happily pay more in taxes to cover that expense. It will pay for itself quickly in reduced lawsuit payouts.

you don't know what you are speaking about. Lost all credibility here in my eyes.

Sadly, yes I do. Go ahead and look up what the requirements are for a LEO as regards tactical and weapons training. Go ahead...I dare you. BTW here is a picture of a SWAT team I helped back in the day and their little thank you for helping them win the SWAT Championship.


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If he is acting erratically, and failing to comply with orders the police can use force. He should have tazed him before anything else though, but if time was imminent he did what he had to do to save the girls. Do I agree with it? Nope, but I wasn't there so I cannot judge the officer, I did not see what he seen.

Shooting the man dead was not the cop's only recourse. He should be held accountable.

The marine brought this on himself. The sergeant did that right thing. You ae wrong.

The Marine "deserved it"? First of all, you have no idea what happened. Second, there are very few circumstances where a person "deserves" to be fatally shot. Unless he was about to harm the officer or his kids, I don't think you can say he deserved it. Maybe he had a mental disorder; maybe he was just pissed and acting erratically; does that mean he deserved to be killed? The point is, you don't know what happened. Making such a harsh judgement not only makes you sound foolish, but heartless as well.
The cop did the right thing.

Shoot this guy before he flees.

When you crash thru a gate and fail to follow orders from a peace officer with a gun aimed at you with your children only a few feet away, that's proof enough for me that you don't give a damn about their well being.

When that guy flees, you have a high speed pursuit endangering the kids, the cops and the general public.

Crashing through a gate does not warrant deadly force. Go ahead and ask any number of cops and cities who have been sued for doing less.
The cop did the right thing.

Shoot this guy before he flees.

When you crash thru a gate and fail to follow orders from a peace officer with a gun aimed at you with your children only a few feet away, that's proof enough for me that you don't give a damn about their well being.

When that guy flees, you have a high speed pursuit endangering the kids, the cops and the general public.

there is no claim he crashed through a gate.. received any clear request from a police officer or even aware a gun was pointed at him and his nearby children or that he was facing eminent deadly force.....so why do you assert such bullshit??
The cop did the right thing.

Shoot this guy before he flees.

When you crash thru a gate and fail to follow orders from a peace officer with a gun aimed at you with your children only a few feet away, that's proof enough for me that you don't give a damn about their well being.

When that guy flees, you have a high speed pursuit endangering the kids, the cops and the general public.

Crashing through a gate does not warrant deadly force. Go ahead and ask any number of cops and cities who have been sued for doing less.

I have seen no claim he crashed through a gate
They are taught how to be cops which emphasizes paper work. I am talking about tactical and situational awareness. That takes extensive training that is not taught (other than a one day tactics class for the vast majority) to police officers.

The kind of training I am talking about is put on by Gunsite, Thunder Ranch and a whole host of other specialised training facilities. Police officers will rarely be reimbursed for taking that type of training.

Most cops look at the gun as just a simple tool on their belt. It isn't. It is the most powerful tool they carry, and its misuse leads to pain, anguish and death. They are not trained in its proper use no matter how many will say they are.

I feel that ALL police officers should be required to take at least one of those classes a year and yes, I would happily pay more in taxes to cover that expense. It will pay for itself quickly in reduced lawsuit payouts.

you don't know what you are speaking about. Lost all credibility here in my eyes.

Sadly, yes I do. Go ahead and look up what the requirements are for a LEO as regards tactical and weapons training. Go ahead...I dare you. BTW here is a picture of a SWAT team I helped back in the day and their little thank you for helping them win the SWAT Championship.

I'll wait for the reports and the lawsuits. truth will out.
you don't know what you are speaking about. Lost all credibility here in my eyes.

Sadly, yes I do. Go ahead and look up what the requirements are for a LEO as regards tactical and weapons training. Go ahead...I dare you. BTW here is a picture of a SWAT team I helped back in the day and their little thank you for helping them win the SWAT Championship.

I'll wait for the reports and the lawsuits. truth will out.

I agree. I believe I said that in my first post.
Nah, we don't have a Police problem in this country. No way.

A veteran Orange County sheriff’s deputy feared for the safety of two young girls sitting in a parked car when he shot and killed a Marine sergeant in a dark parking lot near San Clemente High School, authorities said Friday.

Sgt. Manuel Loggins Jr. was shot early Tuesday as he started to get into the SUV where his two daughters -- 9 and 14 -- were sitting, authorities said. Jim Amormino, a spokesman for the department, said the deputy was fearful that Loggins -- who he said appeared to be acting irrationally -- was about to drive off with the girls.

"The real threat that was perceived was the safety of the children," Amormino said.

"The deputy formed an opinion that he had a deep concern for the children, that he would not allow Mr. Loggins to drive away with the kids," Amormino said.

A former commanding officer said Loggins routinely went to the school with his daughters during the early-morning hours to walk the track and read the Bible.

Amormino said Loggins was not armed and that it doesn’t appear the incident was alcohol- or drug-related.

The shooting is being investigated by the Orange County district attorney's office. The deputy, a 15-year veteran, is on paid leave, which is routine in officer-involved shootings.

Police officer slays Marine sergeant in school parking lot | The Daily Caller

That's what cops do - they shoot/tase first and ask questions later....

Damn right this is a police state and no doubt that cop will get off with just a slap on the wrist because the general public believes cops are "good guys" when they're anything but.

One would have to be a narcissistic conceited asshole to be a cop - at least in urban areas...

Urban cops are worse than gangbangers...

Then cops have the audacity to use phrases like: "we get the bad guys."

The cop in this case belongs in prison on charges of manslaughter 1...
The cop did the right thing.

Shoot this guy before he flees.

When you crash thru a gate and fail to follow orders from a peace officer with a gun aimed at you with your children only a few feet away, that's proof enough for me that you don't give a damn about their well being.

When that guy flees, you have a high speed pursuit endangering the kids, the cops and the general public.

Crashing through a gate does not warrant deadly force. Go ahead and ask any number of cops and cities who have been sued for doing less.

I have seen no claim he crashed through a gate

Then you haven't read the articles posted.

The deputy, a 15-year veteran, told investigators he was parked at San Clemente High School writing reports when he spotted Loggins driving "at a high rate of speed" before turning into the lot and crashing into a gate near the football field.

Deputy Says He Shot 'Irrational' Marine to Protect Kids in Car - San Clemente, CA Patch
There is NO way this is justifiable shooting. Police are taught non-lethal ways first. Shooting someone is last resort and only to protect life. The cop should have tasered or maced him.

If an unknown male person, at 4:00AM is attempting to drive away with two crying little girls on the back seat the option is taser or mace?

How well do they go through automobile windows?

[DISCLAIMER: Not saying the cop is right, but the assumption that there is "NO" way may be premature until the investigation is complete.]

The article said he was the children"s father and he was known for doing this.

He was known for early morning walks by his wife and maybe his friends.

That doesn't mean the cop knew anything about his routine at O'Dark Thirty.

And he was known for crashing through school gates in an SUV?

Still do not see the justification.

4:00AM at an unoccupied school.


Crashes school gate.

Children crying in the back of an SUV.

Unknown male person refuses to comply with police directive.

Unknown male person enters SUV with unknown children in the back and starts the vehicle with the intent to depart.

Assuming in the middle of winter the window was closed, Tazer or Mace would have been useless. A single cop on the beat out of his patrol car would not have been able to block the departure. (If the patrol car was in front of the SUV, it could backup. If behind the SUV it can pull forward.)

I'm at least willing to say that there may be justification and to wait for a complete investigation instead of being willing to hang the cop.

Once again, those arguing the other side have no idea WTF is going on.
The deputy, a 15-year veteran, told investigators he was parked at San Clemente High School writing reports when he spotted Loggins driving "at a high rate of speed" before turning into the lot and crashing into a gate near the football field.

The deputy pulled up behind Loggins and radioed for backup. It was about 4:40 a.m. Tuesday.

Loggins, 31, stepped out of the Yukon and walked off into the darkness toward the football field, ignoring a series of commands made by the deputy. His two daughters, ages 9 and 14, remained in the vehicle."

Link to follow....here it is, from Grunt11b post #7 in this thread. http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...rgeant-in-school-parking-lot.html#post4818089

How the F*** can y'all form an opinion without know WTF happened?
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Crashing through a gate does not warrant deadly force. Go ahead and ask any number of cops and cities who have been sued for doing less.

I have seen no claim he crashed through a gate

Then you haven't read the articles posted.

The deputy, a 15-year veteran, told investigators he was parked at San Clemente High School writing reports when he spotted Loggins driving "at a high rate of speed" before turning into the lot and crashing into a gate near the football field.

Deputy Says He Shot 'Irrational' Marine to Protect Kids in Car - San Clemente, CA Patch

into and trough are very different actions one could be careless driving the other implies a will-full attempt to break through a barrier
I love how "oops" is some kind of legitimate excuse for a cop...

Yeah sure, they may be fired for their "oops" but most cops are NEVER held accountable - at least not in the eyes of the law (as a civilian would be held accountable)...

Jon Burge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^^ That motherfucker got 4 years in prison for this:

Jon Graham Burge (born December 20, 1947) is a convicted felon and former Chicago Police Department detective and commander who gained notoriety for allegedly torturing more than 200 criminal suspects between 1972 and 1991, in order to force confessions

Yeah you pro cop motherfuckers go read about this guy^..
Crashing through a gate does not warrant deadly force. Go ahead and ask any number of cops and cities who have been sued for doing less.

I have seen no claim he crashed through a gate

Then you haven't read the articles posted.

The deputy, a 15-year veteran, told investigators he was parked at San Clemente High School writing reports when he spotted Loggins driving "at a high rate of speed" before turning into the lot and crashing into a gate near the football field.

Deputy Says He Shot 'Irrational' Marine to Protect Kids in Car - San Clemente, CA Patch

Cops are fucking liars that will say absolutely anything to justify their authoritarian fuckups..

Unknown male crashes through school gate at approximately 04:30AM with two crying children in the back.

Under the same circumstances it was found out that the unknown male was a serial child molester:

1. And the individual was killed under the same circumstances the Cop would be awarded for quick and decisive action in saving the two children


2. The individual was allowed to leave the scene with the children the Cop would be demonized and branded incompetent.​


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