POLICE STATE: NYPD Officers After Arrest: "I Don't Even Know Why We Pulled Him Over"...

Yup, Big Brother can do no wrong. You Authority-Worshippers really should reconsider your worship. Big Brother does a whole lotta wrong. Seriously, it's true.

I'm not saying there are no bad apples out there, so far this year 83 of the folks you seem to hate so much have died in the line of duty, so excuse me if I tend the give them the benefit of doubt when people like you attempt to paint them with a broad brush. They've got a though and necessary job to do, imagine what the streets of our largest cities would look like without them.

Still not a valid excuse. We all know cops do both right and wrong. That's true of any profession. But the real problem is that they rarely get punished properly for their wrongdoing. They're treated like they are above the law. And that's what the People are rising up against.

Police need to be treated just like average Citizens are. There's a real sense out there among the People, that cops feel they can do anything. And that's a very big problem. Until things change, prepare for much more violent civil unrest.

Not making any excuses, just stating facts. And honestly I don't give a crap about what the uninformed might think, I see cops brought up on charges in my area quite often, just about every month or so you see a cop doing a perp walk on the local news. But hey let's not let facts get in the way of good propaganda designed to motivate the low information voters.

It's not about Politics for me. It's a serious legitimate concern. In American today, you're far more likely to be seriously injured or murdered by a cop, than by a Terrorist. And that is very disturbing. Certainly nothing to be proud of.

And considering the number of interactions the American public has with police, you have better odds of being struck by lightning than being killed by a cop. Also the vast majority that are killed bring it on themselves, cops don't start every shift wishing for all the paperwork and scrutiny that an officer involved shooting brings. Personally I think you need a reality check.

Too many interactions. That could be the root of the problem. It's time to move away from gung-ho Gestapo tactics. The American Police Force could be the most violent deadliest Police Force on earth. The stats are very disturbing. They're injuring and murdering Citizens at a shockingly high rate.

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