Police Say Umbrella Man is Right Wing White Supremacist

Theoretically, if "Umbrella Man" was really just a "white supremacist" looking to stir up shit, it shows how stupid the left is, in falling for it.

I don't believe UM is anything other than a Lib, but to go with the idea that he is some kind of "conservative" really would show the libs to be really freaking gullible and stupid to follow the lead of someone they don't know.
Theoretically, if "Umbrella Man" was really just a "white supremacist" looking to stir up shit, it shows how stupid the left is, in falling for it.

I don't believe UM is anything other than a Lib, but to go with the idea that he is some kind of "conservative" really would show the libs to be really freaking gullible and stupid to follow the lead of someone they don't know.
Some people just look like leaders.
Who else are the colored folk gonna follow
That King dude is dead.
A masked man who was seen in a viral video smashing the windows of a south Minneapolis auto parts store during the George Floyd protests, earning him the moniker "Umbrella Man," is suspected of ties with a white supremacist group and sought to incite racial tension, police said.

A Minneapolis police arson investigator said the act of vandalism at the AutoZone on E. Lake Street helped spark a chain reaction that led to days of looting and rioting. The store was among dozens of buildings across the city that burned to the ground in the days that followed.

"This was the first fire that set off a string of fires and looting throughout the precinct and the rest of the city," Sgt. Erika Christensen wrote in a search warrant affidavit filed in court this week. "Until the actions of the person your affiant has been calling 'Umbrella Man,' the protests had been relatively peaceful. The actions of this person created an atmosphere of hostility and tension. Your affiant believes that this individual's sole aim was to incite violence."

Police identified "Umbrella Man" thanks to a tip that came via e-mail last week, Christensen said.

Suck It, wingnuts! :lol:
A masked man who was seen in a viral video smashing the windows of a south Minneapolis auto parts store during the George Floyd protests, earning him the moniker "Umbrella Man," is suspected of ties with a white supremacist group and sought to incite racial tension, police said.

A Minneapolis police arson investigator said the act of vandalism at the AutoZone on E. Lake Street helped spark a chain reaction that led to days of looting and rioting. The store was among dozens of buildings across the city that burned to the ground in the days that followed.

"This was the first fire that set off a string of fires and looting throughout the precinct and the rest of the city," Sgt. Erika Christensen wrote in a search warrant affidavit filed in court this week. "Until the actions of the person your affiant has been calling 'Umbrella Man,' the protests had been relatively peaceful. The actions of this person created an atmosphere of hostility and tension. Your affiant believes that this individual's sole aim was to incite violence."

Police identified "Umbrella Man" thanks to a tip that came via e-mail last week, Christensen said.

Suck It, wingnuts! :lol:

When Umbrella Man is brought into custody, that's when you should be bragging. My own view is if he is actually identified and picked up, it will turn out he isn't a member of any white supremacy group or the Hell's Angels.
One white connected to a marginal group played Pied Piper to thousands of minorities.......is that something to be proud of.......is that some sort of excuse...the white devil made me do it

That HEADLINE is not supported, at all, by the ACTUAL story the paper printed.

"The man, who has a criminal history that includes convictions of domestic violence and assault, did not respond to messages seeking comment."

At this time, ZERO evidence "Umbrella Man" was associated with far right groups. More likely an ANTIFA man.

A masked man who was seen in a viral video smashing the windows of a south Minneapolis auto parts store during the George Floyd protests, earning him the moniker "Umbrella Man," is suspected of ties with a white supremacist group and sought to incite racial tension, police said.

A Minneapolis police arson investigator said the act of vandalism at the AutoZone on E. Lake Street helped spark a chain reaction that led to days of looting and rioting. The store was among dozens of buildings across the city that burned to the ground in the days that followed.

"This was the first fire that set off a string of fires and looting throughout the precinct and the rest of the city," Sgt. Erika Christensen wrote in a search warrant affidavit filed in court this week. "Until the actions of the person your affiant has been calling 'Umbrella Man,' the protests had been relatively peaceful. The actions of this person created an atmosphere of hostility and tension. Your affiant believes that this individual's sole aim was to incite violence."

Police identified "Umbrella Man" thanks to a tip that came via e-mail last week, Christensen said.

Suck It, wingnuts! :lol:
Why would they 'suck it.'

Interesting how tins of people looting and rioting happen to be totally innocent because you manage to find a single white supremacist in their midst. Must be nice when you never have to be held accountable for your own actions.

When the right is violent, it is the fault of the right. When the left is violent, it is the fault of the right. With that mentality you never have to worry about burning down your local store - its the other guys fault.
Is the Blue Lives Matter crowd now choosing to disregard what the Blue Lives have found through their investigation?

Funny, the right wing defends the police actions with the protesters. No matter what the police do.

They defend the police when the police kill people who aren't a threat to them. Or simply innocent people walking down the street.

Yet the police come out and tell them that the person who was violent is a right winger and white supremacist, the same people turn around and say the same police are lying.

These people really need to get their lies straight.
Good news.

The New York Times has picked up the story and has published it.

The Times is the number one news publication in the world.

Millions of people will read the story and know the truth.

It's the far right doing the violence. Not the protesters.

There is no pay wall on this article. It's from the Times but published on MSN.

Good news.

The New York Times has picked up the story and has published it.

The Times is the number one news publication in the world.

Millions of people will read the story and know the truth.

It's the far right doing the violence. Not the protesters.

There is no pay wall on this article. It's from the Times but published on MSN.

The NYT isn't reliable at all. They hid Stalin's crimes with their star reporter, Duranty. Only one of many fake stories
Good news.

The New York Times has picked up the story and has published it.

The Times is the number one news publication in the world.

Millions of people will read the story and know the truth.

It's the far right doing the violence. Not the protesters.

There is no pay wall on this article. It's from the Times but published on MSN.

The NYT isn't reliable at all. They hid Stalin's crimes with their star reporter, Duranty. Only one of many fake stories

For heaven's sake, stop with the Stalin garbage. I notice you give no proof either.

The police and mayor are telling people the truth, the New York Times is helping to get the truth out.

Bummer for you liars. Maybe you people should stop being such cowards. Maybe you should stop being violent.

That's just a suggestion. All intelligent adults would take it. I know you won't take it.

The New York Times is the number one newspaper in the world. It's trusted and read by millions of people all over the world.

Now they all know the truth.
This man went to an Auto Zone with a sledge hammer bashing out the windows. Protesters asked him to stop but he didn't.

Soon after the auto zone was on fire. Soon after that another site was on fire.

It turns out that the "rioting" and fires in Minneapolis was far right wing white supremacist.

Another city police department proving the violence was from the far right. Not the protesters. Not antifa.

The truth keeps coming out about the violence and it seems to be the far right doing it.

Please share this article with everyone you know. Put it out on social media. Have everyone you know share it. Help get the truth out.

From your link: " Police say a man captured on surveillance video breaking windows at a south Minneapolis auto parts store in the days after George Floyd’s death is suspected of ties with a white supremacist group and sought to incite racial tension."




Meaning, you're wish to blame someone else, but you can't prove it.

Some suspected he was an alien, and probably was, it just can't be proven.
This man went to an Auto Zone with a sledge hammer bashing out the windows. Protesters asked him to stop but he didn't.

Soon after the auto zone was on fire. Soon after that another site was on fire.

It turns out that the "rioting" and fires in Minneapolis was far right wing white supremacist.

Another city police department proving the violence was from the far right. Not the protesters. Not antifa.

The truth keeps coming out about the violence and it seems to be the far right doing it.

Please share this article with everyone you know. Put it out on social media. Have everyone you know share it. Help get the truth out.

Yep, MSNBC was just reporting on this.

Can you clarify, were they reporting actual story, or were they reporting what Guardian said?
This man went to an Auto Zone with a sledge hammer bashing out the windows. Protesters asked him to stop but he didn't.

Soon after the auto zone was on fire. Soon after that another site was on fire.

It turns out that the "rioting" and fires in Minneapolis was far right wing white supremacist.

Another city police department proving the violence was from the far right. Not the protesters. Not antifa.

The truth keeps coming out about the violence and it seems to be the far right doing it.

Please share this article with everyone you know. Put it out on social media. Have everyone you know share it. Help get the truth out.

So funny-
Police identified "Umbrella Man" thanks to a tip that came via e-mail last week, Christensen said.

The Star Tribune could not independently verify the police account, which has so far only surfaced in the search warrant, and isn't naming the man because so far he has not been charged with a crime. The man, who has a criminal history that includes convictions of domestic violence and assault, did not respond to messages seeking comment. Spokespersons for the Minneapolis Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which is also involved in the investigation, declined to comment.

So the left wing media runs with a rumor planted to a media source, for just that purpose and when proven fake will not issue you a correction. What do you bet? These fake stories have been surfacing the last few days due to the violence of the protests that have actually come to light. They are trying desperately to change the narrative.
It’s classic dem playbook! How do you think the lies about Trump being a Russian agent spread?


From the anonymous source familiar with the matter, perhaps?
This man went to an Auto Zone with a sledge hammer bashing out the windows. Protesters asked him to stop but he didn't.

Soon after the auto zone was on fire. Soon after that another site was on fire.

It turns out that the "rioting" and fires in Minneapolis was far right wing white supremacist.

Another city police department proving the violence was from the far right. Not the protesters. Not antifa.

The truth keeps coming out about the violence and it seems to be the far right doing it.

Please share this article with everyone you know. Put it out on social media. Have everyone you know share it. Help get the truth out.


So let me get this straight.

You are saying the police are lying.

Weird. When it comes to the protesters and anyone who isn't white you're defending police.

Now you're saying those same police are lying.

This man went to an Auto Zone with a sledge hammer bashing out the windows. Protesters asked him to stop but he didn't.

Soon after the auto zone was on fire. Soon after that another site was on fire.

It turns out that the "rioting" and fires in Minneapolis was far right wing white supremacist.

Another city police department proving the violence was from the far right. Not the protesters. Not antifa.

The truth keeps coming out about the violence and it seems to be the far right doing it.

Please share this article with everyone you know. Put it out on social media. Have everyone you know share it. Help get the truth out.

A possible ID, of one dude.

Meanwhile all the other stuff was done by leftists.
This man went to an Auto Zone with a sledge hammer bashing out the windows. Protesters asked him to stop but he didn't.

Soon after the auto zone was on fire. Soon after that another site was on fire.

It turns out that the "rioting" and fires in Minneapolis was far right wing white supremacist.

Another city police department proving the violence was from the far right. Not the protesters. Not antifa.

The truth keeps coming out about the violence and it seems to be the far right doing it.

Please share this article with everyone you know. Put it out on social media. Have everyone you know share it. Help get the truth out.

There's something radically wrong with you.


I'd say, everything.

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