Police officer fired for apprehending suspect

I can't imagine harassing someone over a missing mud flap.
The cop was going to pull him over for a missing flap. He refused to pull over and then pulled over, stopped and then bolted again. He had to be stopped with tire puncturing strips. Of course the cops were pointing guns at him. He finally put his hands in the air and some stupid rookie let the dog go. Clearly not law enforcement protocol. I just wonder why the guy just didn't pull over and why he said he didn't know what they wanted......Stupid idiot.....They wanted him to pull over!!!

What's the first thing a sane person does when a cop lights up his lights and siren behind them? They PULL OVER!!!! What's the first thing this guy does? PASS ANOTHER TRUCK!!! Only a stupid shit OR a wanted criminal would do dat shit.
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The rest of the officers knew it was wrong. He was standing there with his hands up.

All over missing a mud flap. Surely there are more aggrevious crimes out there.

One less incompetent officer. No loss.
The cop hadn't had time to tell the truck driver why he was pulled over, the driver just took off in the truck.
So, Mr. Pknopp officer, you are the officer that pulled him over but he takes off before you can just issue either a ticket or a warning. The missing mud flap on an 18 wheeler, means danger to the cars behind and you are paid to enforce the law, all of them.
Back to you being in the cop's shoes. What goes through your mind when a car or truck flees you, without explanation?
Here's what would no doubt be going through his mind:
1. What's in the truck that the guy doesn't want the cop to see.
2. Is it a large amount of illegal contraband?
3. Is it a group of illegal migrant traffickers of women and minors for sex exploitation?
4. Does the driver have illegal drugs in the cab section?
5. Did the driver just steal the truck and it hadn't been reported yet.
6. Is the driver under the influence of alcohol?
7. A murdered person in the back.
I just watched a video of a guy pulled over for speeding and upon looking at the driver side of the car he was in, were bullet holes. The guy was being vague, so the cop called for backup and guess what, in the trunk of the car was the dead body of the car's actual owner.
Had you been the cop and let the matter go and later found out that the reason the guy fled, was any one or more of those things listed, you would have probably just shrugged and said....my bad, with a sheepish grin.
In any case, as they say in law enforcement, there is "no such thing" as a routine traffic stop.
The blame largely rests with the driver of the truck for acting like an idiot over something that would have only generated a warning or ticket.
Wait how many people have Biden's dog bit?
Ten, at last count. Those he bites could sue but they'd lose their careers and pension because of the effed-up way DC handles Dem scandals. I laugh when I think of the one time when a SS detail had two members that were seeing each other boyfriend/girlfriend relationship and Joe was prancing around his pool naked - the sick fuck - and made a move on the woman and the male moved on HIM and damned near smacked his ass down before his buddies jumped in and restrained him. That whole family is white trash SCUM.
The cop was going to pull him over for a missing flap. He refused to pull over and then pulled over, stopped and then bolted again. He had to be stopped with tire puncturing strips. Of course the cops were pointing guns at him. He finally put his hands in the air and some stupid rookie let the dog go. Clearly not law enforcement protocol. I just wonder why the guy just didn't pull over and why he said he didn't know what they wanted......Stupid idiot.....They wanted him to pull over!!!

What's the first thing a sane person does when a cop lights up his lights and siren behind them? They PULL OVER!!!! What's the first thing this guy does? PASS ANOTHER TRUCK!!! Only a stupid shit OR a wanted criminal would do dat shit.

The article notes why he didn't. He didn't trust the cops and he had no reason to believe he had done anything wrong. Along comes this cop and justifies his concern.
The cop hadn't had time to tell the truck driver why he was pulled over, the driver just took off in the truck.
So, Mr. Pknopp officer, you are the officer that pulled him over but he takes off before you can just issue either a ticket or a warning. The missing mud flap on an 18 wheeler, means danger to the cars behind and you are paid to enforce the law, all of them.
Back to you being in the cop's shoes. What goes through your mind when a car or truck flees you, without explanation?
Here's what would no doubt be going through his mind:
1. What's in the truck that the guy doesn't want the cop to see.
2. Is it a large amount of illegal contraband?
3. Is it a group of illegal migrant traffickers of women and minors for sex exploitation?
4. Does the driver have illegal drugs in the cab section?
5. Did the driver just steal the truck and it hadn't been reported yet.
6. Is the driver under the influence of alcohol?
7. A murdered person in the back.
I just watched a video of a guy pulled over for speeding and upon looking at the driver side of the car he was in, were bullet holes. The guy was being vague, so the cop called for backup and guess what, in the trunk of the car was the dead body of the car's actual owner.
Had you been the cop and let the matter go and later found out that the reason the guy fled, was any one or more of those things listed, you would have probably just shrugged and said....my bad, with a sheepish grin.
In any case, as they say in law enforcement, there is "no such thing" as a routine traffic stop.
The blame largely rests with the driver of the truck for acting like an idiot over something that would have only generated a warning or ticket.

Read the article. He was calling in to the police asking why it was he was being pulled over. All they had to say was he was missing a mud flap. As I noted above, along comes this officer and justifies his concerns.
Hope this hIghly trained costly Police Officer who may have made a mistake? Lands on his feet in another local to fight Criminal vermin so that I don’t have to do it.
A mistake is unintentional departure from right, what this Jackass did was willful. It reminds the racist of the Good Old Days when cops could do that and get a medal pinned on their chest the next week.
The article notes why he didn't. He didn't trust the cops and he had no reason to believe he had done anything wrong. Along comes this cop and justifies his concern.
In the end it was shown he did break the law.

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