Police dog bites unarmed man

You're missing my point. I'm not exonerating the police here. My point is that the left and those who are sympathetic to criminals refuse acknowledge all the choices prior to interacting with police and which led to interacting with police. Now, when the interaction occurs, both parties have choices to make. From a statistical standpoint, the hundreds or thousands of traffic stops that occur a day go without incident because both parties make good choices. It's only the ones that become a shit show that get the attention. The ones that involve black criminals get the most attention because, let's be honest here, it's a divisive political tool today.
What the left continues to do is ignore the choices that led to the interaction with officers.

It's the same narrative for other racial issues:
Blacks have lower home ownership rates, therefore we have a system racial issue in this country.
What's not talked about are the poor financial and life choices that results in a denied home loan. You can find countless articles about these types of narratives. But they will never discuss the poor financial habits that led to that outcome.

You should really quit while you are behind.

Seriously. You should just quit.
You're missing my point. I'm not exonerating the police here. My point is that the left and those who are sympathetic to criminals refuse acknowledge all the choices prior to interacting with police and which led to interacting with police. Now, when the interaction occurs, both parties have choices to make. From a statistical standpoint, the hundreds or thousands of traffic stops that occur a day go without incident because both parties make good choices. It's only the ones that become a shit show that get the attention. The ones that involve black criminals get the most attention because, let's be honest here, it's a divisive political tool today.
What the left continues to do is ignore the choices that led to the interaction with officers.

It's the same narrative for other racial issues:
Blacks have lower home ownership rates, therefore we have a system racial issue in this country.
What's not talked about are the poor financial and life choices that results in a denied home loan. You can find countless articles about these types of narratives. But they will never discuss the poor financial habits that led to that outcome.
Blacks make poor choices because they are inferior, duh

I mean, back when redlining was a thing, it didn't much matter what choices those darkies made, they weren't gonna be living in certain areas....but now , that is over....and the only reason blacks are at the bottom is because of their genetics.....if only they would listen to the good blacks, they would be better off...

Right now, the crisis is all of the anti-white government oppression that is causing folks in rural America to not be able to get ahead in life
Blacks make poor choices because they are inferior, duh

I mean, back when redlining was a thing, it didn't much matter what choices those darkies made, they weren't gonna be living in certain areas....but now , that is over....and the only reason blacks are at the bottom is because of their genetics.....if only they would listen to the good blacks, they would be better off...

Right now, the crisis is all of the anti-white government oppression that is causing folks in rural America to not be able to get ahead in life
To be fair, there are a lot of dumb ass white trailer trash out there! Here is Ciny Ohio representing like a beast!

Blacks make poor choices because they are inferior, duh

I mean, back when redlining was a thing, it didn't much matter what choices those darkies made, they weren't gonna be living in certain areas....but now , that is over....and the only reason blacks are at the bottom is because of their genetics.....if only they would listen to the good blacks, they would be better off...

Right now, the crisis is all of the anti-white government oppression that is causing folks in rural America to not be able to get ahead in life

The reason you can’t get ahead is that Slaves received a significant personal benefit. They got job skills for example. If you would like to try your hand at Slavery to get your descendants ahead you could try it.
Actually he choose not to stop when the cops tried to do a traffic stop for a mud flap.

However he did eventually stop and exit the vehicle as instructed. He raised his hands in surrender as instructed. Let me see your hands is the usual command.

His previous actions would and in fact did guarantee his arrest and charges of various crimes. Including many felonies. However. His resistance ended when he was standing with his hands up in compliance with instructions.

At that point in time the jobs of the cops just got a lot better. They get to take the guy into custody without anyone getting injured. That means less paperwork. If the guy is surrendering chances are he will talk. And the case against him, already pretty strong, will be even stronger.

The actions of the idiot dog handler just made the half hour pursuit that led up to that moment wasted time for the cops. Further that minute of the dog attacking will cost the city a lot of money. Money they could have used for other things.

You may say Insurance Pays. Yes. If they are insured the insurance pays. And then like all insurance the premiums go up. So even if the city doesn’t pay out of pocket. They’ll pay eventually with higher rates.

Now the case against the baddie is up in smoke. You can’t put those cops on the stand. Because the first thing the Defense will do in cross examination is use that video and ask the officer if his voice is one of those saying don’t release the dog.

The baddie is walking free because of the idiot cop and that attitude you espouse. Think about it. The cops are supposed to get the bad guys off the street. That one idiot cop not only put the bad guy back on the street. That idiot cop made sure the bad guy was walking away with a lot of money. The lesson? Crime pays, if you are fortunate enough to get an idiot cop arresting you.

I predicted the outcome. And sure enough, here it is.

The DA is dropping all the charges. They obviously hope it will reduce the demands for compensation from the excessive force.

Those of you who thought it was a good thing? Thanks to that idiot cop the Baddie is going free and going to get paid big bucks. Crime does pay.

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