Police Department In Marietta, Georgia Makes BJJ Training Mandatory


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
let's all join, my friends!

Interesting. Someone that is trained can definitely have an advantage.
That is not going to help one fucking bit in the current climate. Dislocate somebody's elbow. Screams of police brutality will echo the country, lawsuit, and prosecution. And God help us if a barely trained cop in the heat of the moment holds that choke for a couple seconds too long.
let's all join, my friends!

I like this idea for police training. It will give officers a non-lethal fighting edge against your average street dirtbag. The only problem is if they come up against someone that is highly trained in Jeet Kune Do and Wing Chun. Then there is a fair probability that the cop ends up on the losing end of the hand-to-hand combat situation.
People with good physical skills and the confidence that comes with it, don't panic and shoot folks full of holes unnecessarily.

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