Plus and minus on Herman Cain

I like Cain a lot. He was extremely impressive at the debate last week and really connected with the average American.

Will be interested to see if his popularity rises down the road. It very well may. He's an incredibly intelligent man and a breath of fresh air in politics.

When his popularity does rise expect the MSM and political forum posters to amp up the attacks against him in full force.

So, you want a lobbyist for POTUS?
I like Cain a lot. He was extremely impressive at the debate last week and really connected with the average American.

Will be interested to see if his popularity rises down the road. It very well may. He's an incredibly intelligent man and a breath of fresh air in politics.

When his popularity does rise expect the MSM and political forum posters to amp up the attacks against him in full force.

So, you want a lobbyist for POTUS?

Plese explain why that is a problem.

And further explain why you deem him a lobbyist
You run it like a business to make it more efficient, it has nothing to do with making a profit. don't. Running the government like a business is what go us in the mess we're in. Businesses are not models of effenciency. If they were, the CEO's would be making
10's and 100's of millions each year while running companies into the ground.....
You run it like a business to make it more efficient, it has nothing to do with making a profit. don't. Running the government like a business is what go us in the mess we're in. Businesses are not models of effenciency. If they were, the CEO's would be making
10's and 100's of millions each year while running companies into the ground.....


You are so niave.

Are you aware of how small a percentage of businesses went out of business?

I like Cain a lot. He was extremely impressive at the debate last week and really connected with the average American.

Will be interested to see if his popularity rises down the road. It very well may. He's an incredibly intelligent man and a breath of fresh air in politics.

When his popularity does rise expect the MSM and political forum posters to amp up the attacks against him in full force.

So, you want a lobbyist for POTUS?

What has that got to do with anything.
His sales tax would do away with a lot of lobby power
You run it like a business to make it more efficient, it has nothing to do with making a profit. don't. Running the government like a business is what go us in the mess we're in. Businesses are not models of effenciency. If they were, the CEO's would be making
10's and 100's of millions each year while running companies into the ground.....

You have never had your own business have you? :lol:
Some of you clowns ought to Google up Cain's impressive business background over the past decades.

He'd chew up and spit out Barry boy in a debate.

They also need to google Cain vs Clinton and watch Herman Cain leave Bill Clinton speechless back in 1994 at a townhall.
A lot of people think that Cain is the reason Hilarycare never got passed. After watching the video, I don't think thats far from the truth.
Sorry, I'm not allowed to post links yet, but it's easy enough to find. Maybe someone else can post it. It's awesome and he had 10,000 employees at the time.
People may call him the pizza guy, but he is much, much more than that.
You run it like a business to make it more efficient, it has nothing to do with making a profit. don't. Running the government like a business is what go us in the mess we're in. Businesses are not models of effenciency. If they were, the CEO's would be making
10's and 100's of millions each year while running companies into the ground.....

The difference is the government is borrowing 10's and 100's of BILLIONS of dollars each year while running the entire country into the ground. Companies can and will go bankrupt, and so will the United States if we get four more years of uncontrolled spending.
The thing that gets me about Cain is that he talked about the economy without mentioning lost money, the Fed, trade agreements.

He talked about immigration without mentioning NAFTA.

He doesn't seem to be up to speed on the issues he just spouts Repub talking points.
when someone says no need to audit , thats when you send a team to audit

Cain is correct when he says auditing the Fed would be a waste of tax payer money. What's to audit? What are they going to uncover that isn't right on their website?
I'm new and not allowed to post links yet.
However, if you go to you can find all the data imaginable.
Just look off to the right and there are links to current releases for everything.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System FRB: Site Map
Isn't he the pizza guy?

Yep...I Googled it over the weekend and discovered that its a few pizza parlors scattered across the South.

Yet, you find these radical RW lemmings speaking of it as if its some great accomplishment.

It doesn't even reach Kroger status, not even Piggly Wiggly.

Cain is no longer in the Pizza biz. Hasn't been for quite some time.
Isn't he the pizza guy?

Yep...I Googled it over the weekend and discovered that its a few pizza parlors scattered across the South.

614 is a FEW? :eek::eek:

You wouldn't be fibbing because you fear he might threaten your Messiah®- would you Mark?

MarcAtl is a racist lying partisan.
His words have absolutely no value.
His presence on this board, unfortunately, diminishes the credibility of the board.
I guess that puts him square into the cheap labor camp.

:lol: :lol: :clap2:

No, but he brought Burger King from least profitable to profitable in 3 yrs and then he brought Godfather's Pizza to unprofitable to profitable in 14 months.
With a record like that I think he would be able to make our country profitable again.

the country isn't a business. it doesn't exist to make profits.

That's about the only difference. When you run a business you don't spend more than you take in and neither should the government. Cain knows that and he has said he will run it like a business.
Well more and more folks will become aware of Cain as the debates continue. So since he's a black man you can make book it's just a matter of time until the uncle Tom, house ******, etc., etc. comments start up from black Dimocrats.

I would bet a good steak dinner that there isn't a conservative black man or woman ANYWHERE that would have any redeeming qualities according to the group trashing Cain here. A conservative black man is especially sooooooo threatening to any leftwinger, they can't resist digging up anything negative they can find and, if they can't find anything, they'll make it up.

And they accuse the GOP and conservatives of being racist. :)
It really bugs me when people say things like Herman Cain? Oh yea, the God Father's Pizza guy.
degree in mathematics from Morehouse College in 1967
Master’s degree program at Purdue University
Department of the Navy, 6yrs as a mathematician
Coca-Cola Company successful career
Pillsbury Company VP
Pillsbury’s Burger King division
450 Burger King restaurants.
CEO and President of Godfather’s Pizza,
President and the CEO of the National Restaurant Association,
Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City elected their chairman.
and “The Herman Cain Show,”

Cain Can 2012
I like what he said about going through every department up there in Washington and keeping what works, getting rid of what doesn't work.
That's what a good CEO does.
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the country isn't a business. it doesn't exist to make profits.

It isn't a ghetto either nor does it exist to distribute largesse to grievance groups.
But Obama still got elected president.

In any case government action does have a large effect on business and someone who understands that would be preferable to someone who thinks wealth just exists in a vacuum.

Yoiu sound like one of those racists. Anytime a black person is involved you equate it with a ghetto? And thats why you'll continue to lose.

Jeez what a fucking clueless idiot you are.
Obama's "career" started out in the ghetto in Chicago "community organizing" in the housing projects.
New guy coming out of right field I never heard of before.

So I did a bit of looking here and there.

He seems a very competent businessmen, as opposed to Trump who is mostly competent at self promotion. He has been writing for a while (never saw his stuff, so I am going to have to hunt it down) and has had some government service in the Federal Reserve bank of KC.

First big "I don't like this" is he is a gold bug. I think gold bugs are very spooky. Gold buggery is the big reason I favored Bush I over Jack Kemp. Seeing how that was a mistake, I am going to be a bit more forgiving this time.

Especially since I have issues with the major front runners Huckabee and his revolving door jails and Romney and his version of Obamacare light.

My personal favorites aren't in the running right now. I was big on Palin, but now my first choice would be Christie.

Anyway, Cain looks very able. He may run off with it, the way things look right now.