PLO Adopts Trump Strategy: If Ya Can't Beat 'Em, Sue 'Em


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
This action shows for certain that the Palestinians does not want and will never accept peace with Israel. What will they come up with next?

The unseriousness of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) desire for peace with Israel was demonstrated in a comic manner this week. Here’s a news item from the Associated Press:

The Palestinian president says he will sue Great Britain over the 1917 Balfour Declaration and its support for a Jewish national home in the Holy Land.

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki made the announcement on behalf of Mahmoud Abbas at Monday’s opening of the Arab League summit in the Mauritanian capital of Nouakchott.

Malki said the suit would be filed in an international court. He didn’t elaborate.

Perhaps Malki “didn’t elaborate” because he recognizes, at some level, the lunacy of this approach. Is it to be the International Criminal Court, where perhaps they could seek a warrant to arrest Lord Balfour?

Problem: He died in 1930. Perhaps he has heirs whose property might be attached. In fact, he never married and had no children.

The Absurdity of Suing Lord Balfour for Israel’s Existence
This action shows for certain that the Palestinians does not want and will never accept peace with Israel. What will they come up with next?

The unseriousness of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) desire for peace with Israel was demonstrated in a comic manner this week. Here’s a news item from the Associated Press:

The Palestinian president says he will sue Great Britain over the 1917 Balfour Declaration and its support for a Jewish national home in the Holy Land.

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki made the announcement on behalf of Mahmoud Abbas at Monday’s opening of the Arab League summit in the Mauritanian capital of Nouakchott.

Malki said the suit would be filed in an international court. He didn’t elaborate.

Perhaps Malki “didn’t elaborate” because he recognizes, at some level, the lunacy of this approach. Is it to be the International Criminal Court, where perhaps they could seek a warrant to arrest Lord Balfour?

Problem: He died in 1930. Perhaps he has heirs whose property might be attached. In fact, he never married and had no children.

The Absurdity of Suing Lord Balfour for Israel’s Existence
Looks like attorneys will get that 30 million sent to Hamas by Saudi Arabia instead of taking care of the peoples needs again.
Perhaps Malki “didn’t elaborate” because he recognizes, at some level, the lunacy of this approach. Is it to be the International Criminal Court, where perhaps they could seek a warrant to arrest Lord Balfour?

Problem: He died in 1930. Perhaps he has heirs whose property might be attached. In fact, he never married and had no children.

While they are at it, they could arrest Mark Sykes and François Georges-Picot, who came up with the eponymous treaty that set the borders when the Ottomans were dismantled. But heck, why go after the small fries, lump in David Lloyd-George and Georges Clemenceau, of course if you include them, might as well add Sherif Hussein bin Ali, who signed up for the Arabs. Toss in George Curzon, who was promising the Arabs one thing when Balfour was promising the Jews something different.

Problem: as above, they are all dead as well.

The Arabs had a chance to sign up with the UN resolution in 1948, but instead, let the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, a NAZI collaborator, talk them into a never ending war. Maybe they can arrest the Grand Mufti. Wait, he's dead too!

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