Pledge to Democracy, 2022

If you disagree that certified democratic elections should be respected after all legal challenges have been exhausted, but that disgruntled losers should then have the option of goon attacks on Congress, then we differ.
If all the legal actions have been exhausted, 'splain the recent legal findings in WI, GA, and PA, Mr. Sock-o.
Maybe you should pledge to quit lying out your ass.
You appear flustered because you cannot respond honestly to a reasonable, non-partisan safeguard against future January 6 mayhem and national shame:

Every candidate running for office in 2022 should be required to come clean concerning whether he respects the certified results of democratic elections, even after they have been investigated, audited, and repeatedly challenged in court, and no evidence to justify contesting the election by any legitimate means can be contrived.​
If he refuses to pledge to respect democratic elections and the lawful safeguards by which they are authenticated, he should be required to admit whether he supports goon attacks on Congress if defeated.​
There festers in the dark recess of our nation a paranoid delusion of a stolen "Landslide!" held by hyper-partisan ideological fanatics who can name no suspects, nor offer in any legal venue credible, documented evidence for their self-pleasuring fantasy.

The RINOs of Trumpery's litmus test for candidacy in 2022 is a willingness to lie about the 2020 election.

Every candidate running for office in 2022 should be required to come clean concerning whether he respects the certified results of democratic elections, even after they have been investigated, audited, and repeatedly challenged in court, and no evidence to justify contesting the election by any legitimate means can be contrived.

If he refuses to pledge to respect democratic elections and the lawful safeguards by which they are authenticated, he should be required to admit whether he supports goon attacks on Congress if defeated.

In the interests of the nation and its People, a Loser's recourse must never be allowed to take this repulsive form again:

Tell us all the good things CCP Joe's done for Xi
If you disagree that certified democratic elections should be respected after all legal challenges have been exhausted, but that disgruntled losers should then have the option of goon attacks on Congress, then we differ.
Meanwhile Biden and company are claiming if they lose in November it is cause "shocker" the republicans cheated all the while claiming that to claim that is an assault on democracy/
If you don't agree that candidates should pledge to respect the certified results of democratic elections, even after they have been investigated, audited, and repeatedly challenged in court, but should have recourse to goon attacks on Congress if they lose, then that is your opinion.

Candidates should come clean regarding whether they agree with it.
Those quacks in DC believe in all sorts of crazy shit. Why is this special? Politics?
Meanwhile Biden and company are claiming if they lose in November it is cause "shocker" the republicans cheated all the while claiming that to claim that is an assault on democracy/
If that is what you need to believe, that is what you will believe.

It does not excuse disgruntled losers indulging in goon attacks on Congress when all legitimate challenges to a certified election have been exhausted.

Respecting democracy is a non-partisan expression of patriotism.
If that is what you need to believe, that is what you will believe.

It does not excuse disgruntled losers indulging in goon attacks on Congress when all legitimate challenges to a certified election have been exhausted.

Respecting democracy is a non-partisan expression of patriotism.
Those quacks in DC believe in all sorts of crazy shit. Why is this special? Politics?
Democratic politics is predicated upon a willingness to accept the reality of the People's verdict, subject, of course to recounts, audits, appeals, and whatever permissible challenges to the outcome may be demanded.

After all those legitimate recourses have been exhausted, goon attacks on Congress do not become acceptable.

A loser who cannot handle the truth and accept the democratic verdict is free to whine, snivel, spew grievances, contrive scapegoats, indulge petty vendettas, and pull victim cards out of his butt as if they were Bartholomew Cubbins' hats.

The challenge of democracy - that every losing candidate had met ever since the nation's founding, until 2020 - is respecting it when one loses. To do otherwise is to reject democracy.

Trumpery, as such a rejection of democracy, is a religion, a transcendent, dogmatic belief system that does not rely upon the evidentiary, empirical data upon with our laws depend.
In the interests of the nation and its People, a Loser's recourse must never be allowed to take this repulsive form again:
These people are convinced that they're in a Holy War against Evil. Literally.

You may as well be trying to communicate with a wild-eyed Jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
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Democratic politics is predicated upon a willingness to accept the reality of the People's verdict, subject, of course to recounts, audits, appeals, and whatever permissible challenges to the outcome may be demanded.

After all those legitimate recourses have been exhausted, goon attacks on Congress do not become acceptable.

A loser who cannot handle the truth and accept the democratic verdict is free to whine, snivel, spew grievances, contrive scapegoats, indulge petty vendettas, and pull victim cards out of his butt as if they were Bartholomew Cubbins' hats.

The challenge of democracy - that every losing candidate had met ever since the nation's founding, until 2020 - is respecting it when one loses. To do otherwise is to reject democracy.

Trumpery, as such a rejection of democracy, is a religion, a transcendent, dogmatic belief system that does not rely upon the evidentiary, empirical data upon with our laws depend.
So the same goes for congressmen who appreciated the riots when trump won? When they were blocking the roadways to the inauguration? Because those people refused to accept the results and blamed russia.
So do we agree, or is this just about your politics?
Stacey Abrams was unavailable for comment.
Senator McConnell spoke for her and for rational people everywhere:

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These people are convinced that they're in a Holy War against Evil. Literally.

You may as well be trying to communicate with a wild-eyed Jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
They apparently believe that, if they abandon reason and rational metrics, they will be rewarded with 72 Stormys in Trump®Heaven.

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