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It comes from the ridiculous notion, popularized in the 70s, of letting children experience their mistakes, make their own decisions, and support them no matter how hare brained and backwards they are behaving.

"Yeah, go ahead and masturbate in the living room, little 5 y.o. It's a natural function and we'll just pretend it's normal".

"Yeah, go ahead and have sex on the living room couch with a drug dealer...when you get pregnant we'll just get you an abortion."

"Yeah, go ahead and smack mommy in the face when she tells you to go to bed, we'll just shift our lives around to suit your sleeping patterns."

"Yeah, go ahead and wear that skimpy whore outfit to gradeschool, and when you're molested we'll just explain to everyone it is your choice, your body."

And this is how freaks like Agno are made.

The funny thing is, I believe in letting children experience the consequences of their mistakes. I just don't believe in standing back and smiling with my back teeth shut while they make the mistakes. Usually, the mistakes my kids are living with the consequences of involve NOT having listened and obeyed me.

Many times, of course, I AM the consequence. ;)
You know who's really sick? EZ!!! She just cracked me up with her rep comment.

btw, kids, just because there are people that think adolescents should enjoy the same rights as adults doesn't mean they want to have sex with adolescents (unless they are adolescents themselves, :idea:).
Yeah. Everyone misunderstood you and is now misrepresenting you.

You're a slimebag and you deserve to be drummed out of town...or stoned, in more advanced cultures.

As it is, live with the fact that pretty much every poster on here thinks you're a pedophile and for some reason think you are able to determine who is deserving of "personhood" and who isn't.

Bring it, bitch.

I've already said that what protects me is not the First Amendment, but the Second. So go ahead and bring your pathetic little ass around my parts. Let's see you try and exact some of that retributive justice. :lol:

Your stupid blathering has been rebutted. I've told you what the accurate definition of "pedophilia" is, but you're too fucking dense to get it through your piece of shit brain.

you have never answered the question and have avoided it once again it is a very simple simply refuse to answer

No, moron. I've answered it repeatedly.

He's still yammering at someone who ignored him as a child-raping sicko about fifty pages ago. Clearly, he's NOT the brightest light on the midway.

What a moron you are, Cesspoolie! :lol: :lol: :lol:

You have ignored about ten posts of mine that rebutted your idiocy, and you have the fucking AUDACITY to say this shit?
Bring it, bitch.

ve already said that what protects me is not the First Amendment, but the Second. So go ahead and bring your pathetic little ass around my parts. Let's see you try and exact some of that retributive justice. :lol:

what protects you is anonymity..nothing else..if these are opinions..I would tolerate your existence..if you tried to put your beliefs in to action in my presence you wouldn't even see it coming that simple

Your stupid blathering has been rebutted. I've told you what the accurate definition of "pedophilia" is, but you're too fucking dense to get it through your piece of shit brain.

No, moron. I've answered it repeatedly.

YA..with this false claim you have

What a moron you are, Cesspoolie! :lol: :lol: :lol:

You have ignored about ten posts of mine that rebutted your idiocy, and you have the fucking AUDACITY to say this shit?

a legend in his own sick mind...
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a legend in his own sick mind...

Don't be stupid, liar. I said that the capacity to give informed consent to sexual activity (or anything else) was characterized by sufficient mental competence, and that adolescents as a whole possessed such competence, as evidenced by the scientific studies that I posted.
It's a justification to allow the sexualization of children.

Just call it what it is.

good grief.. MONKEYS are more valuable than human babies.. 14 year olds are just as able to make adult decisions as, well, adults.. sheesh... you might wanna strain the lead out of your water, yo.
Here you go, idiot.
Pedophilia does not have an age limit:

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), pedophilia is specified as a form of paraphilia in which a person either has acted on intense sexual urges towards children, or experiences recurrent sexual urges towards and fantasies about children that cause distress or interpersonal difficulty.[4] The disorder is frequently a feature of persons who commit child sexual abuse;[5][6][7] however, some offenders do not meet the clinical diagnosis standards for pedophilia.[8] In strictly behavioral contexts, the word "pedophilia" can also be applied to the act of child sexual abuse itself, also called "pedophilic behavior".[9][10][6][11][9][12]

In law enforcement, the term "pedophile" is generally used to describe those accused or convicted of the sexual abuse of a minor (including both prepubescent children and adolescent minors younger than the local age of consent).[
Don't be stupid, liar. I said that the capacity to give informed consent to sexual activity (or anything else) was characterized by sufficient mental competence, and that adolescents as a whole possessed such competence, as evidenced by the scientific studies that I posted.

so does your belief in this complacency that some studies claim..translate into the right to consent in your mind
It's a justification to allow the sexualization of children.

Just call it what it is.

What a fucking moron. We want to lower the voting age, so we want to sexualize children? :cuckoo:


good grief.. MONKEYS are more valuable than human babies.. 14 year olds are just as able to make adult decisions as, well, adults.. sheesh... you might wanna strain the lead out of your water, yo.

Try a little logical reasoning, yo.

All of your pathetic attempts at it have been rebutted so far.

Here you go, idiot.
Pedophilia does not have an age limit:

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), pedophilia is specified as a form of paraphilia in which a person either has acted on intense sexual urges towards children, or experiences recurrent sexual urges towards and fantasies about children that cause distress or interpersonal difficulty.[4] The disorder is frequently a feature of persons who commit child sexual abuse;[5][6][7] however, some offenders do not meet the clinical diagnosis standards for pedophilia.[8] In strictly behavioral contexts, the word "pedophilia" can also be applied to the act of child sexual abuse itself, also called "pedophilic behavior".[9][10][6][11][9][12]

In law enforcement, the term "pedophile" is generally used to describe those accused or convicted of the sexual abuse of a minor (including both prepubescent children and adolescent minors younger than the local age of consent).[
Pedophilia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow, you know how to use Wikipedia! :clap2:

Pedophilia is by nature a mental and psychological disorder, and as such, should be defined by classifications of mental and psychological disorders. The "law enforcement" definition is a colloquial one that has been improperly adopted.
Try a little logical reasoning, yo.

All of your pathetic attempts at it have been rebutted so far.

ONLY a fucking moron would imagine that they have made the slightest dent in collecting support when the sum total of said support to come forth, THUS FAR, for your goofy fucking notions comes from your own posts.

ONLY a fucking moron would imagine that they have made the slightest dent in collecting support when the sum total of said support to come forth, THUS FAR, for your goofy fucking notions comes from your own posts.


Is that right, Shitgun?

Bring your pathetic little ass to face me in a one-on-one debate and let a neutral referee decide who's victorious.

Unless you're too much of a spineless coward to do it...:lol:
What a fucking moron. We want to lower the voting age, so we want to sexualize children? :cuckoo:

Try a little logical reasoning, yo.

All of your pathetic attempts at it have been rebutted so far.

Wow, you know how to use Wikipedia! :clap2:

Pedophilia is by nature a mental and psychological disorder, and as such, should be defined by classifications of mental and psychological disorders. The "law enforcement" definition is a colloquial one that has been improperly adopted.

Gosh, you sound just like a pedophile trying to explain away your pedophilia by insisting that you aren't screwing kids under the age of 9, but 13 year olds.

Maybe you're not a pedophile...maybe you're just a child molester. Maybe that's why you keep carping on the semantics of the actual definition.

"Pedophile vs. child molester - A pedophile is an individual with intense, recurrent sexual attraction toward pre-pubescent children that often borders on obsession-compulsion and is sometimes obligatory.1 Not all child molesters are clinically diagnosed as pedophiles. Hence, child molestation is neither necessary nor sufficient for a pedophilia diagnosis."

Is that closer and does that suit you better, child molester instead of pedophile?
Homosexinfo - Sexuality - Homosexuality, Child Molestation, Pedophilia and Hebephilia
Gosh, you sound just like a pedophile trying to explain away your pedophilia by insisting that you aren't screwing kids under the age of 9, but 13 year olds.

Maybe you're not a pedophile...maybe you're just a child molester. Maybe that's why you keep carping on the semantics of the actual definition.

"Pedophile vs. child molester - A pedophile is an individual with intense, recurrent sexual attraction toward pre-pubescent children that often borders on obsession-compulsion and is sometimes obligatory.1 Not all child molesters are clinically diagnosed as pedophiles. Hence, child molestation is neither necessary nor sufficient for a pedophilia diagnosis."

Is that closer and does that suit you better, child molester instead of pedophile?
Homosexinfo - Sexuality - Homosexuality, Child Molestation, Pedophilia and Hebephilia

It does neither, considering that your definition of pedophilia is still inaccurate, idiot.
“Joycelyn Elders, who was Bill Clinton’s surgeon general, wrote the foreword for this evil tome,” Knight says. “Not content to advocate for adults teaching children to masturbate, she is giving cover for adults having sex with kids—so long as the kids give their consent. Everybody except for the molesters and their apologists knows that children cannot give meaningful consent to sex. Everybody knows that children are coerced into giving ‘consent,’ and that the damage can last a lifetime. The author of this book, Judith Levine, is Exhibit A. She was molested as a child and now advocates it for other children.

“Accused molesters have already misused a 1998 study published by the American Psychological Association to justify their perversion; now they will be citing this hideous book to excuse their crimes against children.
Concerned Women for America - Reject Academic Cover for Child Molesters, CFI Says
“Joycelyn Elders, who was Bill Clinton’s surgeon general, wrote the foreword for this evil tome,” Knight says. “Not content to advocate for adults teaching children to masturbate, she is giving cover for adults having sex with kids—so long as the kids give their consent. Everybody except for the molesters and their apologists knows that children cannot give meaningful consent to sex. Everybody knows that children are coerced into giving ‘consent,’ and that the damage can last a lifetime. The author of this book, Judith Levine, is Exhibit A. She was molested as a child and now advocates it for other children.

“Accused molesters have already misused a 1998 study published by the American Psychological Association to justify their perversion; now they will be citing this hideous book to excuse their crimes against children.
Concerned Women for America - Reject Academic Cover for Child Molesters, CFI Says

Concerned Women for America? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Judith Levine's book isn't even about "pedophilia," since pedophilia is a sexual attraction to prepubescent children.
Is that right, Shitgun?

Bring your pathetic little ass to face me in a one-on-one debate and let a neutral referee decide who's victorious.

Unless you're too much of a spineless coward to do it...:lol:

im sure you know JUST the "neutral" referee too, eh?



Meh.. i'm having too much fun watching you fail to make a dent on the public here at USMB to give a fuck about meeting you in some dark ally where your "nuetral" party can give you the support you have yet to find in THIS forum.

Doesn't matter. YOu're either a pedophile or a child molester. Pick one. If it's such a sticking point for you, we can agree you're just a child molester.

BTW, are you short?

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