Plan parenthood 1 republicans in Texas 0

Texas republicans who tried to force unreal regulations on Plan parenthood would have cause about 27 offices to close if the new law went into affect ... well yesterday it was was considered unconstitutional

What does the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger have to say about all this?

"[We should] apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.

Plan for Peace” from Birth Control Review (April 1932, pp. 107-108)

"Give dysgenic groups [people with "bad genes"] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization.

April 1932 Birth Control Review, pg. 108

"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Margaret Sanger’s December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams Street, Milton,

You mean she had opinions based on the bad science of the time?
again, shall not be infringed. I don't see that about abortion in the constitution. Besides, medical procedures can be regulated by the States, its within their powers to do it.

I have no issue with abortion, if put to a vote, i would vote against any restrictions save public funding restrictions, and minor's being able to get one without the consent of the parents OR a court order. What I am against is ignoring the constitution, and the document gives this to the state legislatures.

Scotus found that abortion rights ARE constituitonal under the 14th Amendment. In case you missed the Roe v. Wade thingee

Uh, guy that same amendment also says 'well regulated militias'. Nothing I suggested really falls outside the scope of that.

If you want to declare the only guns that are allowed to be sold are ones with biometric triggers, guess what, that's the "well-regulated" standard.
And of course the real losers are the unborn children who will die. Or the women who will die in under regulated abortion mills.
heres the problem you have ....Plan parenhood is more then just abortions ... you nut cases can't get that through you heads... that they do many things for poor woman then abort fetuses... the fact that you don't like abortions, don't have one... but don't think you have the right to tell woman what to do ... thats why your republicans are losing among womam voter .... dem, independent, and republicans woman are sick of you nut case republicans telling them how to treat their bodies

This could be the poster boy post of the terminally uneducated.
again, shall not be infringed. I don't see that about abortion in the constitution. Besides, medical procedures can be regulated by the States, its within their powers to do it.

I have no issue with abortion, if put to a vote, i would vote against any restrictions save public funding restrictions, and minor's being able to get one without the consent of the parents OR a court order. What I am against is ignoring the constitution, and the document gives this to the state legislatures.

Scotus found that abortion rights ARE constituitonal under the 14th Amendment. In case you missed the Roe v. Wade thingee

Uh, guy that same amendment also says 'well regulated militias'. Nothing I suggested really falls outside the scope of that.

If you want to declare the only guns that are allowed to be sold are ones with biometric triggers, guess what, that's the "well-regulated" standard.

Roe V Wade was horrible constitutional law, creating something out of nothing. The Militias are to be regulated by the states, but the right to bear arms remains the with PEOPLE, not the militia. commas mean something.

And nope, that's infringement.
^ No thanks. I'll keep my kids out of those vile institutions.

Given how unsocialized you seem to be, I wonder how well your kids will get along with others as adults. School is the place kids learn to get along with a wide range of personalities.

I put my daughter in private school if that answers your question.

We can't all be super genius' like you.
The fact that Texas passes legislation to bring them to the same standards as other medical facilities and you complain that this is driving them out of business

They are substandard. Otherwise, they passing legislation to make sure standards are the same as other medical facilities would not put them out of business.

If you think planned parenthood or any other abortion clinic is so important, donate your time and money to them. Stop trying to take our money by force for them. And stop getting upset if the state asks them to have the same standards as any other clinic.
The fact that Texas passes legislation to bring them to the same standards as other medical facilities and you complain that this is driving them out of business

They are substandard. Otherwise, they passing legislation to make sure standards are the same as other medical facilities would not put them out of business.

If you think planned parenthood or any other abortion clinic is so important, donate your time and money to them. Stop trying to take our money by force for them. And stop getting upset if the state asks them to have the same standards as any other clinic.

That's bullshit, in fact, that's a damn lie. They are not asking them to have the same standards as any other clinic. They are asking PP to meet the standards of hospital-like ambulatory surgical centers, even though the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist have said that the typical doctor's offices are fully able to perform medically safe abortions, and the ASC's do little to enhance the standard of care.

This all boils down to your religious beliefs, and you trying to force your religious beliefs on others.

Guess what? I don't like paying for penis pumps, or bullshit wars. I guess we all must pay for shit we don't like. Boo hoo.
The fact that Texas passes legislation to bring them to the same standards as other medical facilities and you complain that this is driving them out of business

They are substandard. Otherwise, they passing legislation to make sure standards are the same as other medical facilities would not put them out of business.

If you think planned parenthood or any other abortion clinic is so important, donate your time and money to them. Stop trying to take our money by force for them. And stop getting upset if the state asks them to have the same standards as any other clinic.

That's bullshit, in fact, that's a damn lie. They are not asking them to have the same standards as any other clinic. They are asking PP to meet the standards of hospital-like ambulatory surgical centers, even though the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist have said that the typical doctor's offices are fully able to perform medically safe abortions, and the ASC's do little to enhance the standard of care.

This all boils down to your religious beliefs, and you trying to force your religious beliefs on others.

Guess what? I don't like paying for penis pumps, or bullshit wars. I guess we all must pay for shit we don't like. Boo hoo.

So wait, let me get this straight. In this case, when the organization representing the regulated bitches and moans and says they don't need the regulations we should listen to them carte blanche, but when something like an oil company, or a mining company, bitches about EPA's over-regulation, well then those companies should just shut the fuck up and take on the costs?

The fact that Texas passes legislation to bring them to the same standards as other medical facilities and you complain that this is driving them out of business

They are substandard. Otherwise, they passing legislation to make sure standards are the same as other medical facilities would not put them out of business.

If you think planned parenthood or any other abortion clinic is so important, donate your time and money to them. Stop trying to take our money by force for them. And stop getting upset if the state asks them to have the same standards as any other clinic.

That's bullshit, in fact, that's a damn lie. They are not asking them to have the same standards as any other clinic. They are asking PP to meet the standards of hospital-like ambulatory surgical centers, even though the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist have said that the typical doctor's offices are fully able to perform medically safe abortions, and the ASC's do little to enhance the standard of care.

This all boils down to your religious beliefs, and you trying to force your religious beliefs on others.

Guess what? I don't like paying for penis pumps, or bullshit wars. I guess we all must pay for shit we don't like. Boo hoo.

So wait, let me get this straight. In this case, when the organization representing the regulated bitches and moans and says they don't need the regulations we should listen to them carte blanche, but when something like an oil company, or a mining company, bitches about EPA's over-regulation, well then those companies should just shut the fuck up and take on the costs?


Do you really want to compare botched abortions to oil spills and the damage done to our environment? No, I didn't think so.
The fact that Texas passes legislation to bring them to the same standards as other medical facilities and you complain that this is driving them out of business

They are substandard. Otherwise, they passing legislation to make sure standards are the same as other medical facilities would not put them out of business.

If you think planned parenthood or any other abortion clinic is so important, donate your time and money to them. Stop trying to take our money by force for them. And stop getting upset if the state asks them to have the same standards as any other clinic.

That's bullshit, in fact, that's a damn lie. They are not asking them to have the same standards as any other clinic. They are asking PP to meet the standards of hospital-like ambulatory surgical centers, even though the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist have said that the typical doctor's offices are fully able to perform medically safe abortions, and the ASC's do little to enhance the standard of care.

This all boils down to your religious beliefs, and you trying to force your religious beliefs on others.

Guess what? I don't like paying for penis pumps, or bullshit wars. I guess we all must pay for shit we don't like. Boo hoo.

So wait, let me get this straight. In this case, when the organization representing the regulated bitches and moans and says they don't need the regulations we should listen to them carte blanche, but when something like an oil company, or a mining company, bitches about EPA's over-regulation, well then those companies should just shut the fuck up and take on the costs?


Do you really want to compare botched abortions to oil spills and the damage done to our environment? No, I didn't think so.

Its an example of the response you have when the regulated say a regulation isn't required, and of course and example of the hypocrisy so evident from progressives.

The Texas regulations go overboard, according to the Gynos, however, as with environmental regs, isn't too much better than not enough? If we save just one woman from complications/one seal from an oil spill, isn't the added expense justified?
Texas republicans who tried to force unreal regulations on Plan parenthood would have cause about 27 offices to close if the new law went into affect ... well yesterday it was was considered unconstitutional

Shallow interpretation.

Pro-lifers attempted to close most or all abortion clinics known to provide abortions with little to no level of standards. A liberal court struck it down. Big surprise.

You frame it as a systemic fault of a political party. You reduce the life and death of fetuses to a political volleyball. That is as pathetic as it is disgusting.

The life and death of fetuses is not a "women's rights" issue any more than the minimum wage issue is a living wage issue.....TWO DIFFERNT ISSUES, yet the libs, in their never ending crusade to fundamentally transform the country, must logically show disdain for tradition and must always confuse the issues.

Just what are "unreal regulations?" Do you have any idea what you are talking about? Do you mean stopping the killing of viable fetuses? Because really, that is what this is all about. Nobody is talking about medical emergencies or the morning after pill, etc....
^ No thanks. I'll keep my kids out of those vile institutions.

Given how unsocialized you seem to be, I wonder how well your kids will get along with others as adults. School is the place kids learn to get along with a wide range of personalities.

I put my daughter in private school if that answers your question.

We can't all be super genius' like you.

In the world of the blind, a one eyed man is King.
If you care about these women having abortions, you wouldn't be keeping the clinics in substandard conditions.
they aren't sub standard conditions ... their fine ...were ever you got this idea they are substandard is beyound me ...

They are substandard. They operate with no oversight, and in case after case after case, the mills are shown to be unsafe, unregulated butcher shops where women as well as babies are mutilated and killed.

In addition, they are found to falsify medical records, over and over and order to defraud medicaid.

They take the money from the women, telling them the feds won't pay..then they take money from the feds as well...for programs that they don't provide, then they lie about the numbers, the ages of the babies they're killing, and the circumstances of the they can publicly lie about the services they provide, and the situations of the women they are exploiting, and the age of the babies they are killing.

It's a great racket. And that's why the progressives want no oversight. They don't want the mills like Gosnell's discovered and shut down. Those places are their bread and butter.
Texas republicans who tried to force unreal regulations on Plan parenthood would have cause about 27 offices to close if the new law went into affect ... well yesterday it was was considered unconstitutional

Shallow interpretation.

Pro-lifers attempted to close most or all abortion clinics known to provide abortions with little to no level of standards. A liberal court struck it down. Big surprise.

You frame it as a systemic fault of a political party. You reduce the life and death of fetuses to a political volleyball. That is as pathetic as it is disgusting.

The life and death of fetuses is not a "women's rights" issue any more than the minimum wage issue is a living wage issue.....TWO DIFFERNT ISSUES, yet the libs, in their never ending crusade to fundamentally transform the country, must logically show disdain for tradition and must always confuse the issues.

Just what are "unreal regulations?" Do you have any idea what you are talking about? Do you mean stopping the killing of viable fetuses? Because really, that is what this is all about. Nobody is talking about medical emergencies or the morning after pill, etc....

1. Who determined which, "abortion clinics (are) known to provide abortions with little to no level of standards"? Are the standards the same for all similar medical clinics, or are they different for those which provided abortons?

2. Better you complain to those who want to withhold age appropratie sexual education in the public schools, and the open and frank discussions of STD's and their means of transmission, plus methods to protect oneself from diseases and pregnancy.
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