
Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Is threatening to shut off power to more than half a million households, businesses, etc. because their power grid has not been properly maintained somehow legitimate?. They charge US outrageous rates and now create blackouts for days because of their own liability. Sick, really sick if you ask me.
It's California ... I'm sure they will blame it on counter-revolutionary and reactionary forces. Rouge forces attempting to sabotage the great workers' paradise.
Is threatening to shut off power to more than half a million households, businesses, etc. because their power grid has not been properly maintained somehow legitimate?. They charge US outrageous rates and now create blackouts for days because of their own liability. Sick, really sick if you ask me.
Well...if the state didn't penalize them for a grid which the state is supposed to help maintain...then I guess they wouldn't be compelled to take such measures.
You Californians (if you are) deserve every bit of the pain that is headed your way.
Boomers have taken a pristine, thriving, wealthy, birthright and run it straight into the ground. Maybe some of those homeless or illegal aliens know something about power grid infrastructure?
It's California ... I'm sure they will blame it on counter-revolutionary and reactionary forces. Rouge forces attempting to sabotage the great workers' paradise.
Desperate attempt to distract from moronic capitalism that is now destroying your country.
Is threatening to shut off power to more than half a million households, businesses, etc. because their power grid has not been properly maintained somehow legitimate?. They charge US outrageous rates and now create blackouts for days because of their own liability. Sick, really sick if you ask me.
Well...if the state didn't penalize them for a grid which the state is supposed to help maintain...then I guess they wouldn't be compelled to take such measures.
You Californians (if you are) deserve every bit of the pain that is headed your way.
Boomers have taken a pristine, thriving, wealthy, birthright and run it straight into the ground. Maybe some of those homeless or illegal aliens know something about power grid infrastructure?

Is threatening to shut off power to more than half a million households, businesses, etc. because their power grid has not been properly maintained somehow legitimate?. They charge US outrageous rates and now create blackouts for days because of their own liability. Sick, really sick if you ask me.
Well...if the state didn't penalize them for a grid which the state is supposed to help maintain...then I guess they wouldn't be compelled to take such measures.
You Californians (if you are) deserve every bit of the pain that is headed your way.
Boomers have taken a pristine, thriving, wealthy, birthright and run it straight into the ground. Maybe some of those homeless or illegal aliens know something about power grid infrastructure?

Democrats can’t keep the power on
Is the real bottom line. PG&E is no help. Most of geographic CA is Republican and are out voted. Blaming baby boomers won’t solve anything.
Is threatening to shut off power to more than half a million households, businesses, etc. because their power grid has not been properly maintained somehow legitimate?. They charge US outrageous rates and now create blackouts for days because of their own liability. Sick, really sick if you ask me.

Like Frank said, maybe stop spending billions on illegals and there'd be enough for Americans......what a concept!!!

Phreaking delusional dumb radical Leftists. pfffffffft
You've ignorantly voted for EVERY SINGLE HARDSHIP that is now falling in your laps.
Deal with it. And don't ask ME to bail you out!

And just think.....they're DYING to turn ALL of America into their "Utoipia"

PS...If you perhaps are not a Democrat or have never voted for the Democrat / Socialists / Progressives who have ruined California, then none of the above applies to you. I pray for you and hope you get all the help you need.
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One thing I don't miss - PG&E.

Notice the Socialists don't say "One thing I don't miss - screwed up Leftist if he's a Leftist...he'll vote for the exact same policies that created the PG&E mess wherever he lands....even though it's California Democrat / Socialist / Prog politicians that are making it impossible for PG&E to operate properly.


Definition of insanity - Doing the same thing but expecting different results.

Democrats fleeing their wasteland "Utopias" in record number......
Only to vote for THE EXACT SAME PEOPLE AND POLICIES in their new home.

Worse than breeding cockroaches.
Is threatening to shut off power to more than half a million households, businesses, etc. because their power grid has not been properly maintained somehow legitimate?. They charge US outrageous rates and now create blackouts for days because of their own liability. Sick, really sick if you ask me.

Like Frank said, maybe stop spending billions on illegals and there'd be enough for Americans......what a concept!!!

Phreaking delusional dumb radical Leftists. pfffffffft
You've ignorantly voted for EVERY SINGLE HARDSHIP that is now falling in your laps.
Deal with it. And don't ask ME to bail you out!

And just think.....they're DYING to turn ALL of America into their "Utoipia"

PS...If you perhaps are not a Democrat or have never voted for the Democrat / Socialists / Progressives who have ruined California, then none of the above applies to you. I pray for you and hope you get all the help you need.
I am not a Democrat
Is threatening to shut off power to more than half a million households, businesses, etc. because their power grid has not been properly maintained somehow legitimate?. They charge US outrageous rates and now create blackouts for days because of their own liability. Sick, really sick if you ask me.

How much has the state forced them to waste on "green energy"?
It's California ... I'm sure they will blame it on counter-revolutionary and reactionary forces. Rouge forces attempting to sabotage the great workers' paradise.

Rouge forces attempting to sabotage the great workers' paradise.


Rouge forces are the worst. Lipstick forces are bad as well...….
The stupid Democrats in Commie Kalifornia mandated the power companies spend billions on stupid "Green" projects and the companies did not have the money to up grade the power grid.

The result:

The stupid Democrats in Commie Kalifornia mandated the power companies spend billions on stupid "Green" projects and the companies did not have the money to up grade the power grid.

The result:


Think of all the CO2 they didn't emit......DURR
Is threatening to shut off power to more than half a million households, businesses, etc. because their power grid has not been properly maintained somehow legitimate?. They charge US outrageous rates and now create blackouts for days because of their own liability. Sick, really sick if you ask me.
Well...if the state didn't penalize them for a grid which the state is supposed to help maintain...then I guess they wouldn't be compelled to take such measures.
You Californians (if you are) deserve every bit of the pain that is headed your way.
Boomers have taken a pristine, thriving, wealthy, birthright and run it straight into the ground. Maybe some of those homeless or illegal aliens know something about power grid infrastructure?

I have two homes in California, Coronado, and Avalon. I haven't seen anything you write of.
Look, it's all about priorities. Allocating billions to fund illegals keeps CA a one Party rule Fascist State; a reliable power grid does not

All tRump has to do is jail employers knowingly hiring illegals. Only problem, when he leaves office he'll be arrested. Now we know the real problem.

We should also reverse the Republican worker visa programs and put AMERICANS back to work.

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