Perhaps Sanders' Inability To Do Math Explains Democrats' Fiscal Irresponsibility / Massive Deficit Spending


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Bernie Sanders: 2 Senators can't be allowed to defeat what 48 Senators want

Bernie Sanders has been doing his best to promote the Democrats’ reconciliation bill for the past couple of days. He’s been on television arguing that at a mere $3.5 trillion over ten years there’s simply nothing that can be cut. According to Sanders, this bill is already so lean that it’s shivering from the cold.

This morning, Sanders also made another argument about the bill. Here’s how he framed it on Twitter:

2 senators cannot be allowed to defeat what 48 senators and 210 House members want.

Bernie has been in the Senate for a long time. He must have noticed at some point that there are 100 Senators, not 50. So this isn’t 48 against 2, it’s 52 against 48.


Liberals want free shit paid for with YOUR money and they hate if the USA crumbles, they will be happy.....that is until they are lined up on the edge of a mass grave.
Nobody in Congress can do math when they are the ones doing the spending.

$28+ TRILLION in debt - this is what you get when you allow politicians consisting overwhelmingly of self-serving LAWYERS and not 1 Certified Public Accountant involved in creating the budget and / or approving the projected budget and spending...
$28+ TRILLION in debt - this is what you get when you allow politicians consisting overwhelmingly of self-serving LAWYERS and not 1 Certified Public Accountant involved in creating the budget and / or approving the projected budget and spending...

Trump fascists had no problem giving big tax cuts to the rich. They didn't care about the deficit then. They argued the tax cuts paid for themselves. Then the child tax credit should pay for itself so it is not $3.5 trillion dollars in spending. It will also help Americans with their child care costs so they can seek employment. That should at least partially pay for itself.
Bernie Sanders: 2 Senators can't be allowed to defeat what 48 Senators want

Bernie Sanders has been doing his best to promote the Democrats’ reconciliation bill for the past couple of days. He’s been on television arguing that at a mere $3.5 trillion over ten years there’s simply nothing that can be cut. According to Sanders, this bill is already so lean that it’s shivering from the cold.

This morning, Sanders also made another argument about the bill. Here’s how he framed it on Twitter:

Bernie has been in the Senate for a long time. He must have noticed at some point that there are 100 Senators, not 50. So this isn’t 48 against 2, it’s 52 against 48.

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The trouble with Synema and Manchin is that they are corrupt. Synema is fundraising from corporate interests while Manchin has a direct interest in coal. They are conspiring with Republicans as they are standing at the voting booth saying no to people who want to vote.

The fact is that there are many good things about this bill. The child tax credit is not a expenditure. The childcare tax credit is also a good thing. These will help struggling Americans. In addition, it will partially pay for itself. This is actually a $2 trillion dollar bill.
Trump fascists had no problem giving big tax cuts to the rich. They didn't care about the deficit then. They argued the tax cuts paid for themselves. Then the child tax credit should pay for itself so it is not $3.5 trillion dollars in spending. It will also help Americans with their child care costs so they can seek employment. That should at least partially pay for itself.
Anyone with a brain knows that cutting taxes and spending more is not a good idea, this bill cost us nothing? BS!

It was time to quit spending decades ago but we don't seem to be smart enough to do that. The problem is raising taxes and raising spending will slow the economy in the short term with long term benefits, but politicians and the American people can't to the tough thing, that ended many many years ago.
The reason the government creates debt and or over spends, is simple. They are not businessman. Politicians do not know how to create jobs or solve problems. Hence all they do, is spend money, throw money at the problem. What else can they do without ever working and creating wealth through work.

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