Perhaps embrace the hispanics and make citizens out of them, why


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
they will pay into Medicare, taxes and will feed the aged white man/female. No matter what you do the white female is not going to have more babies, and really do you want more skilled visa people here to take your jobs away, or do you want people here growing with rungs of the ladder? You take care of them , and they will take care of you when you get old and needy.

Between 2010 and 2050, the U.S. population is projected to grow from 310 million to 439 million, an increase of 42 percent. The nation will also become more racially and ethnically diverse, with the aggregate minority population projected to become the majority in 2042.* The population is also expected to become much older, with nearly one in five U.S. residents aged 65 and older in 2030.

The 2008 National Population Projections, including summary tables, downloadable files, methodology and assumptions, and the press release, can be found at < /projections/2008projections.html>.

Immigration is expected to play an important role in how the age structure of the United States changes over the next four decades. The aging of the baby boom increases the proportion in the older age groups, but projected immigration into the working age groups tends to mitigate the impact. In other words, the country’s aging is slowed somewhat by immigration of younger people.


In terms of race, the share of the population that is White alone is projected to decrease by about 10 percentage points among those 65 years and over and by about 9 percentage points among those 85 years and over between 2010 and 2050. Meanwhile, all other race groups are projected to see an increase in their shares of these populations. The 85 years and over population is less racially diverse than the 65 years and older population, but it is projected to see a similar increase in diversity between 2010 and 2050.

Although the older population is not expected to become majority minority in the next four decades, it is projected to be 42 percent minority in 2050, up from 20 percent in 2010
You are saying essentially the more the merrier. Ok should we remove the entire Southern Border wall then? Why or why not?

The republicans are crying for workers.
I guess I missed all the Republican states and cities declaring themselves sancutuary. Or are you saying that democrats in those states and cities are protecting illegals because all the farmers and companies are republican and they are trying to protect them? Got to love that you actually think that only Republicans can own farms or business. Guess Democrates are not smart enough to do anything but work for Republicans.
You are saying essentially the more the merrier. Ok should we remove the entire Southern Border wall then? Why or why not?

The republicans are crying for workers.
Are you saying yes remove the entire Southern Border Wall because Republicans are crying for workers?

Not quite sure where P is going with this. Maybe too much early red wine? I dunno. Sleep well my friend, P.

The last I read about these race projections, who is the minority or majority. and such. It put white folks in the minority by 2025.
You are saying essentially the more the merrier. Ok should we remove the entire Southern Border wall then? Why or why not?

The republicans are crying for workers.
Are you saying yes remove the entire Southern Border Wall because Republicans are crying for workers?

Not quite sure where P is going with this. Maybe too much early red wine? I dunno. Sleep well my friend, P.

The last I read about these race projections, who is the minority or majority. and such. It put white folks in the minority by 2025.

That is correct, read the article, and I do not drink.
they will pay into Medicare, taxes and will feed the aged white man/female. No matter what you do the white female is not going to have more babies, and really do you want more skilled visa people here to take your jobs away, or do you want people here growing with rungs of the ladder? You take care of them , and they will take care of you when you get old and needy.
What is wrong with you? Why do you write like this?
Immigration reform should start with jailing employers who hire undocumented labor

If people are angry at undocumented workers, that anger is misdirected. Undocumented workers would not be here if they did not have a job! The anger should be directed at those that hire them, fueling the illegal migration of cut-price labor by cutthroat, anti-labor conglomerates. If the explosion of undocumented workers needs to be stopped, stop employers from hiring them.

There is no need for a wall! If there was a law that treated these employers the same as drug dealers there would be no undocumented workers in the U.S. Put the offending employers in jail for a substantial period of time and confiscate their businesses. (that includes Trumps)

and not much happens to the employer, the home builders in TX use undocumented and I bet they are using them a lot in Houston. Iowa = republican.
Immigration reform should start with jailing employers who hire undocumented labor

If people are angry at undocumented workers, that anger is misdirected. Undocumented workers would not be here if they did not have a job! The anger should be directed at those that hire them, fueling the illegal migration of cut-price labor by cutthroat, anti-labor conglomerates. If the explosion of undocumented workers needs to be stopped, stop employers from hiring them.

There is no need for a wall! If there was a law that treated these employers the same as drug dealers there would be no undocumented workers in the U.S. Put the offending employers in jail for a substantial period of time and confiscate their businesses. (that includes Trumps)

and not much happens to the employer, the home builders in TX use undocumented and I bet they are using them a lot in Houston. Iowa = republican.
You are the first Liberal who has answered my question about removing the wall. I totally disagree with your assessment that the Wall is only about worker migration but I appreciate your honesty.
Immigration reform should start with jailing employers who hire undocumented labor

If people are angry at undocumented workers, that anger is misdirected. Undocumented workers would not be here if they did not have a job! The anger should be directed at those that hire them, fueling the illegal migration of cut-price labor by cutthroat, anti-labor conglomerates. If the explosion of undocumented workers needs to be stopped, stop employers from hiring them.

There is no need for a wall! If there was a law that treated these employers the same as drug dealers there would be no undocumented workers in the U.S. Put the offending employers in jail for a substantial period of time and confiscate their businesses. (that includes Trumps)

and not much happens to the employer, the home builders in TX use undocumented and I bet they are using them a lot in Houston. Iowa = republican.
You are the first Liberal who has answered my question about removing the wall. I totally disagree with your assessment that the Wall is only about worker migration but I appreciate your honesty.

read the article, I quoted it from there. I added (including Trumps)
You are saying essentially the more the merrier. Ok should we remove the entire Southern Border wall then? Why or why not?

The republicans are crying for workers.
Wrong. Socialism lovers are desperate for more tax slaves. It’s all about the money, and funding collectivist programs. Such an ideology is simple. Grow, or die. Individualism, and freedom have no such Achilles heel.
they will pay into Medicare, taxes and will feed the aged white man/female. No matter what you do the white female is not going to have more babies, and really do you want more skilled visa people here to take your jobs away, or do you want people here growing with rungs of the ladder? You take care of them , and they will take care of you when you get old and needy.

Between 2010 and 2050, the U.S. population is projected to grow from 310 million to 439 million, an increase of 42 percent. The nation will also become more racially and ethnically diverse, with the aggregate minority population projected to become the majority in 2042.* The population is also expected to become much older, with nearly one in five U.S. residents aged 65 and older in 2030.

The 2008 National Population Projections, including summary tables, downloadable files, methodology and assumptions, and the press release, can be found at < /projections/2008projections.html>.

Immigration is expected to play an important role in how the age structure of the United States changes over the next four decades. The aging of the baby boom increases the proportion in the older age groups, but projected immigration into the working age groups tends to mitigate the impact. In other words, the country’s aging is slowed somewhat by immigration of younger people.


In terms of race, the share of the population that is White alone is projected to decrease by about 10 percentage points among those 65 years and over and by about 9 percentage points among those 85 years and over between 2010 and 2050. Meanwhile, all other race groups are projected to see an increase in their shares of these populations. The 85 years and over population is less racially diverse than the 65 years and older population, but it is projected to see a similar increase in diversity between 2010 and 2050.

Although the older population is not expected to become majority minority in the next four decades, it is projected to be 42 percent minority in 2050, up from 20 percent in 2010
I do not wish for us to take the Easy Way Out and just keep shoveling more warm bodies at our problems.

I am far more interested in seeing us take the Slow and Thoughtful Way Out, to make-do with what we have, and to fix what we have.

I am tired of us exploiting poor wretches from Central American countries...

I am tired of poor wretches from Central American countries, stealing American jobs, depressing wages in the trades, and burdening us...

Especially ones that are no more than a dozen generations removed from temple-based human sacrifice and ritual cannibalism...

No thank you...

This is Nova Europa, not Nuevo Azteca...

Enough already...

No more accommodation for Illegal Aliens...

It's time to cause those already here to self-deport...

And it's time to de-incentivize those thinking about coming (or staying) illegally...

We don't need Immigration Reform... we need Immigration Enforcement.
The Hispanics who are coming here have no intention of being Americans nor raising their children to be Americans. They are here for the money.
they will pay into Medicare, taxes and will feed the aged white man/female. No matter what you do the white female is not going to have more babies, and really do you want more skilled visa people here to take your jobs away, or do you want people here growing with rungs of the ladder? You take care of them , and they will take care of you when you get old and needy.
What is wrong with you? Why do you write like this?

I think she wants Hispanic women to have the babies of old white men. Racist as usual.

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