Pence Has To Tell Trump Supporter Not To Talk About Anti-Clinton 'Revolution'


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Jun 25, 2016
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Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence chided a Trump supporter Tuesday who talked about there being a post-election revolution if Hillary Clinton wins the election.

During an event Tuesday, a woman rose to tell Pence that she was concerned about voter fraud handing the election to Clinton said that she would participate in a "revolution" if Clinton headed to the White House.

"I don't want this to happen but I will tell you personally if Hillary Clinton gets in, I myself, I'm ready for a revolution because we can't have her in," the woman said.

Pence shook his head and waved his hand as he told the woman "Yeah, don't say that."

Watch the video here:
Pence Has To Tell Trump Supporter Not To Talk About Anti-Clinton 'Revolution' (VIDEO)

Jesus Christ, just exactly how many crazed Trump supporters out there are ready for a "revolution" when Clinton wins?

Scary stuff!
Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence chided a Trump supporter Tuesday who talked about there being a post-election revolution if Hillary Clinton wins the election.

During an event Tuesday, a woman rose to tell Pence that she was concerned about voter fraud handing the election to Clinton said that she would participate in a "revolution" if Clinton headed to the White House.

"I don't want this to happen but I will tell you personally if Hillary Clinton gets in, I myself, I'm ready for a revolution because we can't have her in," the woman said.

Pence shook his head and waved his hand as he told the woman "Yeah, don't say that."

Watch the video here:
Pence Has To Tell Trump Supporter Not To Talk About Anti-Clinton 'Revolution' (VIDEO)

Jesus Christ, just exactly how many crazed Trump supporters out there are ready for a "revolution" when Clinton wins?

Scary stuff!

What makes you believe they'd all be Trump supporters
Just the fact that Republican candidates have a nonstop job the last 8 years of trying to contain the crazy in that party says a lot about that party. Republicans run for office and the crazy shows up. McCain is the guy Trump mocked for getting captured while flying combat missions in Vietnam. "I like people that weren't captured".

McCain Has To Back Track And Calm Down His Out Of Control Crowd
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