Pelosi’s husband invests millions in a tech stock prior to a vote on chip subsidy bill


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
This is the elitist **** running the dog and pony show.

The scorned shrew who thinks she can railroad the opposing party's frontrunner and knock him out of the box

Nan is a vicious little bitch. I feel sorry for her husband
She pulled the same shit on tesla stock week before Biden made his first big push for electric vehicles and we're response was "my husband made that million dollar investment, not me" and it was dropped.

She is just a crooked bitch through and through. But she is on the side in control so she gets away with everything she wants.

She withheld federal covid relief during the pandemic just to gain political power over trump when he was in office and no but people like dan Crenshaw spoke about it but they were buried.

Her only concern is her own personal political and financial gain. She doesn't care about America or Americans.
Leftists do not care about corruption unless they can use it to destroy their opponents.

They are pro corruption for Dems.
If only the ones pushed to mass causalities went after their families. Can you imagine her family reduced by 50 or 60 per cent? She heled to cause this darkness on the land.
This is why she is out CAMPAIGNING for this legislation to pass.
She just does this shit right in our faces and no one important gives a fuck. Not the DoJ, not Congress, not Democrats.

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