Pelosi to President Trump you are guilty until you present some evidence of your innocence


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
WTF enough is enough of the bullshit after do a search why is FOX news the only source that I could find that reported this unAmerican agenda of the democrat party? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH time to end the witch hunt. Leftist maybe you'll be in the same position of guilty until you prove that you are innocent.

Gidley told "The Story" that Pelosi's comments effectively mean Trump is responsible for proving he is not guilty -- an assertion that runs counter to the American mantra of "innocent until proven guilty."

"This is a weird moment in politics," Gidley said. "Because, the speaker of the House -- an elected Democrat -- as they continue to push communism and socialism on the American people, whether it be with health care or taking away your paycheck and giving it to other people, they literally want to upturn and then get rid of the justice system."

"What she's saying is, 'no, you're now guilty -- you have to prove your innocence.'"
Pelosi comments show Democrats want to 'overturn' the American justice system: White House spokesman
WTF enough is enough of the bullshit after do a search why is FOX news the only source that I could find that reported this unAmerican agenda of the democrat party? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH time to end the witch hunt. Leftist maybe you'll be in the same position of guilty until you prove that you are innocent.

Gidley told "The Story" that Pelosi's comments effectively mean Trump is responsible for proving he is not guilty -- an assertion that runs counter to the American mantra of "innocent until proven guilty."

"This is a weird moment in politics," Gidley said. "Because, the speaker of the House -- an elected Democrat -- as they continue to push communism and socialism on the American people, whether it be with health care or taking away your paycheck and giving it to other people, they literally want to upturn and then get rid of the justice system."

"What she's saying is, 'no, you're now guilty -- you have to prove your innocence.'"
Pelosi comments show Democrats want to 'overturn' the American justice system: White House spokesman
The thread premise exhibits the right’s ignorance of the law, and conservatives’ propensity for lying.

Impeachment is a political – not legal – process, having nothing whatsoever to do with the justice system.
WTF enough is enough of the bullshit after do a search why is FOX news the only source that I could find that reported this unAmerican agenda of the democrat party? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH time to end the witch hunt. Leftist maybe you'll be in the same position of guilty until you prove that you are innocent.

Gidley told "The Story" that Pelosi's comments effectively mean Trump is responsible for proving he is not guilty -- an assertion that runs counter to the American mantra of "innocent until proven guilty."

"This is a weird moment in politics," Gidley said. "Because, the speaker of the House -- an elected Democrat -- as they continue to push communism and socialism on the American people, whether it be with health care or taking away your paycheck and giving it to other people, they literally want to upturn and then get rid of the justice system."

"What she's saying is, 'no, you're now guilty -- you have to prove your innocence.'"
Pelosi comments show Democrats want to 'overturn' the American justice system: White House spokesman
The thread premise exhibits the right’s ignorance of the law, and conservatives’ propensity for lying.

Impeachment is a political – not legal – process, having nothing whatsoever to do with the justice system.
This post shows the ignorance of the left since you want to be the spokesperson
WTF enough is enough of the bullshit after do a search why is FOX news the only source that I could find that reported this unAmerican agenda of the democrat party? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH time to end the witch hunt. Leftist maybe you'll be in the same position of guilty until you prove that you are innocent.

Gidley told "The Story" that Pelosi's comments effectively mean Trump is responsible for proving he is not guilty -- an assertion that runs counter to the American mantra of "innocent until proven guilty."

"This is a weird moment in politics," Gidley said. "Because, the speaker of the House -- an elected Democrat -- as they continue to push communism and socialism on the American people, whether it be with health care or taking away your paycheck and giving it to other people, they literally want to upturn and then get rid of the justice system."

"What she's saying is, 'no, you're now guilty -- you have to prove your innocence.'"
Pelosi comments show Democrats want to 'overturn' the American justice system: White House spokesman
Fat donnie is welcome to testify under oath.
Mob justice is the language leftists speak.

They fundamentally do not understand first world civilization, also known as civilization.
Sorry, Trump's absolute refusal to provide one scrap of evidence or allow any of his henchmen to testify under oath can only mean one thing. When police detectives encounter a totally uncooperative witness what do they do? They damned sure don't presume innocence. These hearings are not a court proceeding where a presumption of innocence is the rule.
WTF enough is enough of the bullshit after do a search why is FOX news the only source that I could find that reported this unAmerican agenda of the democrat party? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH time to end the witch hunt. Leftist maybe you'll be in the same position of guilty until you prove that you are innocent.

Gidley told "The Story" that Pelosi's comments effectively mean Trump is responsible for proving he is not guilty -- an assertion that runs counter to the American mantra of "innocent until proven guilty."

"This is a weird moment in politics," Gidley said. "Because, the speaker of the House -- an elected Democrat -- as they continue to push communism and socialism on the American people, whether it be with health care or taking away your paycheck and giving it to other people, they literally want to upturn and then get rid of the justice system."

"What she's saying is, 'no, you're now guilty -- you have to prove your innocence.'"
Pelosi comments show Democrats want to 'overturn' the American justice system: White House spokesman
Fat donnie is welcome to testify under oath.
The whistleblower needs to testify
WTF enough is enough of the bullshit after do a search why is FOX news the only source that I could find that reported this unAmerican agenda of the democrat party? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH time to end the witch hunt. Leftist maybe you'll be in the same position of guilty until you prove that you are innocent.

Gidley told "The Story" that Pelosi's comments effectively mean Trump is responsible for proving he is not guilty -- an assertion that runs counter to the American mantra of "innocent until proven guilty."

"This is a weird moment in politics," Gidley said. "Because, the speaker of the House -- an elected Democrat -- as they continue to push communism and socialism on the American people, whether it be with health care or taking away your paycheck and giving it to other people, they literally want to upturn and then get rid of the justice system."

"What she's saying is, 'no, you're now guilty -- you have to prove your innocence.'"
Pelosi comments show Democrats want to 'overturn' the American justice system: White House spokesman
Fat donnie is welcome to testify under oath.

Why should he? The burden of proof is on you people.
Sorry, Trump's absolute refusal to provide one scrap of evidence or allow any of his henchmen to testify under oath can only mean one thing. When police detectives encounter a totally uncooperative witness what do they do? They damned sure don't presume innocence. These hearings are not a court proceeding where a presumption of innocence is the rule.
He doesn't have to present anything it's up to democrats to present guilt
Pelosi's quote:

"Well, all this milieu is a seeking of the truth. It's called an inquiry. And if the president has something that it--is exculpatory, Mr. President, that means you have anything that shows your innocence, then he should make that known and that's part of the inquiry. And so far, we haven't seen that, but we welcome it. And that's what an inquiry's about."

For someone who works in the public sector, Pelosi seems to know nothing about the "presumption of innocence", "due process", or "innocent until proven guilty." That concept which she doesn't seem to comprehend, requires the government to prove the guilt of a criminal defendant and relieves the defendant of any burden to prove his or her innocence.

Hell, this isn't even a "criminal" proceeding. Trump should tell that dried up old post-menopausal ratbag to go fuck herself with a rusty AIDS-infected garden tiller.
WTF enough is enough of the bullshit after do a search why is FOX news the only source that I could find that reported this unAmerican agenda of the democrat party? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH time to end the witch hunt. Leftist maybe you'll be in the same position of guilty until you prove that you are innocent.

Gidley told "The Story" that Pelosi's comments effectively mean Trump is responsible for proving he is not guilty -- an assertion that runs counter to the American mantra of "innocent until proven guilty."

"This is a weird moment in politics," Gidley said. "Because, the speaker of the House -- an elected Democrat -- as they continue to push communism and socialism on the American people, whether it be with health care or taking away your paycheck and giving it to other people, they literally want to upturn and then get rid of the justice system."

"What she's saying is, 'no, you're now guilty -- you have to prove your innocence.'"
Pelosi comments show Democrats want to 'overturn' the American justice system: White House spokesman
Bull$hit spin-doctoring.

Disingenuous, dishonest, amateurish deflection and distraction, in an embarrassing attempt to prop-up an autocrat-wannabe.

A vastly more genuine translation would be:

"So far, the vast preponderance of evidence points to wrongdoing on the part of the President.

So far, the President has failed to introduce evidence to effectively offset such indicators.

Failing any such contradictory evidence, a decision to Impeach is beginning to look inevitable."


The cure?

Present substantive and sufficient and credible evidence to the contrary.

Fail to do so at your own very great political peril.

Your choice.
WTF enough is enough of the bullshit after do a search why is FOX news the only source that I could find that reported this unAmerican agenda of the democrat party? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH time to end the witch hunt. Leftist maybe you'll be in the same position of guilty until you prove that you are innocent.

Gidley told "The Story" that Pelosi's comments effectively mean Trump is responsible for proving he is not guilty -- an assertion that runs counter to the American mantra of "innocent until proven guilty."

"This is a weird moment in politics," Gidley said. "Because, the speaker of the House -- an elected Democrat -- as they continue to push communism and socialism on the American people, whether it be with health care or taking away your paycheck and giving it to other people, they literally want to upturn and then get rid of the justice system."

"What she's saying is, 'no, you're now guilty -- you have to prove your innocence.'"
Pelosi comments show Democrats want to 'overturn' the American justice system: White House spokesman
Bull$hit spin-doctoring.

Disingenuous, dishonest, amateurish deflection and distraction, in an embarrassing attempt to prop-up an autocrat-wannabe.

A vastly more genuine translation would be:

"So far, the vast preponderance of evidence points to wrongdoing on the part of the President.

So far, the President has failed to introduce evidence to effectively offset such indicators.

Failing any such contradictory evidence, a decision to Impeach is beginning to look inevitable."


The cure?

Present substantive and sufficient and credible evidence to the contrary.

Fail to do so at your own very great political peril.

Your choice.
talk about a big old pile of bullshit and spin you hold that title.
What should have happened yesterday the whistleblower testifies instead of someone who was irrelevant to the inquiry and had no knowledge of the call.

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