Pelosi "snowed out" of global warming rally .....


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Sep 6, 2008
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( – Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had to cancel an appearance Monday at a global warming rally in Washington, D.C., that was hit by a snowstorm because her flight was delayed, her office told

Brianna Cayo-Cotter, the spokesman for the Energy Action Coalition that held the rally, told a group of reporters that she had been in contact with Pelosi and that her flight had been delayed because of inclement weather.

A blizzard Sunday night and early Monday morning blanketed the nation’s capital with snow, causing events to be cancelled and delayed across the city.

House Select Energy Independence and Global Warming Chairman Edward Markey (D-Mass.), who was scheduled to speak at the global warming event, also canceled his appearance because of the inclement weather, a spokesman from his committee’s office told on Monday.

[Eben Burnham-Snyder, communications director for the committee, later contacted to say that Markey could not attend the rally not because of the weather but because of a “scheduling conflict.” - Pelosi Snowed-Out of Global Warming Rally

ironic, eh ? :eusa_whistle:
Must prove there is no global warming.:doubt:

The question is not whether there is global warming but whether or not human activity is the cause. If it is not, then not only are we wasting all kinds of time and energy on the wrong issue, but we're taking away from what we should be doing, which is dealing with global warming's actual effects.

This leads to my next point; even if we are causing global warming, we're not going to be able to reverse it. We're not going to turn the world away from the use of fossil fuels for hundreds of years, no matter what you may hope for. The idea that we will is an illusion, a fantasy. Maybe 100 to 200 years from now, that actually will happen, but you've already told us that will be too late. So with that in mind, it would make sense that we address the issues that will arise due to increasing temperatures rather than worry about trying to change something that we will not be able to change.
Actually, the question is ALSO whether or not there is global warming, as the computer models have been proven to be woefully inaccurate and inadequate, and real data shows there's actually a cooling trend.
Must prove there is no global warming.:doubt:

When i played lacrosse the 1st practice was March 1st every year, funny how that date never used to arrive with 6" of snow........ :eusa_whistle:
Actually, the question is ALSO whether or not there is global warming, as the computer models have been proven to be woefully inaccurate and inadequate, and real data shows there's actually a cooling trend.

Temperatures had been increasing for quite some time until the last few years. I believe it was 98 that was the hottest year due to a strong El Nino effect. I'm not going to look it up so I might be off just a hair. Since then, overall temps have been dropping a bit, but but they still show an upward trend. If we are actually starting to cool, then it doesn't matter.

My main point was that it really doens't matter. Even if we knew we were causing global warming, we can't stop it. We can't stop the entire world from using fossil fuels in the next five, ten, or fifty years. It ain't gonna happen folks.

So we should concentrate on issues that we can do something about. We know the SW United States is drying up, and has been for the last thirty years. Now, it's getting worse, mostly due to the fact we have too many people living there using way too much water. What do we do to address this problem for the long term. Even if the planet starts cooling, the SW is going to have issues with a lack of water. Lake Powell and Lake Mead are drying up. These are the problems we should be paying attention to.

Lakes Mead and Powell could run dry by 2021
It's a 50 percent possibility, a new Scripps study finds, which would squeeze water supplies in Arizona, California, Nevada, and New Mexico.
By Peter N. Spotts | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
from the February 13, 2008 edition

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Reporter Peter N. Spotts discusses dropping water levels in two important lakes in the western US.Lake Mead and Lake Powell, which supply water and power to millions in the American Southwest, stand a 50 percent chance of running dry by 2021 unless dramatic changes take place in how the region uses water, according to a new study.

Lakes Mead and Powell could run dry by 2021 |
( – Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had to cancel an appearance Monday at a global warming rally in Washington, D.C., that was hit by a snowstorm because her flight was delayed, her office told

Brianna Cayo-Cotter, the spokesman for the Energy Action Coalition that held the rally, told a group of reporters that she had been in contact with Pelosi and that her flight had been delayed because of inclement weather.

A blizzard Sunday night and early Monday morning blanketed the nation’s capital with snow, causing events to be cancelled and delayed across the city.

House Select Energy Independence and Global Warming Chairman Edward Markey (D-Mass.), who was scheduled to speak at the global warming event, also canceled his appearance because of the inclement weather, a spokesman from his committee’s office told on Monday.

[Eben Burnham-Snyder, communications director for the committee, later contacted to say that Markey could not attend the rally not because of the weather but because of a “scheduling conflict.” - Pelosi Snowed-Out of Global Warming Rally

ironic, eh ? :eusa_whistle:

Think ole' dizzy one can somehow see the irony. Probably not. She was last seen still swooning over the Fleeting Convictions in Chief.
What's wrong with you folks...guess you didn't get the memo...snow in March is a sure indicator of global warming.
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Winter weather grounds Pelosi's polluting private plane. Nature strikes back!

Phlegm at eleven!
( – Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had to cancel an appearance Monday at a global warming rally in Washington, D.C., that was hit by a snowstorm because her flight was delayed, her office told

Brianna Cayo-Cotter, the spokesman for the Energy Action Coalition that held the rally, told a group of reporters that she had been in contact with Pelosi and that her flight had been delayed because of inclement weather.

A blizzard Sunday night and early Monday morning blanketed the nation’s capital with snow, causing events to be cancelled and delayed across the city.

House Select Energy Independence and Global Warming Chairman Edward Markey (D-Mass.), who was scheduled to speak at the global warming event, also canceled his appearance because of the inclement weather, a spokesman from his committee’s office told on Monday.

[Eben Burnham-Snyder, communications director for the committee, later contacted to say that Markey could not attend the rally not because of the weather but because of a “scheduling conflict.” - Pelosi Snowed-Out of Global Warming Rally

ironic, eh ? :eusa_whistle:

I love it, I can't stand Nancy Pelosi, someone needs to drive a long nail through her San Francisco ignorant head. Make that a rusty from the road salt nail!
( – Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had to cancel an appearance Monday at a global warming rally in Washington, D.C., that was hit by a snowstorm because her flight was delayed, her office told

Brianna Cayo-Cotter, the spokesman for the Energy Action Coalition that held the rally, told a group of reporters that she had been in contact with Pelosi and that her flight had been delayed because of inclement weather.

A blizzard Sunday night and early Monday morning blanketed the nation’s capital with snow, causing events to be cancelled and delayed across the city.

House Select Energy Independence and Global Warming Chairman Edward Markey (D-Mass.), who was scheduled to speak at the global warming event, also canceled his appearance because of the inclement weather, a spokesman from his committee’s office told on Monday.

[Eben Burnham-Snyder, communications director for the committee, later contacted to say that Markey could not attend the rally not because of the weather but because of a “scheduling conflict.” - Pelosi Snowed-Out of Global Warming Rally

ironic, eh ? :eusa_whistle:

clearly, a snow storm is hard, scientific evidence that global warming isn't happening.

A wingnut even said the worlds glaciers aren't melting!

I guess we can all relax now!
( – Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had to cancel an appearance Monday at a global warming rally in Washington, D.C., that was hit by a snowstorm because her flight was delayed, her office told

Brianna Cayo-Cotter, the spokesman for the Energy Action Coalition that held the rally, told a group of reporters that she had been in contact with Pelosi and that her flight had been delayed because of inclement weather.

A blizzard Sunday night and early Monday morning blanketed the nation’s capital with snow, causing events to be cancelled and delayed across the city.

House Select Energy Independence and Global Warming Chairman Edward Markey (D-Mass.), who was scheduled to speak at the global warming event, also canceled his appearance because of the inclement weather, a spokesman from his committee’s office told on Monday.

[Eben Burnham-Snyder, communications director for the committee, later contacted to say that Markey could not attend the rally not because of the weather but because of a “scheduling conflict.” - Pelosi Snowed-Out of Global Warming Rally

ironic, eh ? :eusa_whistle:

Global warming predicts increased precipitation in the Eastern U.S. - snow is precipitation - so no, I don't see how its ironic. It would appear to be the opposite of irony, in fact.
( – Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had to cancel an appearance Monday at a global warming rally in Washington, D.C., that was hit by a snowstorm because her flight was delayed, her office told

Brianna Cayo-Cotter, the spokesman for the Energy Action Coalition that held the rally, told a group of reporters that she had been in contact with Pelosi and that her flight had been delayed because of inclement weather.

A blizzard Sunday night and early Monday morning blanketed the nation’s capital with snow, causing events to be cancelled and delayed across the city.

House Select Energy Independence and Global Warming Chairman Edward Markey (D-Mass.), who was scheduled to speak at the global warming event, also canceled his appearance because of the inclement weather, a spokesman from his committee’s office told on Monday.

[Eben Burnham-Snyder, communications director for the committee, later contacted to say that Markey could not attend the rally not because of the weather but because of a “scheduling conflict.” - Pelosi Snowed-Out of Global Warming Rally

ironic, eh ? :eusa_whistle:

Global warming predicts increased precipitation in the Eastern U.S. - snow is precipitation - so no, I don't see how its ironic. It would appear to be the opposite of irony, in fact.

Oh god, here we go again. When its hot, its global warming, and when its cold, its global warming. You guys play this game where no matter what the evidence is, you pretend that it supports your claim. Watch, i can do the same thing...

The world is cooling, as is evident from the hotter summers, melting glaciers, and freezing cold winters.
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( – Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had to cancel an appearance Monday at a global warming rally in Washington, D.C., that was hit by a snowstorm because her flight was delayed, her office told

Brianna Cayo-Cotter, the spokesman for the Energy Action Coalition that held the rally, told a group of reporters that she had been in contact with Pelosi and that her flight had been delayed because of inclement weather.

A blizzard Sunday night and early Monday morning blanketed the nation’s capital with snow, causing events to be cancelled and delayed across the city.

House Select Energy Independence and Global Warming Chairman Edward Markey (D-Mass.), who was scheduled to speak at the global warming event, also canceled his appearance because of the inclement weather, a spokesman from his committee’s office told on Monday.

[Eben Burnham-Snyder, communications director for the committee, later contacted to say that Markey could not attend the rally not because of the weather but because of a “scheduling conflict.” - Pelosi Snowed-Out of Global Warming Rally

ironic, eh ? :eusa_whistle:

Global warming predicts increased precipitation in the Eastern U.S. - snow is precipitation - so no, I don't see how its ironic. It would appear to be the opposite of irony, in fact.

In "warmer" weather, we call precipitation "rain".

Hope this helps.......
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