Pelosi Says She Won’t Send Impeachment Articles To The Senate Just Yet

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Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Pelosi Says She Won’t Send Impeachment Articles To The Senate Just Yet
The speaker said she wants to know more about what the process will look like in the Senate.​

Pelosi says she won’t send impeachment articles to the Senate just yet - Vox
Dec 18, 2019 ~ By Andrew Prokop
Pelosi says she won’t send impeachment articles to the Senate just yet After overseeing the votes to impeach President Trump Wednesday night, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a few next steps to take: naming impeachment managers to make her case in the Senate and transmitting the approved articles of impeachment to that upper chamber.
Except, Pelosi announced at a press conference after the votes, she’s not going to do either of those things just yet.
This is apparently an attempt to play hardball with McConnell to get him to agree to a fairer process. But it’s unclear whether Pelosi truly does have any leverage over McConnell and Senate Republicans, the key decision makers here. They’re not necessarily eager to hold this trial. And while President Trump surely wants to be officially “acquitted,” he likely wouldn’t want to make any concessions to Democrats to get there.

House has exercised its right and power to impeach. Now it must step back and let the Senate do its job. (One might say Pelosi is “obstructing the Senate.”)
Isn't what Pelosi is doing--refusing to deliver her Majority House charges to the Senate for trial, "OBSTRUCTION OF CONGRESS"?
There is certainly adequate evidence to impeach Pelosi and for the Senate to try her for "Obstruction of Congress", and remove her from office... If the House Democrat majority can impeach a President with lies, hearsay and no evidence, in other words violate the Constitution regarding impeachment of an officer of Congress, the minority Republicans in the House need not follow House rules or our Constitution... The Democrats have already, with their antics and lies violated the Constitution, so what is good for the Goose it is good for the Gander... Impeach Nancy Pelosi and kick her out of Congress.
According to Harvard legal scholar Noah Feldman, one of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats’ top witnesses to appear before a House committee in favor of impeaching the president.
“Impeachment as contemplated by the Constitution does not consist merely of the vote by the House, but of the process of sending the articles to the Senate for trial,” Feldman wrote in an op-ed. “Both parts are necessary to make an impeachment under the Constitution: The House must actually send the articles and send managers to the Senate to prosecute the impeachment. And the Senate must actually hold a trial,” he wrote, noting that if the House holds the articles, Trump could argue that he was never actually impeached.
The new norm for impeachment of a President for any disagreement instead of the four categories of crimes listed in the Constitution. Abuse of Power and obstruction of Congress are not impeachable crimes. Obstruction of Congress is the normal way of doing business in Washington, every President does it. If that is impeachable, then there is no point in having the office of a President.
Pelosi's little stunt is blowing up in her face. This is just further evidence of her extensive hypocrisy. She's the one who said that Obamacare needed to be passed so we could see what was in it. Well, Nancy, you need to pass the articles along to the Senate to see what the rules are. Don't like your own standards, Nancy? Then no impeachment. Chew on that along with your dentures.
The longer Nancy holds the articles, that gives Mitch that much more leverage to hold up starting the trial until the democrat primaries start, and it gives Durham that much more time to investigate and start issuing indictments. 2020 should be hilarious!!
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