Pelosi Refusing To Follow CDC Guidelines.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Nancy Pelosi is still fining House members $500 who have been fully vaccinated and choose not to wear a mask in the per CDC guidelines.

So, is the CDC following the science or it Nancy Pelosi?

According to Rep. Brian Mast, who put out a press release moments ago about the fine he received, he was fined for following the COVID-19 guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).​
The CDC has recently stated that anyone who has been fully vaccinated for the coronavirus did not have to continue wearing a mask in public, but Speaker Pelosi issued an edict of sorts mandating members to wear masks inside the House Chamber.​
Mast, who pointed out that the attending physician in the Capitol stated that those fully vaccinated members “can resume activities without wearing a mask,” pushed back, accusing Pelosi of ignoring CDC guidelines and using her position to wield “power and control over the American People.”​
“The truth is, from this moment on, Americans must ignore lies and start to listen to scientists,” stated Rep. Mast. “The scientists at the CDC are telling us if you are fully vaccinated, you can go about your life without wearing a mask or physically distancing. So, that’s what I’m doing. The question people should be asking is why is Speaker Pelosi not? For her, this has never been about science, it’s always been about power and control over the American people.”​

LOLOL. My God what a total waste of
I didn't see a thread on this after an exhaustive investigation. But move it anyway for craps and giggles

Edit. Good lord one just popped up.....lolol

Good Lord this place.
Why do they allow her to act like a tyrant...when will someone stand up and tell her to fuck off?...she is just a stupid hack congress woman....I sure miss Trump....the only republican with balls....
Nancy Pelosi is still fining House members $500 who have been fully vaccinated and choose not to wear a mask in the per CDC guidelines.

So, is the CDC following the science or it Nancy Pelosi?

According to Rep. Brian Mast, who put out a press release moments ago about the fine he received, he was fined for following the COVID-19 guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).​
The CDC has recently stated that anyone who has been fully vaccinated for the coronavirus did not have to continue wearing a mask in public, but Speaker Pelosi issued an edict of sorts mandating members to wear masks inside the House Chamber.​
Mast, who pointed out that the attending physician in the Capitol stated that those fully vaccinated members “can resume activities without wearing a mask,” pushed back, accusing Pelosi of ignoring CDC guidelines and using her position to wield “power and control over the American People.”​
“The truth is, from this moment on, Americans must ignore lies and start to listen to scientists,” stated Rep. Mast. “The scientists at the CDC are telling us if you are fully vaccinated, you can go about your life without wearing a mask or physically distancing. So, that’s what I’m doing. The question people should be asking is why is Speaker Pelosi not? For her, this has never been about science, it’s always been about power and control over the American people.”​

Beat me to even said I did an exhaustive search and you show up

worthless automatic search is this
If the vaccine does indeed do what they said it would, or if they weren't lying about it then if you had your vaccine your no risk.

If not then wearing a mask makes getting the vaccine pointless. Why get it if you can't take off your mask.

This whole "get the vaccine and continue to wear your mask" is just political theater. And pelosi is just grand standing and trying to wave her dick around. I don't think that she does anything that isn't self serving to her career or ego.
It's ironic how the "trust the science" people are no longer interested in science.
They never were...its never been about keeping people safe from covid....its always been about the take over of America by folks that couldn't get elected without covid election rule changes....
Nancy Pelosi is still fining House members $500 who have been fully vaccinated and choose not to wear a mask in the per CDC guidelines.

So, is the CDC following the science or it Nancy Pelosi?

According to Rep. Brian Mast, who put out a press release moments ago about the fine he received, he was fined for following the COVID-19 guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).​
The CDC has recently stated that anyone who has been fully vaccinated for the coronavirus did not have to continue wearing a mask in public, but Speaker Pelosi issued an edict of sorts mandating members to wear masks inside the House Chamber.​
Mast, who pointed out that the attending physician in the Capitol stated that those fully vaccinated members “can resume activities without wearing a mask,” pushed back, accusing Pelosi of ignoring CDC guidelines and using her position to wield “power and control over the American People.”​
“The truth is, from this moment on, Americans must ignore lies and start to listen to scientists,” stated Rep. Mast. “The scientists at the CDC are telling us if you are fully vaccinated, you can go about your life without wearing a mask or physically distancing. So, that’s what I’m doing. The question people should be asking is why is Speaker Pelosi not? For her, this has never been about science, it’s always been about power and control over the American people.”​

She should get a clue. It is a government building. It should comply with government recommendations, if she can't get the recommendations changed.
It's ironic how the "trust the science" people are no longer interested in science.
They never were...its never been about keeping people safe from covid....its always been about the take over of America by folks that couldn't get elected without covid election rule changes....
Letting and transporting diseased illegal aliens in this country without a care, is PROOF this virus was all bullshit and a grab for power of these absolutely disgusting sloths
She believes she is the House Speaker and she can do whatever she wants. That's always been her prerogative from the start. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
The Capital Police enforce their rules......and who was in charge of Capital Police on Jan 6th.
Nancy Pelosi. She was dying for this incident to happen to impeach Trump and was very successful. Bout the only thing she ever did that worked out for the slime ball.
Nancy Pelosi is still fining House members $500 who have been fully vaccinated and choose not to wear a mask in the per CDC guidelines.

So, is the CDC following the science or it Nancy Pelosi?

According to Rep. Brian Mast, who put out a press release moments ago about the fine he received, he was fined for following the COVID-19 guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).​
The CDC has recently stated that anyone who has been fully vaccinated for the coronavirus did not have to continue wearing a mask in public, but Speaker Pelosi issued an edict of sorts mandating members to wear masks inside the House Chamber.​
Actually the CDC guidelines apply that ONLY to gatherings where EVERYBODY in the gathering has been fully vaccinated.

The CDC guidlines for "mixed" groups, remains as masks and 6 feet of separation.

The house has a "mix" of vaccinated and not vaccinated members all in the same indoor setting.

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