Pelosi Joins Holder, Hillary In Call For Escalation In Violent Intolerance & Lack of Civility

Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats

Bullshit. Republicans are the mobsters who are inciting and committing all the violence and voter suppression.

NYPD Arrests 2 Proud Boys, Seeks 7 More After Street Violence
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats

Bullshit. Republicans are the mobsters who are inciting and committing all the violence.

NYPD Arrests 2 Proud Boys, Seeks 7 More After Street Violence
Yeah, I'll tell all my buds in ANTIFA about that one.:auiqs.jpg:
Whatā€™s wrong with black Lives Matter? You are FOR police brutality ?
The notion of common police brutality in America was a gimmick set up by the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson/Farrakan race hustlers to gin up votes from young blacks in the 2016 election.

Actually, there is less police brutality in the US than in most other countries, especially due to the habit of liberal courts and politicians to blame police for alleged police brutality (ex. Betty Shelby, Michael Slager, Jason Van Dyke cases), making police timid in the conduct of their jobs.

As for BLM, there's a lot wrong with them. Just one example, here in Tampa, FL, they blocked a main street in downtown Tampa, knowing the Democrat mayor, Bob Buckhorn would have the police stand down. The cops, under mayor's coercion did nothing, and traffic was blocked for and hour and a half. In that crowd of blocked cars, could have been a pregnant woman needing to get to a hospital fast, someone seriously bleeding, an ambulance, fire trucks, and even police cars. Also very possibly, cars without air conditioning, in 95 degree heat.

This was a totally irresponsible act by BLM and the mayor, which caused the police chief to resign a few days afterward. He had been on the job for 35 years. Another example (among many) of Democrats sending our society to the dogs.
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Bullshit. Republicans are the mobsters who are inciting and committing all the violence and voter suppression.
Bwahahaha! Is ā€œRepublicansā€ your new code word for Antifa? As is always the case, the left has engaged in violence, destruction of property, and intimidation while the right has illustrated class and restraint.
Bullshit. Republicans are the mobsters who are inciting and committing all the violence and voter suppression.

NYPD Arrests 2 Proud Boys, Seeks 7 More After Street Violence
1. Unwarranted voter suppression is yet another ruse fabricated by leftists. Republicans do support voter suppression of the sort which is a good thing >> ie. suppression of illegal voting by those ineligible to vote. Likewise Democrats support tolerance of illegal voting, that should be suppressed.

2. To say that "Republicans are the mobsters who are inciting and committing all the violence" is too idiotic to even be dignified with a response, when clearly, the overwhelming majority of violence and criminal behavior is from the left.
Bullshit. Republicans are the mobsters who are inciting and committing all the violence and voter suppression.

NYPD Arrests 2 Proud Boys, Seeks 7 More After Street Violence
1. Unwarranted voter suppression is yet another ruse fabricated by leftists. Republicans do support voter suppression of the sort which is a good thing >> ie. suppression of illegal voting by those ineligible to vote. Likewise Democrats support tolerance of illegal voting, that should be suppressed.

2. To say that "Republicans are the mobsters who are inciting and committing all the violence" is too idiotic to even be dignified with a response, when clearly, the overwhelming majority of violence and criminal behavior is from the left.
1) actual citizens being purged from rolls.

2) Trump praises violence.
What liberal behavior? You cons spin this lie they righties are a bunch of pacifists. Which is bullshit . Hate crimes are in the rise , and letā€™s not forget high profile incidents like Charlottesville .
We WON'T forget "high profile incidents like Charlottesville" which is a prime example of leftist violence, when leftist counterprotestors illegally blocked the street that legal permit-granted marchers were marching on to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. They also attacked and fought with the peaceful marchers, who had to fight to defend themselves.

And what do you mean "What liberal behavior?" You know damn well what it is. In addition to their despicable behavior in Charlottesville, there are countless examples of masked liberal thugs' bad behavior. Rioting, burning cars. looting, attacking people, smashing windows, blocking traffic, harrasing people in public, etc etc, As if you didn't know. :rolleyes:
Bullshit. Republicans are the mobsters who are inciting and committing all the violence and voter suppression.

NYPD Arrests 2 Proud Boys, Seeks 7 More After Street Violence
1. Unwarranted voter suppression is yet another ruse fabricated by leftists. Republicans do support voter suppression of the sort which is a good thing >> ie. suppression of illegal voting by those ineligible to vote. Likewise Democrats support tolerance of illegal voting, that should be suppressed.

2. To say that "Republicans are the mobsters who are inciting and committing all the violence" is too idiotic to even be dignified with a response, when clearly, the overwhelming majority of violence and criminal behavior is from the left.
1) actual citizens being purged from rolls.

2) Trump praises violence.
Any GOP-inspired assassination attempts?

Any open calls for violence and an end to civility from the GOP?

Any primary rigging, debate cheating from the GOP?

Any Conservatives duped by the Russians into organizing or marching for them?

Any Conservatives groups taking Russian or Soros cash to spread racial hatred, division, and violence?

Any Conservatives groups openly bragging how they show up at peaceful legal events to initiate violence?


Any GOP-inspired assassination attempts?

Any open calls for violence and an end to civility from the GOP?

Any primary rigging, debate cheating from the GOP?

Any Conservatives duped by the Russians into organizing or marching for them?

Any Conservatives groups taking Russian or Soros cash to spread racial hatred, division, and violence?

Any Conservatives groups openly bragging how they show up at peaceful legal events to initiate violence?


All correct. And any blocking of traffic, attacking rallygoers, disrupting speeches, allowing riots destroying whole neighborhoods, all being allowed by Democrat mayors ? Not by conservatives.
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats

Maybe she joined the ā€œproud boysā€....
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats

Maybe she joined the ā€œproud boysā€....
Nah...its just what liberals are / do.

Hillary, for example, as far as we know, was / is the 1st Presidential candidate to hire thugs to beat up US citizens - opposition supporters.

Just incredible...
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats

Maybe she joined the ā€œproud boysā€....
Nah...its just what liberals are / do.

Hillary, for example, as far as we know, was / is the 1st Presidential candidate to hire thugs to beat up US citizens - opposition supporters.

Just incredible...

Hillary hired the bug torch white dudes to march at Charlottesville?
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats

Maybe she joined the ā€œproud boysā€....
Nah...its just what liberals are / do.

Hillary, for example, as far as we know, was / is the 1st Presidential candidate to hire thugs to beat up US citizens - opposition supporters.

Just incredible...

Hillary hired the bug torch white dudes to march at Charlottesville?
Nope. She hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies....

Antifa was hired by Russia / Soros....
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats

Maybe she joined the ā€œproud boysā€....
Nah...its just what liberals are / do.

Hillary, for example, as far as we know, was / is the 1st Presidential candidate to hire thugs to beat up US citizens - opposition supporters.

Just incredible...

Hillary hired the bug torch white dudes to march at Charlottesville?
Nope. She hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies....

Antifa was hired by Russia / Soros....

How much reality do you still live in?
So the left doubles down on stupid................

Clinton body count gets a false rating, but today Trump is calling for violence.
"false rating" from snopes is as laughable as a "false rating" from PolitiFARCE. These leftist mouthpieces are nothing but FALSE themselves, especially snopes, whose specialty is shielding the Clintons from all their overdue blame.

Fact-Checking Snopes: Websiteā€™s Political ā€˜Fact-Checkerā€™ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger

And no, Trump has NOT called for "violence". He calls for, and praises, security personnel doing their jobs. Stop spinning the truth.
You mean other than them assaulting protestors at a Trump rally?
WOW. What kind of twisted gobbledegook from CNN have YOU been sucking up ? The assaulting of Trump supporters at Trump rallies BY LEFTIST TRUMP HATERS, is one of the main rallying cries of the right. It was set up and paid for by sabatogers in the DNC, who since were forced or forced to resign.

The group which pays Scott Foval, Democracy Partners, is run by Bob Creamer, husband of Democratic Rep. Jan Shakowsky, who plead guilty to tax violations and bank fraud in 2005. Two of Creamerā€™s underlings in the video, Zulema Rodriguez and Aaron Black /Aaron Minter, take credit for organizing the March Chicago protest which made Trump cancel his rally and left police officers injured.

Foval in the video said, ā€œWe have to be really careful because, because what we donā€™t need is for it to show up on CNN that the DNC paid for X people to, thatā€™s not going to happen.ā€ IT DID.

Hidden Camera Video Shows Democrats Sent Agitators To Trump Rallies

Undercover Video: Democrats Caused Violence at Trump Rallies

Video: Clinton Camp Admits Paying Protesters to Incite Violence at Trump Rallies

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