Pelosi: ‘Dangerous’ To Let Election Decide Who Will Be President, That’s ‘Weak Position’


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Of course the Left hate free elections.

Just valises they know Americans are not buying their BS witch hunt.


Former BFI Director Comey declared he leaked classified information get to the press so a intention of a pre-arranged Special Counsel would be appointed with the intent of removing the newly elected President from office because HE decided the American people were wrong, that the country was in jeopardy, and it was up to him to act to affect the removal of the President of the United States from office. This dangerous view / sentiment was expressed by several 'self-appointed savior' co-conspirators.

In this latest coup attempt led by D-Adam 'admitted leaker' Schiff, no crime has been presented, no evidence of a crime, no whistleblower, and no witness, as no one witnessed anything.

We have repeatedly, however, heard those testifying before Congress express that their opinions, view, and testimony - based primarily off of hearsay - is also founded on their disagreement with the Foreign Policy of the current President. The fact that THEY do not get to dictate or even give the final say on Foreign policy has not deterred them from acting to undermine the President fo the United States, whose job it is to dictate foreign policy.

THIS is their justification for attempting continuous failed coup after continuous failed coup based off of ZERO crime ('witnesses' could / can not even name a crime the President has committed that warrants Impeachment), no evidence of crime, no whistleblower, and not 1 true 'witness'.

...and every once in a while the corrupt, criminal, Elitist, Deep State, Seditious, treasonous Democrats get caught in a moment of unintended honesty. how Nancy Pelosi did:

After the facts were pointed out to Pelosi - no crime, no evidence of crime, no whistleblower, no witnesses - she and the Democrats have been asked, 'WHY NOT ALLOW THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO DECIDE IN THE NEXT ELECTION SICNCE WE ARE SO CLOSE TO THE NEXT ELECTION?'

Her answer is completely brutally unintentionally honest in that she says exactly what she thinks of the American people: 'They are too stupid and can not be trusted to make the right decision for the nation, as the 2016 election was obviously proof of that....according to Nancy Pelosi and the democrats.

"The weak response to these hearings has been, ‘Let the election decide.’ That dangerous position only adds to the urgency of our action, because POTUS is jeopardizing the integrity of the 2020 elections,” Pelosi explained."

The 'POTUS'? Bwuhahahahaha

Nancy knows that there is not 1 Democratic Party candidate who can beat President Trump and this economy in 2020, especially with the platform issues they are running on!

The 'POTUS' is forcing them to strip the decision out of the hands of the American people? If you believe that, then you're an idiot. The American people rejected their hand-picked criminal in 2016, and the American people see right through the treason they are engaging in now...and will reject the Democrats in 2020. The Democrats' only chance is to attempt to remove the President as an option now, removing she opportunity for the American people to decide again in 2020.

The American people, according to Pelosi and her fellow Democrats, made a mistake in 2016, one they have been attempting to correct for the last 4 years, and one they have every intention of preventing from happening again.

Allowing the American people to choose their own President, according to Pelosi, is 'Dangerous'.

Pelosi Blows Off Impeachment Critics, Says It’s ‘Weak,’ ‘Dangerous’ To Let Election Decide

Pelosi once again expressed the Democrat belief that Americans are too stupid to be trusted with voting and choosing their own representatives and Presidents, that THEY have to do it for us, a sentiment echoed by other Democrats and demonstrated, as mentioned, by the actions of traitors like Comey....

...however, despite being so much more intelligent than the Republicans and all of us, Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul had to educate Pelosi.

"Pelosi made the argument that even though the military aide was indeed released to Ukraine, it was released only after the NON-witness/whistleblower whistleblower initiated the complaint process (by reaching out to Schiff)..

Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul took that particular argument a step further, arguing that the Trump administration had every right to withhold aid if they had any concerns about corruption within the Ukrainian government.

“I think we’ve gotten lost in this whole idea of quid pro quo. If you’re not allowed to give aid to people who are corrupt, there’s always contingencies on aid,”
Paul said... “Presidents since the beginning of time have resisted Congress and there’s been this sort of back and forth jockeying over what is sent … if there's corruption and he believes there to be corruption, he has every right to withhold aid.”


I have been saying it for a month, they're scared shit less over an election
That's a misrepresentation of the argument. Neither Pelosi or Trump come anywhere near being worthy of the offices they hold but I dislike poorly made or misrepresented arguments.

She is saying it's dangerous to allow someone that has done something wrong to just slide and let the election determine the outcome. That would be true. She hasn't made the argument that anything to that level has been done but the argument just based upon the statement would be true.
The filth has wanted to get rid of elections for a long time!

To call half of all Americans "irredeemable deplorables" shows you where their mind is at.
That's a misrepresentation of the argument. Neither Pelosi or Trump come anywhere near being worthy of the offices they hold but I dislike poorly made or misrepresented arguments.

She is saying it's dangerous to allow someone that has done something wrong to just slide and let the election determine the outcome. That would be true. She hasn't made the argument that anything to that level has been done but the argument just based upon the statement would be true.

Jonathon Gruber repeatedly declared not only does the Democrats / Democratic party think their loyal idiot supporters, are stupid sheep but that the Democrats / Democratic Party COUNTS on them being stupid so they can get away with the corrupt criminal shit they / the Socialist Democratic Party gets away with.

The 2016 election season was one huge demonstration by snowflakes of how RIGHT Gruber was in what he said in how right Democrats are in their belief that snowflakes are THAT stupid.

-- The Democrats managed to manufacture / bring about their own server/e-mail hack and leak of Democrat e-mails by their then-DNC Chairwoman hiring a family of Pakistani spies and giving Awan not only access to Democrats' e-mail but also their usernames and passwords....and amazingly shortly after Democrat e-mails start getting leaked.

THESE E-MAILS CONTAINED EMAILS TO/FROM DEMOCRATS THAT CONTAINED RACST, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBIC, AND ANTI-SEMITIC CONTENT. Caught red-handed, the Democrats looked straight into the faces of their imbecilic loyal brain-dead indoctrinated constituents and told them: 1) 'Wasn't us...didn't happen'...2) 'Ummm..we were HACKED by the Russians - we're victims...and Trump is responsible'...then refused to turn over their servers for anyone to verify their claim....and with the MSM pushing their lies, snowflake sheep bought it.

THESE E-MAILS ALSO EXPOSED THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY'S ADMISSION THAT IS WAS RIGGING ITS OWN PRIMARY ON FAVOR OF HILLARY. DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile came right out and admitted it....and snowflake sheep called their own [party's chairwoman a liar and said none of it was true, rejecting the truth from their own party's representative. Snowflake sheep bought it.

No matter how much evidence has come out / has been proven and presented against their party leaders / reps, the snowflake sheep have been on a crusade to prove just how right Jonathon Gruber was / is - not only are snowflakes stupid, the Democratic party DEPENDS on the stupidity of snowflakes in order to get away with the corrupt, criminal, seditious, treasonous shit they get away with.
The snowflakes have been on a crusade

For 4 years snowflakes have followed the Democrats into and through one proven failed coup attempt after another, always based on the accusation of Democrats against the President of crimes THEY have committed....the latest being accusing Trump of blackmailing and extorting the Ukraine POM when the only evidence of that EVER happening is JOE BIDEN'S VIDEOTAPED CONFESSION OF DOING SO.

Way to go, snowflakes - you're making Jonathon Gruber look like a damn GENIOUS!

That's a misrepresentation of the argument. Neither Pelosi or Trump come anywhere near being worthy of the offices they hold but I dislike poorly made or misrepresented arguments.

She is saying it's dangerous to allow someone that has done something wrong to just slide and let the election determine the outcome. That would be true. She hasn't made the argument that anything to that level has been done but the argument just based upon the statement would be true.

Jonathon Gruber repeatedly declared not only does the Democrats / Democratic party think their loyal idiot supporters, are stupid sheep but that the Democrats / Democratic Party COUNTS on them being stupid so they can get away with the corrupt criminal shit they / the Socialist Democratic Party gets away with.

Like claiming that Mexico would pay for the wall? That kind of stupid?

Address my point or rant away. I'm not interested in your rant.
"Pelosi just stated that “it is dangerous to let the voters decide Trump’s fate.”
In other words, she thinks I’m going to win and doesn’t want to take a chance on letting the voters decide. Like Al Green, she wants to change our voting system. Wow, she’s CRAZY!" - Trump
Like I have told you.......these people want to do away with Democracy altogether.

We dodged a big bullet with Trump over Hillary, how many more elections can we keep dodging bullets?
Sooner or later a democrat will win the WH, then we need to undo their power grab, again.
She wanted to open our borders, get rid of the dollar and impose The Amero.

Remember that?

She's one scary bitch.
That's a misrepresentation of the argument. Neither Pelosi or Trump come anywhere near being worthy of the offices they hold but I dislike poorly made or misrepresented arguments.

She is saying it's dangerous to allow someone that has done something wrong to just slide and let the election determine the outcome. That would be true. She hasn't made the argument that anything to that level has been done but the argument just based upon the statement would be true.

Jonathon Gruber repeatedly declared not only does the Democrats / Democratic party think their loyal idiot supporters, are stupid sheep but that the Democrats / Democratic Party COUNTS on them being stupid so they can get away with the corrupt criminal shit they / the Socialist Democratic Party gets away with.

Like claiming that Mexico would pay for the wall? That kind of stupid?

Address my point or rant away. I'm not interested in your rant.
Trumps got 5 more years, they’ll be paying.

The oceans began to recede when Trump got elected.

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