Pediatrician explains new transgender suicide study: ‘Not scientific fact’


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Pediatrician explains new transgender suicide study: ‘Not scientific fact’

From the article:

"September 20, 2018 (The Daily Signal) – A new study is out that examines the risk of suicide among transgender teens. The results confirm a long pattern of data: Transgender teens attempt suicide more frequently than adolescents generally.

Unfortunately, this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies.

This would be a serious mistake.

The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens. This is an ideological premise touted by professional medical and psychiatric guilds, not scientific fact.

The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide.

If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition."

The gist of it all:

The study's findings could lead parents of so-called gender confused children into beginning the gender transition puberty blocking hormone treatment and surgical mutilation prior to teen age. Meaning young children are now at risk of having their bodies poisoned and hacked up after their parents decide they should actually become a tomboy or sissy girl rather than letting them go through those normal stages like parents did before them for freaking millennia.


If you support the mutilation of young children into trans-things, either ideologically or politically—or gasp—as morally acceptable, then you may as well invite the devil over for a game of Russian Roulette, because whether or not old scratch really exists, you've sold your soul to incarnate devils wearing human flesh and white lab coats.

What the hell is wrong inside the brains of common, everyday law abiding American citizens allowing them to champion and/or approve of this psycho-circus hell on earth, into the abyss high diving? Can anyone out there who is not roleplaying devil's advocate for kicks sound off on why they think Americans—or any sane human being for that matter—would think this is a normal, let alone morally normative, socially acceptable let alone legal, proposition?
Pediatrician explains new transgender suicide study: ‘Not scientific fact’

From the article:

"September 20, 2018 (The Daily Signal) – A new study is out that examines the risk of suicide among transgender teens. The results confirm a long pattern of data: Transgender teens attempt suicide more frequently than adolescents generally.

Unfortunately, this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies.

This would be a serious mistake.

The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens. This is an ideological premise touted by professional medical and psychiatric guilds, not scientific fact.

The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide.

If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition."

The gist of it all:

The study's findings could lead parents of so-called gender confused children into beginning the gender transition puberty blocking hormone treatment and surgical mutilation prior to teen age. Meaning young children are now at risk of having their bodies poisoned and hacked up after their parents decide they should actually become a tomboy or sissy girl rather than letting them go through those normal stages like parents did before them for freaking millennia.


If you support the mutilation of young children into trans-things, either ideologically or politically—or gasp—as morally acceptable, then you may as well invite the devil over for a game of Russian Roulette, because whether or not old scratch really exists, you've sold your soul to incarnate devils wearing human flesh and white lab coats.

What the hell is wrong inside the brains of common, everyday law abiding American citizens allowing them to champion and/or approve of this psycho-circus hell on earth, into the abyss high diving? Can anyone out there who is not roleplaying devil's advocate for kicks sound off on why they think Americans—or any sane human being for that matter—would think this is a normal, let alone morally normative, socially acceptable let alone legal, proposition?
I would be curious to know how many of the teens that committed suicide were in families that were open to discussing the adolescent's troubles to begin with. I can't imagine these kids are killing themselves because they can't get a treatment. I can imagine they are killing themselves because they feel alone in the world.
Pediatrician explains new transgender suicide study: ‘Not scientific fact’

From the article:

"September 20, 2018 (The Daily Signal) – A new study is out that examines the risk of suicide among transgender teens. The results confirm a long pattern of data: Transgender teens attempt suicide more frequently than adolescents generally.

Unfortunately, this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies.

This would be a serious mistake.

The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens. This is an ideological premise touted by professional medical and psychiatric guilds, not scientific fact.

The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide.

If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition."

The gist of it all:

The study's findings could lead parents of so-called gender confused children into beginning the gender transition puberty blocking hormone treatment and surgical mutilation prior to teen age. Meaning young children are now at risk of having their bodies poisoned and hacked up after their parents decide they should actually become a tomboy or sissy girl rather than letting them go through those normal stages like parents did before them for freaking millennia.


If you support the mutilation of young children into trans-things, either ideologically or politically—or gasp—as morally acceptable, then you may as well invite the devil over for a game of Russian Roulette, because whether or not old scratch really exists, you've sold your soul to incarnate devils wearing human flesh and white lab coats.

What the hell is wrong inside the brains of common, everyday law abiding American citizens allowing them to champion and/or approve of this psycho-circus hell on earth, into the abyss high diving? Can anyone out there who is not roleplaying devil's advocate for kicks sound off on why they think Americans—or any sane human being for that matter—would think this is a normal, let alone morally normative, socially acceptable let alone legal, proposition?

So lets me get this straight. A teen who is troubled enough to want to undergo surgeries is more likely to commit suicide and someone wrote an article about this and got paid? The language is also poor. How can a surgery to do anything short of removing my mouth and arms prevent me from attempting suicide. Better go for my legs also.

look, if ppl want to be straight, gay, whatever it does not bother me. Just show up for work, don't demand too many bathrooms and pay your bills. Bonus if you can use a screwdriver. More strongly, I LOVE small government so it sure as heck doesn't matter to my government what you do with your holes and sticks as long as no one else is hurt, enough babies are being made or we're importing enough future Americans.

Where do you stand?
Pediatrician explains new transgender suicide study: ‘Not scientific fact’

From the article:

"September 20, 2018 (The Daily Signal) – A new study is out that examines the risk of suicide among transgender teens. The results confirm a long pattern of data: Transgender teens attempt suicide more frequently than adolescents generally.

Unfortunately, this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies.

This would be a serious mistake.

The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens. This is an ideological premise touted by professional medical and psychiatric guilds, not scientific fact.

The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide.

If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition."

The gist of it all:

The study's findings could lead parents of so-called gender confused children into beginning the gender transition puberty blocking hormone treatment and surgical mutilation prior to teen age. Meaning young children are now at risk of having their bodies poisoned and hacked up after their parents decide they should actually become a tomboy or sissy girl rather than letting them go through those normal stages like parents did before them for freaking millennia.


If you support the mutilation of young children into trans-things, either ideologically or politically—or gasp—as morally acceptable, then you may as well invite the devil over for a game of Russian Roulette, because whether or not old scratch really exists, you've sold your soul to incarnate devils wearing human flesh and white lab coats.

What the hell is wrong inside the brains of common, everyday law abiding American citizens allowing them to champion and/or approve of this psycho-circus hell on earth, into the abyss high diving? Can anyone out there who is not roleplaying devil's advocate for kicks sound off on why they think Americans—or any sane human being for that matter—would think this is a normal, let alone morally normative, socially acceptable let alone legal, proposition?

Well what do we have here? First let’s consider the source that claims that the study says or implies the following:

1. Unfortunately, this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies.

2. The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens. This is an ideological premise touted by professional medical and psychiatric guilds, not scientific fact.

3. The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide.

4. If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition."

That source is the Daily Signal

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

In other words there is a strong stench of horseshit right off of the bat. In addition , The Daily Signal parroting the propaganda and gibberish of Life Site, another highly biased outlet

Now let’s hold our noses and put this crap under the microscope. Here is the actual study, that Life Site links to, by the American Academy of Pediatrics

Read the fucking thing which the fear mongering rags are misrepresenting the facts and which YOU are complicit in for posting this shit. Specifically:

With respect to the assertion that “this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies” please identify the portion of the study that even touches on the issue of “transition affirming therapies” The conclusion, which I’m sure that you did not bother to read simply identifies the variable suicide rates among differing transgender populations. There is absolutely no suggestion that “radical surgury” should be considered.

In addition, it occurred to me that you are probobly to fucking stupid to understand the difference between transgender and intersexuality-sometimes referred to as ambiguous genitalia . Some children are born with out clear indications of gender. The medical response had, in the past been to perform gender reassignment surgury early on to make that child into a male or female, not knowing for sure what they would actually come to identify as. That practice too, has come to be frowned upon.

With regard to the second stupid and misleading point, that “The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens” Again, there is nothing in the study that suggests any such thing. It is made up bullshit, in other words a lie that you, the OP are helping to spread. Yes, you can say that there is an implication that all gender identities should be validated, but what’s wrong with that ? Kids kill themselves when they are not accepted and validated for who they are. I find it hard to believe that anyone is so stupid as to not get that

Regarding the third, and so far, the most irresponsible and stupid assertion, that “The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide” – I don’t quite know where to begin.

First of all, the study is about suicide and its prevention, not surgury or any treatment at all. And EXACTLY who is advocating these types of surgeries for transgender children? The fact is that the prevailing wisdom is to delay any radical, irreversible treatment until the person is old enough to make an informed decision. Yet you and your sources stupidly utter the issue of hormone blocker, which are used to delay puberty until the person can make that informed decision, in the same breath as-and conflate it with- radical surgeries .

Lastly, to the point that “If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition." Just highlights the abject ignorance of those who post and perpetuate this king of crap. There is plenty of research out there on the causes and etiology of transgender but the bigots and anti-intellectuals choose to ignore it all and promote your misinformation and outright lies instead. The fact is that there is growing evidence that transgender- in many case – has an underlying physiological basis. Read it for Christ sake!

You bastards who post this kind of shit have blood on your hands every time a trans PERSON kills themselves because you are diverting attention away from the real issues of why they do so- which is rejection, ridicule, discrimination, marginalization and being shames and not being taken seriously. YOU should be ashamed for posting this shit!
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Pediatrician explains new transgender suicide study: ‘Not scientific fact’

From the article:

"September 20, 2018 (The Daily Signal) – A new study is out that examines the risk of suicide among transgender teens. The results confirm a long pattern of data: Transgender teens attempt suicide more frequently than adolescents generally.

Unfortunately, this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies.

This would be a serious mistake.

The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens. This is an ideological premise touted by professional medical and psychiatric guilds, not scientific fact.

The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide.

If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition."

The gist of it all:

The study's findings could lead parents of so-called gender confused children into beginning the gender transition puberty blocking hormone treatment and surgical mutilation prior to teen age. Meaning young children are now at risk of having their bodies poisoned and hacked up after their parents decide they should actually become a tomboy or sissy girl rather than letting them go through those normal stages like parents did before them for freaking millennia.


If you support the mutilation of young children into trans-things, either ideologically or politically—or gasp—as morally acceptable, then you may as well invite the devil over for a game of Russian Roulette, because whether or not old scratch really exists, you've sold your soul to incarnate devils wearing human flesh and white lab coats.

What the hell is wrong inside the brains of common, everyday law abiding American citizens allowing them to champion and/or approve of this psycho-circus hell on earth, into the abyss high diving? Can anyone out there who is not roleplaying devil's advocate for kicks sound off on why they think Americans—or any sane human being for that matter—would think this is a normal, let alone morally normative, socially acceptable let alone legal, proposition?

Well what do we have here? First let’s consider the source that claims that the study says or implies the following:

1. Unfortunately, this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies.

2. The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens. This is an ideological premise touted by professional medical and psychiatric guilds, not scientific fact.

3. The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide.

4. If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition."

That source is the Daily Signal

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

In other words there is a strong stench of horseshit right off of the bat. In addition , The Daily Signal parroting the propaganda and gibberish of Life Site, another highly biased outlet

Now let’s hold our noses and put this crap under the microscope. Here is the actual study, that Life Site links to, by the American Academy of Pediatrics

Read the fucking thing which the fear mongering rags are misrepresenting the facts and which YOU are complicit in for posting this shit. Specifically:

With respect to the assertion that “this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies” please identify the portion of the study that even touches on the issue of “transition affirming therapies” The conclusion, which I’m sure that you did not bother to read simply identifies the variable suicide rates among differing transgender populations. There is absolutely no suggestion that “radical surgury” should be considered.

In addition, it occurred to me that you are probobly to fucking stupid to understand the difference between transgender and intersexuality-sometimes referred to as ambiguous genitalia . Some children are born with out clear indications of gender. The medical response had, in the past been to perform gender reassignment surgury early on to make that child into a male or female, not knowing for sure what they would actually come to identify as. That practice too, has come to be frowned upon.

With regard to the second stupid and misleading point, that “The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens” Again, there is nothing in the study that suggests any such thing. It is made up bullshit, in other words a lie that you, the OP are helping to spread. Yes, you can say that there is an implication that all gender identities should be validated, but what’s wrong with that ? Kids kill themselves when they are not accepted and validated for who they are. I find it hard to believe that anyone is so stupid as to not get that

Regarding the third, and so far, the most irresponsible and stupid assertion, that “The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide” – I don’t quite know where to begin.

First of all, the study is about suicide and its prevention, not surgury or any treatment at all. And EXACTLY who is advocating these types of surgeries for transgender children? The fact is that the prevailing wisdom is to delay any radical, irreversible treatment until the person is old enough to make an informed decision. Yet you and your sources stupidly utter the issue of hormone blocker, which are used to delay puberty until the person can make that informed decision, in the same breath as-and conflate it with- radical surgeries .

Lastly, to the point that “If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition." Just highlights the abject ignorance of those who post and perpetuate this king of crap. There is plenty of research out there on the causes and etiology of transgender but the bigots and anti-intellectuals choose to ignore it all and promote your misinformation and outright lies instead. The fact is that there is growing evidence that transgender- in many case – has an underlying physiological basis. Read it for Christ sake!

You bastards who post this kind of shit have blood on your hands every time a trans PERSON kills themselves because you are diverting attention away from the real issues of why they do so- which is rejection, ridicule, discrimination, marginalization and being shames and not being taken seriously. YOU should be ashamed for posting this shit!

Thanks, I appreciate your time taken to post in this thread.

However, the truth—no more so than the most ancient truth—cuts sharpest and causes the most pain when you wake up to it and realize not only are you wrong, but so wrong that ancient truth is like a molten orange glowing brand held to mind and flesh, simultaneously. The only blood wet hands dripping here are those of the sadistic medical "professionals", psychologists and sociologists who have brainwashed you and like minded others into condoning the mutilation of children for no other reason than academic sport—an incidental devil worshipping wager—to see whether or not a child's biological sex could be changed, and if so, whether on not said mutilated child could be raised opposite their sex at birth.

The razor edge, hundred folded, cold steel forged truth was, is and shall always be: such butchered children kill themselves when old enough to understand the horror the most trusted adults in their lives have allowed to be visited on their minds and bodies. Although you will not admit it, you also know this truth already, and yet you still choose to side with this purely malevolent human butchery of children as some kind of validation for something in your own life. Shame on you. Tens of millions of us across our great US of A would go to any length to protect our children, our nieces and nephews from this legalized sadism. Any length. We tens of millions cannot and never shall understand you or anyone else who condones this madness. It is a return to the most Draconian dark corners of historical savagery, which you somehow mistake for progressivism, when it is in fact like ten thousand steps backward into history's darkest hours.
Pediatrician explains new transgender suicide study: ‘Not scientific fact’

From the article:

"September 20, 2018 (The Daily Signal) – A new study is out that examines the risk of suicide among transgender teens. The results confirm a long pattern of data: Transgender teens attempt suicide more frequently than adolescents generally.

Unfortunately, this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies.

This would be a serious mistake.

The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens. This is an ideological premise touted by professional medical and psychiatric guilds, not scientific fact.

The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide.

If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition."

The gist of it all:

The study's findings could lead parents of so-called gender confused children into beginning the gender transition puberty blocking hormone treatment and surgical mutilation prior to teen age. Meaning young children are now at risk of having their bodies poisoned and hacked up after their parents decide they should actually become a tomboy or sissy girl rather than letting them go through those normal stages like parents did before them for freaking millennia.


If you support the mutilation of young children into trans-things, either ideologically or politically—or gasp—as morally acceptable, then you may as well invite the devil over for a game of Russian Roulette, because whether or not old scratch really exists, you've sold your soul to incarnate devils wearing human flesh and white lab coats.

What the hell is wrong inside the brains of common, everyday law abiding American citizens allowing them to champion and/or approve of this psycho-circus hell on earth, into the abyss high diving? Can anyone out there who is not roleplaying devil's advocate for kicks sound off on why they think Americans—or any sane human being for that matter—would think this is a normal, let alone morally normative, socially acceptable let alone legal, proposition?

Well what do we have here? First let’s consider the source that claims that the study says or implies the following:

1. Unfortunately, this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies.

2. The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens. This is an ideological premise touted by professional medical and psychiatric guilds, not scientific fact.

3. The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide.

4. If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition."

That source is the Daily Signal

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

In other words there is a strong stench of horseshit right off of the bat. In addition , The Daily Signal parroting the propaganda and gibberish of Life Site, another highly biased outlet

Now let’s hold our noses and put this crap under the microscope. Here is the actual study, that Life Site links to, by the American Academy of Pediatrics

Read the fucking thing which the fear mongering rags are misrepresenting the facts and which YOU are complicit in for posting this shit. Specifically:

With respect to the assertion that “this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies” please identify the portion of the study that even touches on the issue of “transition affirming therapies” The conclusion, which I’m sure that you did not bother to read simply identifies the variable suicide rates among differing transgender populations. There is absolutely no suggestion that “radical surgury” should be considered.

In addition, it occurred to me that you are probobly to fucking stupid to understand the difference between transgender and intersexuality-sometimes referred to as ambiguous genitalia . Some children are born with out clear indications of gender. The medical response had, in the past been to perform gender reassignment surgury early on to make that child into a male or female, not knowing for sure what they would actually come to identify as. That practice too, has come to be frowned upon.

With regard to the second stupid and misleading point, that “The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens” Again, there is nothing in the study that suggests any such thing. It is made up bullshit, in other words a lie that you, the OP are helping to spread. Yes, you can say that there is an implication that all gender identities should be validated, but what’s wrong with that ? Kids kill themselves when they are not accepted and validated for who they are. I find it hard to believe that anyone is so stupid as to not get that

Regarding the third, and so far, the most irresponsible and stupid assertion, that “The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide” – I don’t quite know where to begin.

First of all, the study is about suicide and its prevention, not surgury or any treatment at all. And EXACTLY who is advocating these types of surgeries for transgender children? The fact is that the prevailing wisdom is to delay any radical, irreversible treatment until the person is old enough to make an informed decision. Yet you and your sources stupidly utter the issue of hormone blocker, which are used to delay puberty until the person can make that informed decision, in the same breath as-and conflate it with- radical surgeries .

Lastly, to the point that “If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition." Just highlights the abject ignorance of those who post and perpetuate this king of crap. There is plenty of research out there on the causes and etiology of transgender but the bigots and anti-intellectuals choose to ignore it all and promote your misinformation and outright lies instead. The fact is that there is growing evidence that transgender- in many case – has an underlying physiological basis. Read it for Christ sake!

You bastards who post this kind of shit have blood on your hands every time a trans PERSON kills themselves because you are diverting attention away from the real issues of why they do so- which is rejection, ridicule, discrimination, marginalization and being shames and not being taken seriously. YOU should be ashamed for posting this shit!

Thanks, I appreciate your time taken to post in this thread.

However, the truth—no more so than the most ancient truth—cuts sharpest and causes the most pain when you wake up to it and realize not only are you wrong, but so wrong that ancient truth is like a molten orange glowing brand held to mind and flesh, simultaneously. The only blood wet hands dripping here are those of the sadistic medical "professionals", psychologists and sociologists who have brainwashed you and like minded others into condoning the mutilation of children for no other reason than academic sport—an incidental devil worshipping wager—to see whether or not a child's biological sex could be changed, and if so, whether on not said mutilated child could be raised opposite their sex at birth.

The razor edge, hundred folded, cold steel forged truth was, is and shall always be: such butchered children kill themselves when old enough to understand the horror the most trusted adults in their lives have allowed to be visited on their minds and bodies. Although you will not admit it, you also know this truth already, and yet you still choose to side with this purely malevolent human butchery of children as some kind of validation for something in your own life. Shame on you. Tens of millions of us across our great US of A would go to any length to protect our children, our nieces and nephews from this legalized sadism. Any length. We tens of millions cannot and never shall understand you or anyone else who condones this madness. It is a return to the most Draconian dark corners of historical savagery, which you somehow mistake for progressivism, when it is in fact like ten thousand steps backward into history's darkest hours.

Holy shit! That is quite an unhinged , psychotic and idiotic rant. It's apparent that you did not understand a damned thing that I posted,. Where the fuck did I condone or support the sexual mutilation of children? Fucking unbelievable. You are to fucking bizarre to bother with.

I made a mockery of your dishonest and dangerous OP- you apparently did not even understand the point that I made- and now you are in meltdown mode and imagining that I said things that I didn't say- or you are just lying.
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Pediatrician explains new transgender suicide study: ‘Not scientific fact’

From the article:

"September 20, 2018 (The Daily Signal) – A new study is out that examines the risk of suicide among transgender teens. The results confirm a long pattern of data: Transgender teens attempt suicide more frequently than adolescents generally.

Unfortunately, this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies.

This would be a serious mistake.

The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens. This is an ideological premise touted by professional medical and psychiatric guilds, not scientific fact.

The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide.

If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition."

The gist of it all:

The study's findings could lead parents of so-called gender confused children into beginning the gender transition puberty blocking hormone treatment and surgical mutilation prior to teen age. Meaning young children are now at risk of having their bodies poisoned and hacked up after their parents decide they should actually become a tomboy or sissy girl rather than letting them go through those normal stages like parents did before them for freaking millennia.


If you support the mutilation of young children into trans-things, either ideologically or politically—or gasp—as morally acceptable, then you may as well invite the devil over for a game of Russian Roulette, because whether or not old scratch really exists, you've sold your soul to incarnate devils wearing human flesh and white lab coats.

What the hell is wrong inside the brains of common, everyday law abiding American citizens allowing them to champion and/or approve of this psycho-circus hell on earth, into the abyss high diving? Can anyone out there who is not roleplaying devil's advocate for kicks sound off on why they think Americans—or any sane human being for that matter—would think this is a normal, let alone morally normative, socially acceptable let alone legal, proposition?

Well what do we have here? First let’s consider the source that claims that the study says or implies the following:

1. Unfortunately, this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies.

2. The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens. This is an ideological premise touted by professional medical and psychiatric guilds, not scientific fact.

3. The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide.

4. If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition."

That source is the Daily Signal

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

In other words there is a strong stench of horseshit right off of the bat. In addition , The Daily Signal parroting the propaganda and gibberish of Life Site, another highly biased outlet

Now let’s hold our noses and put this crap under the microscope. Here is the actual study, that Life Site links to, by the American Academy of Pediatrics

Read the fucking thing which the fear mongering rags are misrepresenting the facts and which YOU are complicit in for posting this shit. Specifically:

With respect to the assertion that “this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies” please identify the portion of the study that even touches on the issue of “transition affirming therapies” The conclusion, which I’m sure that you did not bother to read simply identifies the variable suicide rates among differing transgender populations. There is absolutely no suggestion that “radical surgury” should be considered.

In addition, it occurred to me that you are probobly to fucking stupid to understand the difference between transgender and intersexuality-sometimes referred to as ambiguous genitalia . Some children are born with out clear indications of gender. The medical response had, in the past been to perform gender reassignment surgury early on to make that child into a male or female, not knowing for sure what they would actually come to identify as. That practice too, has come to be frowned upon.

With regard to the second stupid and misleading point, that “The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens” Again, there is nothing in the study that suggests any such thing. It is made up bullshit, in other words a lie that you, the OP are helping to spread. Yes, you can say that there is an implication that all gender identities should be validated, but what’s wrong with that ? Kids kill themselves when they are not accepted and validated for who they are. I find it hard to believe that anyone is so stupid as to not get that

Regarding the third, and so far, the most irresponsible and stupid assertion, that “The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide” – I don’t quite know where to begin.

First of all, the study is about suicide and its prevention, not surgury or any treatment at all. And EXACTLY who is advocating these types of surgeries for transgender children? The fact is that the prevailing wisdom is to delay any radical, irreversible treatment until the person is old enough to make an informed decision. Yet you and your sources stupidly utter the issue of hormone blocker, which are used to delay puberty until the person can make that informed decision, in the same breath as-and conflate it with- radical surgeries .

Lastly, to the point that “If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition." Just highlights the abject ignorance of those who post and perpetuate this king of crap. There is plenty of research out there on the causes and etiology of transgender but the bigots and anti-intellectuals choose to ignore it all and promote your misinformation and outright lies instead. The fact is that there is growing evidence that transgender- in many case – has an underlying physiological basis. Read it for Christ sake!

You bastards who post this kind of shit have blood on your hands every time a trans PERSON kills themselves because you are diverting attention away from the real issues of why they do so- which is rejection, ridicule, discrimination, marginalization and being shames and not being taken seriously. YOU should be ashamed for posting this shit!

Thanks, I appreciate your time taken to post in this thread.

However, the truth—no more so than the most ancient truth—cuts sharpest and causes the most pain when you wake up to it and realize not only are you wrong, but so wrong that ancient truth is like a molten orange glowing brand held to mind and flesh, simultaneously. The only blood wet hands dripping here are those of the sadistic medical "professionals", psychologists and sociologists who have brainwashed you and like minded others into condoning the mutilation of children for no other reason than academic sport—an incidental devil worshipping wager—to see whether or not a child's biological sex could be changed, and if so, whether on not said mutilated child could be raised opposite their sex at birth.

The razor edge, hundred folded, cold steel forged truth was, is and shall always be: such butchered children kill themselves when old enough to understand the horror the most trusted adults in their lives have allowed to be visited on their minds and bodies. Although you will not admit it, you also know this truth already, and yet you still choose to side with this purely malevolent human butchery of children as some kind of validation for something in your own life. Shame on you. Tens of millions of us across our great US of A would go to any length to protect our children, our nieces and nephews from this legalized sadism. Any length. We tens of millions cannot and never shall understand you or anyone else who condones this madness. It is a return to the most Draconian dark corners of historical savagery, which you somehow mistake for progressivism, when it is in fact like ten thousand steps backward into history's darkest hours.
Back of the ledge, Son. No one condoned what you are alleging.

These kids are more likely killing themselves because they can't make sense of this world. Probably terrified of having having some of that ^ ancient "wisdom" visited upon them.
Pediatrician explains new transgender suicide study: ‘Not scientific fact’

From the article:

"September 20, 2018 (The Daily Signal) – A new study is out that examines the risk of suicide among transgender teens. The results confirm a long pattern of data: Transgender teens attempt suicide more frequently than adolescents generally.

Unfortunately, this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies.

This would be a serious mistake.

The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens. This is an ideological premise touted by professional medical and psychiatric guilds, not scientific fact.

The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide.

If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition."

The gist of it all:

The study's findings could lead parents of so-called gender confused children into beginning the gender transition puberty blocking hormone treatment and surgical mutilation prior to teen age. Meaning young children are now at risk of having their bodies poisoned and hacked up after their parents decide they should actually become a tomboy or sissy girl rather than letting them go through those normal stages like parents did before them for freaking millennia.


If you support the mutilation of young children into trans-things, either ideologically or politically—or gasp—as morally acceptable, then you may as well invite the devil over for a game of Russian Roulette, because whether or not old scratch really exists, you've sold your soul to incarnate devils wearing human flesh and white lab coats.

What the hell is wrong inside the brains of common, everyday law abiding American citizens allowing them to champion and/or approve of this psycho-circus hell on earth, into the abyss high diving? Can anyone out there who is not roleplaying devil's advocate for kicks sound off on why they think Americans—or any sane human being for that matter—would think this is a normal, let alone morally normative, socially acceptable let alone legal, proposition?

Well what do we have here? First let’s consider the source that claims that the study says or implies the following:

1. Unfortunately, this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies.

2. The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens. This is an ideological premise touted by professional medical and psychiatric guilds, not scientific fact.

3. The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide.

4. If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition."

That source is the Daily Signal

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

In other words there is a strong stench of horseshit right off of the bat. In addition , The Daily Signal parroting the propaganda and gibberish of Life Site, another highly biased outlet

Now let’s hold our noses and put this crap under the microscope. Here is the actual study, that Life Site links to, by the American Academy of Pediatrics

Read the fucking thing which the fear mongering rags are misrepresenting the facts and which YOU are complicit in for posting this shit. Specifically:

With respect to the assertion that “this data may be used to pressure parents to put their children through radical transition-affirming therapies” please identify the portion of the study that even touches on the issue of “transition affirming therapies” The conclusion, which I’m sure that you did not bother to read simply identifies the variable suicide rates among differing transgender populations. There is absolutely no suggestion that “radical surgury” should be considered.

In addition, it occurred to me that you are probobly to fucking stupid to understand the difference between transgender and intersexuality-sometimes referred to as ambiguous genitalia . Some children are born with out clear indications of gender. The medical response had, in the past been to perform gender reassignment surgury early on to make that child into a male or female, not knowing for sure what they would actually come to identify as. That practice too, has come to be frowned upon.

With regard to the second stupid and misleading point, that “The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens” Again, there is nothing in the study that suggests any such thing. It is made up bullshit, in other words a lie that you, the OP are helping to spread. Yes, you can say that there is an implication that all gender identities should be validated, but what’s wrong with that ? Kids kill themselves when they are not accepted and validated for who they are. I find it hard to believe that anyone is so stupid as to not get that

Regarding the third, and so far, the most irresponsible and stupid assertion, that “The study also offers no proof that these radical therapies – puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on – will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide” – I don’t quite know where to begin.

First of all, the study is about suicide and its prevention, not surgury or any treatment at all. And EXACTLY who is advocating these types of surgeries for transgender children? The fact is that the prevailing wisdom is to delay any radical, irreversible treatment until the person is old enough to make an informed decision. Yet you and your sources stupidly utter the issue of hormone blocker, which are used to delay puberty until the person can make that informed decision, in the same breath as-and conflate it with- radical surgeries .

Lastly, to the point that “If anything, the findings of the survey reinforce the dire need for serious scientific research into the potential environmental causes of gender dysphoria and the risks – both physical and psychological – of medical transition." Just highlights the abject ignorance of those who post and perpetuate this king of crap. There is plenty of research out there on the causes and etiology of transgender but the bigots and anti-intellectuals choose to ignore it all and promote your misinformation and outright lies instead. The fact is that there is growing evidence that transgender- in many case – has an underlying physiological basis. Read it for Christ sake!

You bastards who post this kind of shit have blood on your hands every time a trans PERSON kills themselves because you are diverting attention away from the real issues of why they do so- which is rejection, ridicule, discrimination, marginalization and being shames and not being taken seriously. YOU should be ashamed for posting this shit!

Thanks, I appreciate your time taken to post in this thread.

However, the truth—no more so than the most ancient truth—cuts sharpest and causes the most pain when you wake up to it and realize not only are you wrong, but so wrong that ancient truth is like a molten orange glowing brand held to mind and flesh, simultaneously. The only blood wet hands dripping here are those of the sadistic medical "professionals", psychologists and sociologists who have brainwashed you and like minded others into condoning the mutilation of children for no other reason than academic sport—an incidental devil worshipping wager—to see whether or not a child's biological sex could be changed, and if so, whether on not said mutilated child could be raised opposite their sex at birth.

The razor edge, hundred folded, cold steel forged truth was, is and shall always be: such butchered children kill themselves when old enough to understand the horror the most trusted adults in their lives have allowed to be visited on their minds and bodies. Although you will not admit it, you also know this truth already, and yet you still choose to side with this purely malevolent human butchery of children as some kind of validation for something in your own life. Shame on you. Tens of millions of us across our great US of A would go to any length to protect our children, our nieces and nephews from this legalized sadism. Any length. We tens of millions cannot and never shall understand you or anyone else who condones this madness. It is a return to the most Draconian dark corners of historical savagery, which you somehow mistake for progressivism, when it is in fact like ten thousand steps backward into history's darkest hours.
Back of the ledge, Son. No one condoned what you are alleging.

These kids are more likely killing themselves because they can't make sense of this world. Probably terrified of having having some of that ^ ancient "wisdom" visited upon them.

And you have been hanging upside down for too long from that tail of yours. In much the same way pointers can point to something else, even complex functions in a computer program, and yet hold no value or occupy little to no memory, there is no value, morally or otherwise, in giving even the most basic enabling weight of scientific validation or social acceptance acknowledgement to children who are "confused" about their birth sex, when what said children need is extensive psychological therapy and emotional support and love from everyone close to them in their lives, and most importantly aid in the realization they can only ever be and grow up and live as their sex at birth. The truth can be hidden but never destroyed. History will look back one day in shocked horror over this trans-insanity, and its culture of butcher-science and anti-truth ideology.

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