PAY children to go to school!

There may be a blockage in your oxygen tank.
At Least Bootlickers Aren't Anal-Retentive

That's to block out the methane from all the farts you political blowhards emit.

If you were wondering if your posts had become coherent yet, the answer is no.
Birdbrains Reciting the Lies Their Owners Tell Them

Perhaps I should learn Parrotese.

Perhaps you should take your meds as prescribed.
Mind-Raping Professors

The Mamas' Boys who go to college because they're afraid to grow up take peds

You failed out of middle school, didn’t you? You really need to seek professional help for your inferiority complex.
The Rulers Have a Desperate Need for Help in Humiliating the Ruled

You're afraid that if I keep it up, your idols' top-heavy tyranny will topple.

Oh yeah, you are changing the world with your little posts here, loony tune.
Smug As a Bug in a Rug, Until Squished

The world ruled by the lovers of Butt Boys for the Bosses is collapsing on its own; it only need a little push from Little Old Me.

Little old you can’t even influence bingo night.
Slime Oozed Out of the Womb of a Plute's Trophy Wife

Your Preppy heroes got where they are solely because they won at Sperm Bingo.

You realize your communist fantasies will NEVER come true, right comrade?
Doped, Duped, and Dumped

Your biggest fantasy is that the Communists are unconnected to your Masters. But Communists are your Masters' sons; they fear that democracy will abolish their class, so they take over populist movements. A wannabe Preppie like you should feel glad you weren't adopted by some plutocrat.
No, the reality that their heath care system is busting their budget and making people wait in long lines for sub par care.

If you want to know some real realities about health care, watch the documentary "Sicko."

Did Moore say we needed to be more like Cuba?

Busting their budget? BS
No, the reality that their heath care system is busting their budget and making people wait in long lines for sub par care.

If you want to know some real realities about health care, watch the documentary "Sicko."

Did Moore say we needed to be more like Cuba?

Does that mean you saw the documentary or not. But don't tell me here. If you want to talk about universal health care, I just started a thread for that in the healthcare section. It is called "How to afford universal health care." Tell me if you ever saw "Sicko" there.

I wouldn't waste your money on any of Moore's crap.

Is that how you usually resolve issues? Close your eyes? Try watching it. You might learn something.
Team/Reward Concept

He's the product of our mind-numbing education, don't expect much but brain-dead repetition of what he's told to think. He's the kind of economic cannon fodder the business elitists want, even though their domain will eventually collapse because of it.

Rather than pay younger students for their grades, we who care about our country's future should consider another natural motivation. Divide the class into teams and quiz frequently. The team with the highest score will get Friday off from school; the lowest one will have to come in on Saturday. High individual scorers from four grades older will get paid to teach the Saturday classes.

Who is teaching these Saturday classes? I'm sure the tooth fairy, Easter bunny , and Santa Claus would volunteer their time and effort! Who else?
Simple Simian Says

You reveal your true DNA as a Neanderthal hybrid. Only apish dummies would be unable to read my last sentence, where I state who will teach the Saturday classes.
Oh yeah, you are changing the world with your little posts here, loony tune.
Smug As a Bug in a Rug, Until Squished

The world ruled by the lovers of Butt Boys for the Bosses is collapsing on its own; it only need a little push from Little Old Me.

Little old you can’t even influence bingo night.
Slime Oozed Out of the Womb of a Plute's Trophy Wife

Your Preppy heroes got where they are solely because they won at Sperm Bingo.

You realize your communist fantasies will NEVER come true, right comrade?
Doped, Duped, and Dumped

Your biggest fantasy is that the Communists are unconnected to your Masters. But Communists are your Masters' sons; they fear that democracy will abolish their class, so they take over populist movements. A wannabe Preppie like you should feel glad you weren't adopted by some plutocrat.

Oh no! The capitalists also own the communists?
Who is going to take down the Man with you?
Or are you flying solo?
Oh yeah, you are changing the world with your little posts here, loony tune.
Smug As a Bug in a Rug, Until Squished

The world ruled by the lovers of Butt Boys for the Bosses is collapsing on its own; it only need a little push from Little Old Me.

Little old you can’t even influence bingo night.
Slime Oozed Out of the Womb of a Plute's Trophy Wife

Your Preppy heroes got where they are solely because they won at Sperm Bingo.

You realize your communist fantasies will NEVER come true, right comrade?
Doped, Duped, and Dumped

Your biggest fantasy is that the Communists are unconnected to your Masters. But Communists are your Masters' sons; they fear that democracy will abolish their class, so they take over populist movements. A wannabe Preppie like you should feel glad you weren't adopted by some plutocrat.

You have no idea what you think you are talking about at this point.
Smug As a Bug in a Rug, Until Squished

The world ruled by the lovers of Butt Boys for the Bosses is collapsing on its own; it only need a little push from Little Old Me.

Little old you can’t even influence bingo night.
Slime Oozed Out of the Womb of a Plute's Trophy Wife

Your Preppy heroes got where they are solely because they won at Sperm Bingo.

You realize your communist fantasies will NEVER come true, right comrade?
Doped, Duped, and Dumped

Your biggest fantasy is that the Communists are unconnected to your Masters. But Communists are your Masters' sons; they fear that democracy will abolish their class, so they take over populist movements. A wannabe Preppie like you should feel glad you weren't adopted by some plutocrat.

Oh no! The capitalists also own the communists?
Who is going to take down the Man with you?
Or are you flying solo?

There is something wrong in his jello.
You are making claims about a documentary that you never saw. How about doing us all a favor and shutting the fuck up until you do.

You are making claims about a documentary that you never saw.

Did Moore say we could learn things from Cuba's "healthcare" system?

Why don't you watch it and find out you moron. What he did was take some 9-11 heroes to Guantanamo to get medical care from the U.S. base there. After all, terrorists they were holding there were getting good medical treatment. So why not do so for 9-11 responders. But that didn't work out. So he took them to Cuba. There they got the medical treatment they weren't getting here. For FREE! Though there was one person why had to buy some medicine. They had to pay a few pennies on the dollar for it. Where here, it cost many many many dollars. So I guess I better end this here. Before I start hurling vile and repugnant (but true) insults at you that will surely get me banned.

You do know that Guantanamo is a U.S, naval base in Cuba and no one gets in there without permission. There is no way to get to the bas except by sea or by air, and there are no commercial flights of shipping allowed. If what you claim was said is factual, he lied!

Did you not read what I said? I said that Michael Moore tried to take some U.S. citizens to Guantanamo, but it DIDN"T WORK OUT. Did I really need to add that they did indeed try to take a boat in? But an alarm sounded and they turned the boat around and left the area.

Now that having been said, watch the documentary. I don't agree with absolutely everything in it. But there are many good points made in it. Though what all this has to do with paying children to go to school, I don't know.

"Didn't work out" is incredibly vague.I'm sorry your ability to write sucks.

And I'm sorry that you need more information at times than is necessary.
Little old you can’t even influence bingo night.
Slime Oozed Out of the Womb of a Plute's Trophy Wife

Your Preppy heroes got where they are solely because they won at Sperm Bingo.

You realize your communist fantasies will NEVER come true, right comrade?
Doped, Duped, and Dumped

Your biggest fantasy is that the Communists are unconnected to your Masters. But Communists are your Masters' sons; they fear that democracy will abolish their class, so they take over populist movements. A wannabe Preppie like you should feel glad you weren't adopted by some plutocrat.

Oh no! The capitalists also own the communists?
Who is going to take down the Man with you?
Or are you flying solo?

There is something wrong in his jello.

Not enough thorazine.
Busting their budget? BS
Does that mean you saw the documentary or not. But don't tell me here. If you want to talk about universal health care, I just started a thread for that in the healthcare section. It is called "How to afford universal health care." Tell me if you ever saw "Sicko" there.

I wouldn't waste your money on any of Moore's crap.

Is that how you usually resolve issues? Close your eyes? Try watching it. You might learn something.
Team/Reward Concept

He's the product of our mind-numbing education, don't expect much but brain-dead repetition of what he's told to think. He's the kind of economic cannon fodder the business elitists want, even though their domain will eventually collapse because of it.

Rather than pay younger students for their grades, we who care about our country's future should consider another natural motivation. Divide the class into teams and quiz frequently. The team with the highest score will get Friday off from school; the lowest one will have to come in on Saturday. High individual scorers from four grades older will get paid to teach the Saturday classes.

Who is teaching these Saturday classes? I'm sure the tooth fairy, Easter bunny , and Santa Claus would volunteer their time and effort! Who else?
Simple Simian Says

You reveal your true DNA as a Neanderthal hybrid. Only apish dummies would be unable to read my last sentence, where I state who will teach the Saturday classes.

Your idea is so ludicrous, no one with half of a brain thought you were serious!

There are such things as child labor laws. Anyone under the age required by law would be in violation, dumbass!
There may be a blockage in your oxygen tank.

More likely, an artery in his brain.
Brainwashed Against Brains by Your King Apes

Freudian slip indicating that you simian Low-IQs are jealous of people with brains.

People with brains? I thought you were talking about yourself for a second.
Just As Your God Sent a Flood to Wipe Out the Toxic Herd

You mindless conformists are incapable of understanding what motivates you, but your instincts drive you to fear those with brains as a threat to your unevolved existence.

In that case, you don’t have to worry about anyone fearing you.
The Full-Blooded Neanderthals Didn't Die Out, They Were Killed Off

I'm not worried about any humans; it's the behavior of the subhumans who cripple us from early childhood. But anyone who chooses to become a nerd in reaction to the grunts and howling of the Neanderthal hybrids is a cowardly deserter and must be bashed by proud smartkids as much as he is bashed by dumb jock bullies.
I wouldn't waste your money on any of Moore's crap.

Is that how you usually resolve issues? Close your eyes? Try watching it. You might learn something.
Team/Reward Concept

He's the product of our mind-numbing education, don't expect much but brain-dead repetition of what he's told to think. He's the kind of economic cannon fodder the business elitists want, even though their domain will eventually collapse because of it.

Rather than pay younger students for their grades, we who care about our country's future should consider another natural motivation. Divide the class into teams and quiz frequently. The team with the highest score will get Friday off from school; the lowest one will have to come in on Saturday. High individual scorers from four grades older will get paid to teach the Saturday classes.

Who is teaching these Saturday classes? I'm sure the tooth fairy, Easter bunny , and Santa Claus would volunteer their time and effort! Who else?
Simple Simian Says

You reveal your true DNA as a Neanderthal hybrid. Only apish dummies would be unable to read my last sentence, where I state who will teach the Saturday classes.

Your idea is so ludicrous

There are such things as child labor laws. Anyone under the age required by law would be in violation,
As If Over-Inclusive Laws Can't Be Changed—Typical Low-IQ Bullying Rebuttal

The plutocrats make those laws so that those who weren't born rich never grow up. If we don't get material rewards from childhood on, we will use our brains to hack into their brats' trust funds.
More likely, an artery in his brain.
Brainwashed Against Brains by Your King Apes

Freudian slip indicating that you simian Low-IQs are jealous of people with brains.

People with brains? I thought you were talking about yourself for a second.
Just As Your God Sent a Flood to Wipe Out the Toxic Herd

You mindless conformists are incapable of understanding what motivates you, but your instincts drive you to fear those with brains as a threat to your unevolved existence.

In that case, you don’t have to worry about anyone fearing you.
The Full-Blooded Neanderthals Didn't Die Out, They Were Killed Off

I'm not worried about any humans; it's the behavior of the subhumans who cripple us from early childhood. But anyone who chooses to become a nerd in reaction to the grunts and howling of the Neanderthal hybrids is a cowardly deserter and must be bashed by proud smartkids as much as he is bashed by dumb jock bullies.

Code blue, full mental breakdown.
Smug As a Bug in a Rug, Until Squished

The world ruled by the lovers of Butt Boys for the Bosses is collapsing on its own; it only need a little push from Little Old Me.

Little old you can’t even influence bingo night.
Slime Oozed Out of the Womb of a Plute's Trophy Wife

Your Preppy heroes got where they are solely because they won at Sperm Bingo.

You realize your communist fantasies will NEVER come true, right comrade?
Doped, Duped, and Dumped

Your biggest fantasy is that the Communists are unconnected to your Masters. But Communists are your Masters' sons; they fear that democracy will abolish their class, so they take over populist movements. A wannabe Preppie like you should feel glad you weren't adopted by some plutocrat.

Oh no! The capitalists also own the communists?
Who is going to take down the Man with you?
The Specious Spectrum of Special-Purpose Entities

Everything the plutocrats tell you that the Jews do reveals what they themselves are doing.
Smug As a Bug in a Rug, Until Squished

The world ruled by the lovers of Butt Boys for the Bosses is collapsing on its own; it only need a little push from Little Old Me.

Little old you can’t even influence bingo night.
Slime Oozed Out of the Womb of a Plute's Trophy Wife

Your Preppy heroes got where they are solely because they won at Sperm Bingo.

You realize your communist fantasies will NEVER come true, right comrade?
Doped, Duped, and Dumped

Your biggest fantasy is that the Communists are unconnected to your Masters. But Communists are your Masters' sons; they fear that democracy will abolish their class, so they take over populist movements. A wannabe Preppie like you should feel glad you weren't adopted by some plutocrat.

You have no idea what you think you are talking about at this point.
Voodoo Trolling

You have to mumble some mumbo-jumbo in hopes that it will drive away ideas that threaten your smug stupidity.
Brainwashed Against Brains by Your King Apes

Freudian slip indicating that you simian Low-IQs are jealous of people with brains.

People with brains? I thought you were talking about yourself for a second.
Just As Your God Sent a Flood to Wipe Out the Toxic Herd

You mindless conformists are incapable of understanding what motivates you, but your instincts drive you to fear those with brains as a threat to your unevolved existence.

In that case, you don’t have to worry about anyone fearing you.
The Full-Blooded Neanderthals Didn't Die Out, They Were Killed Off

I'm not worried about any humans; it's the behavior of the subhumans who cripple us from early childhood. But anyone who chooses to become a nerd in reaction to the grunts and howling of the Neanderthal hybrids is a cowardly deserter and must be bashed by proud smartkids as much as he is bashed by dumb jock bullies.

Code blue, full mental breakdown.

Code Blueblood, economic boytoys of HeirHead perverts howling to protect their anointed Masters.
Little old you can’t even influence bingo night.
Slime Oozed Out of the Womb of a Plute's Trophy Wife

Your Preppy heroes got where they are solely because they won at Sperm Bingo.

You realize your communist fantasies will NEVER come true, right comrade?
Doped, Duped, and Dumped

Your biggest fantasy is that the Communists are unconnected to your Masters. But Communists are your Masters' sons; they fear that democracy will abolish their class, so they take over populist movements. A wannabe Preppie like you should feel glad you weren't adopted by some plutocrat.

Oh no! The capitalists also own the communists?
Who is going to take down the Man with you?
The Specious Spectrum of Special-Purpose Entities

Everything the plutocrats tell you that the Jews do reveals what they themselves are doing.

The rich people, the Commies and the Jews are all ganging up on you?
And you can't win, even though you're smarter than all of them?
Little old you can’t even influence bingo night.
Slime Oozed Out of the Womb of a Plute's Trophy Wife

Your Preppy heroes got where they are solely because they won at Sperm Bingo.

You realize your communist fantasies will NEVER come true, right comrade?
Doped, Duped, and Dumped

Your biggest fantasy is that the Communists are unconnected to your Masters. But Communists are your Masters' sons; they fear that democracy will abolish their class, so they take over populist movements. A wannabe Preppie like you should feel glad you weren't adopted by some plutocrat.

You have no idea what you think you are talking about at this point.
Voodoo Trolling

You have to mumble some mumbo-jumbo in hopes that it will drive away ideas that threaten your smug stupidity.

Ideas? What ideas? All you are doing is adding more spam to the form with incoherent nonsense. Time to get a grip, Drooly.
Slime Oozed Out of the Womb of a Plute's Trophy Wife

Your Preppy heroes got where they are solely because they won at Sperm Bingo.

You realize your communist fantasies will NEVER come true, right comrade?
Doped, Duped, and Dumped

Your biggest fantasy is that the Communists are unconnected to your Masters. But Communists are your Masters' sons; they fear that democracy will abolish their class, so they take over populist movements. A wannabe Preppie like you should feel glad you weren't adopted by some plutocrat.

Oh no! The capitalists also own the communists?
Who is going to take down the Man with you?
The Specious Spectrum of Special-Purpose Entities

Everything the plutocrats tell you that the Jews do reveals what they themselves are doing.

The rich people, the Commies and the Jews are all ganging up on you?
And you can't win, even though you're smarter than all of them?
Conformity Is Deformity

I won, just by having an independent mind, unlike your bird-brain parroting. It would really depress me to look up to any intellectual authority.

Because of your insults and ingratitude, we owe you nothing. We could have cured cancer 50 years ago, but your dying species gave us no reason to save it.
Slime Oozed Out of the Womb of a Plute's Trophy Wife

Your Preppy heroes got where they are solely because they won at Sperm Bingo.

You realize your communist fantasies will NEVER come true, right comrade?
Doped, Duped, and Dumped

Your biggest fantasy is that the Communists are unconnected to your Masters. But Communists are your Masters' sons; they fear that democracy will abolish their class, so they take over populist movements. A wannabe Preppie like you should feel glad you weren't adopted by some plutocrat.

You have no idea what you think you are talking about at this point.
Voodoo Trolling

You have to mumble some mumbo-jumbo in hopes that it will drive away ideas that threaten your smug stupidity.

Ideas? What ideas? All you are doing is adding more spam to the form with incoherent nonsense. Time to get a grip, Drooly.
Primates' Primal Scream

We never should have taught you baboons to read and write. You can only react to intelligence with feral grunts.
You realize your communist fantasies will NEVER come true, right comrade?
Doped, Duped, and Dumped

Your biggest fantasy is that the Communists are unconnected to your Masters. But Communists are your Masters' sons; they fear that democracy will abolish their class, so they take over populist movements. A wannabe Preppie like you should feel glad you weren't adopted by some plutocrat.

Oh no! The capitalists also own the communists?
Who is going to take down the Man with you?
The Specious Spectrum of Special-Purpose Entities

Everything the plutocrats tell you that the Jews do reveals what they themselves are doing.

The rich people, the Commies and the Jews are all ganging up on you?
And you can't win, even though you're smarter than all of them?
Conformity Is Deformity

I won, just by having an independent mind, unlike your bird-brain parroting. It would really depress me to look up to any intellectual authority.

Because of your insults and ingratitude, we owe you nothing. We could have cured cancer 50 years ago, but your dying species gave us no reason to save it.

Full-on Funny Farm time.

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