Paul Ryan Betrays The GOP, Again...How Did Yall Ever Support Him??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Former U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan pushed back on “culture war” issues described as being “anti-woke” during an appearance on CBS. Those issues have been a centerpiece of Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration and helped kick off his rise to national recognition –
“Banning books, it could be trans rights, call it anti woke or however you wanna label it – is that a good approach? A good strategy?” the CBS host asked Ryan. “I’m not a culture war guy,” Ryan replied. “I think it’s really polarizing.”

Is this guy serious? Jobs, the economy, stuff like that is more important than whether or not our kids are protected from trans-pedophile-teachers hellbent on raping our children and turning them in transgender assassins? How was this guy ever voted into the House Speaker chair? How was this guy ever allowed as the GOP candidate for VP barely 10 years ago? Remember, it wasn't that long before he and a few other "young conservatives" were being called "The Young Guns"


Republicans basically treated this guy like a rock is that possible? How did the same people on this post who now hate this guy, once be the same people who praised him and bought into that whole "Young Guns" bullshit? This guy has always been what he is now, how did he fool you? This guy was someone you wanted to be Vice you all hate him, how were yall so easily fooled? The same thing with Mike Pence.....yall once wanted him to be VP, now yall call him a traitor, a RINO, is this possible? Trump picked him....was he as easily fooled as you are? If so, why worship him? Anyway, the only thing Paul Ryan got accomplished was getting Trump to pass Ryan's big huge billionaire tax cut....a tax cut so unpopular, that even Trumpers barely tout it now....

The fact of the matter is, boring stuff like tax cuts for corporations and financial deregulations isn't what gets the base excited...Nothing gets them excited like cracking down on these fags and trannies...You think people are excited about loosening regulations on chemical companies or stripping away collective bargaining rights for workers? No...they are excited by the idea that you will punish their enemies....Instead of trying to cut Medicare Medicaid, how about you pass laws that make it illegal to vote if you are a tranny? Yea, it may not be constitutional, but that isn't the point...the point is, it will excite your base and get them to the polls.....Yea, you may not actually make trannies voting illegal, but at least you talked about it..and that is important to the average right-wing's the performance that counts, not the actual results....

"Former U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan pushed back on “culture war” issues described as being “anti-woke” during an appearance on CBS. Those issues have been a centerpiece of Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration and helped kick off his rise to national recognition –
“Banning books, it could be trans rights, call it anti woke or however you wanna label it – is that a good approach? A good strategy?” the CBS host asked Ryan. “I’m not a culture war guy,” Ryan replied. “I think it’s really polarizing.”

Is this guy serious? Jobs, the economy, stuff like that is more important than whether or not our kids are protected from trans-pedophile-teachers hellbent on raping our children and turning them in transgender assassins? How was this guy ever voted into the House Speaker chair? How was this guy ever allowed as the GOP candidate for VP barely 10 years ago? Remember, it wasn't that long before he and a few other "young conservatives" were being called "The Young Guns"

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Republicans basically treated this guy like a rock is that possible? How did the same people on this post who now hate this guy, once be the same people who praised him and bought into that whole "Young Guns" bullshit? This guy has always been what he is now, how did he fool you? This guy was someone you wanted to be Vice you all hate him, how were yall so easily fooled? The same thing with Mike Pence.....yall once wanted him to be VP, now yall call him a traitor, a RINO, is this possible? Trump picked him....was he as easily fooled as you are? If so, why worship him? Anyway, the only thing Paul Ryan got accomplished was getting Trump to pass Ryan's big huge billionaire tax cut....a tax cut so unpopular, that even Trumpers barely tout it now....

The fact of the matter is, boring stuff like tax cuts for corporations and financial deregulations isn't what gets the base excited...Nothing gets them excited like cracking down on these fags and trannies...You think people are excited about loosening regulations on chemical companies or stripping away collective bargaining rights for workers? No...they are excited by the idea that you will punish their enemies....Instead of trying to cut Medicare Medicaid, how about you pass laws that make it illegal to vote if you are a tranny? Yea, it may not be constitutional, but that isn't the point...the point is, it will excite your base and get them to the polls.....Yea, you may not actually make trannies voting illegal, but at least you talked about it..and that is important to the average right-wing's the performance that counts, not the actual results....

If you are looking for a President who's going to fight with Democrats, go with DeSantis. He will further divide our country.

If you want someone serious go with Nikki Haley or Chris Christie.

I'd say go with Tim Scott but we all know Tim Scott no chance of winning. LOL.
In other words Ryan is a gutless spineless coward.

But we knew that already.
Decent Conservatives have always resisted aligning with the Maga crazies. Those like Ryan will work covertly and overtly to find a way to send Trump packing.

Trump needs to at least attempt to take an antiwar position now. It's going to be hugely risky with the people but it's becoming his only hope of bringing out huge crowds to support him.
Decent Conservatives have always resisted aligning with the Maga crazies. Those like Ryan will work covertly and overtly to find a way to send Trump packing.

Trump needs to at least attempt to take an antiwar position now. It's going to be hugely risky with the people but it's becoming his only hope of bringing out huge crowds to support him.
Trump can run on his record.

Biden can't
Trump can run on his record.

Biden can't
I really don't think Biden will run, and not because of him falling down repeatedly.
Because the D party 'really' know that he's past his 'best before' date.

There's no R candidate that wouldn't be able to humiliate him and crush him under heel.
If you are looking for a President who's going to fight with Democrats, go with DeSantis. He will further divide our country.

If you want someone serious go with Nikki Haley or Chris Christie.

I'd say go with Tim Scott but we all know Tim Scott no chance of winning. LOL.
how come you aint bitching about the division the "uniter" biden has done to this country?...just askin....
how come you aint bitching about the division the "uniter" biden has done to this country?...just askin....
Biden is not a divider. He has been working with the Republican house. Fuck you. What do you want from him?

He certainly isn't purposely divisive like Trump. Trump's does it on purpose.

I can't believe the GOP can't get rid of this con man. You fascinate me. How brainwashed you are. Such a criminal and you can't get rid of him. It's amazing. Messiah.
how come you aint bitching about the division the "uniter" biden has done to this country?...just askin....

Mike Pence Admits He Can’t Defend ‘Very Serious’ Allegations Against Donald Trump​

“Having read the indictment, these are very serious allegations. And I can’t defend what is alleged,”

Pence said that “even the inadvertent release” of information on America’s nuclear program or defense capabilities “could compromise our national security and the safety of our armed forces.”
how come you aint bitching about the division the "uniter" biden has done to this country?...just askin....

It's funny Trump said this

“POLITICAL PERSECUTION!” the former president wrote on Truth Social late Tuesday night, sharing clips of his speech earlier that day. “They want to take away my FREEDOM because I will never let them take away your FREEDOM. They are not coming after me. They are coming after you. I just happen to be standing in their way, and I will NEVER be moving.”

It's funny because how many people have gone to jail for this guy? Michael Cohen, his CFO, etc. Trump never cried when they took his buddies freedom away.
Biden is not a divider. He has been working with the Republican house. Fuck you. What do you want from him?

He certainly isn't purposely divisive like Trump. Trump's does it on purpose.

I can't believe the GOP can't get rid of this con man. You fascinate me. How brainwashed you are. Such a criminal and you can't get rid of him. It's amazing. Messiah.
he aint a divider? you say so about brainwashed.....

Mike Pence Admits He Can’t Defend ‘Very Serious’ Allegations Against Donald Trump​

“Having read the indictment, these are very serious allegations. And I can’t defend what is alleged,”

Pence said that “even the inadvertent release” of information on America’s nuclear program or defense capabilities “could compromise our national security and the safety of our armed forces.”
whats that got to do with biden?.....
It's funny Trump said this

“POLITICAL PERSECUTION!” the former president wrote on Truth Social late Tuesday night, sharing clips of his speech earlier that day. “They want to take away my FREEDOM because I will never let them take away your FREEDOM. They are not coming after me. They are coming after you. I just happen to be standing in their way, and I will NEVER be moving.”

It's funny because how many people have gone to jail for this guy? Michael Cohen, his CFO, etc. Trump never cried when they took his buddies freedom away.
once again....whats that got to do with biden?.....
whats that got to do with biden?.....
Has anyone stormed the Capitol to stop House Republicans from investigating Hunter's laptop?
Has anyone even threatened to murder Jim Jordan for holding investigation after pointless investigation into Biden?
Has Biden ever spent hours after hours mindlessly whining about being investigated and urged his followers to fight back?


Your cult leader has tho.....I swear, if you people couldn't gaslight, you would have no light at all...
Decent Conservatives have always resisted aligning with the Maga crazies. Those like Ryan will work covertly and overtly to find a way to send Trump packing.

Trump needs to at least attempt to take an antiwar position now. It's going to be hugely risky with the people but it's becoming his only hope of bringing out huge crowds to support him.
Ryan was undermining Trump when he was in Congress. Ryan and Romney are about the same.
Ryan was undermining Trump when he was in Congress. Ryan and Romney are about the same.
Actually, the minute Trump became president he started breaking rules/laws. Paul Ryan defended him. Said, "Trump's new to this" as if he didn't know he was breaking rules/laws.

Trump loves to walk the fine line between legal and illegal often crossing over into illegal. Often.

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