Patriotism vs Nationalism


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
I noticed a lot of issues discussed on here have one or the other as the basis for their beliefs. The people on the right, especially the far right appear to utilize Nationalism as their format of choice. Trump would be the extreme example of this, he even stated he was a nationalist. The people on the left prepare to almost always expressed Patriotism as the basis of their belief systems. Their is a huge difference in these ideas. Nationalism taken to it's extreme results in Fascism. Patriotism on the other hand, is an individual belief, not a group belief, and that leads to a stronger Nation. It's an easy search on the internet, best to compare the two first and then compare nationalism to fascism. nationalism is not good for healthy for the United States or any other free democracy in the world. Hitler, rose to power in Nazi Germany on the wings of nationalism. In short, picture of patriotism it's good and healthy, promotes the good promote cooperation promotes peace and prosperity. Nationalism promotes one's Nation at the expense of other nations, it promotes the bad it promotes War and the illusion of prosperity but not prosperity itself it definitely doesn't promote peace or well-being of the citizens. America is making the right choice at this time, we're back on track, working with our allies, not undermining them, solving problems, not creating them. America is a leader once again, as we should be.
I noticed a lot of issues discussed on here have one or the other as the basis for their beliefs. The people on the right, especially the far right appear to utilize Nationalism as their format of choice. Trump would be the extreme example of this, he even stated he was a nationalist. The people on the left prepare to almost always expressed Patriotism as the basis of their belief systems. Their is a huge difference in these ideas. Nationalism taken to it's extreme results in Fascism. Patriotism on the other hand, is an individual belief, not a group belief, and that leads to a stronger Nation. It's an easy search on the internet, best to compare the two first and then compare nationalism to fascism. nationalism is not good for healthy for the United States or any other free democracy in the world. Hitler, rose to power in Nazi Germany on the wings of nationalism. In short, picture of patriotism it's good and healthy, promotes the good promote cooperation promotes peace and prosperity. Nationalism promotes one's Nation at the expense of other nations, it promotes the bad it promotes War and the illusion of prosperity but not prosperity itself it definitely doesn't promote peace or well-being of the citizens. America is making the right choice at this time, we're back on track, working with our allies, not undermining them, solving problems, not creating them. America is a leader once again, as we should be.
I will take nationalism over globalism anyday,,,

and who said nationalism takes one nation at the expense of another??
Paying attention to the extremes of either party is a big problem, keeps our focus off the reality of what ever situation we are looking at.
I noticed a lot of issues discussed on here have one or the other as the basis for their beliefs. The people on the right, especially the far right appear to utilize Nationalism as their format of choice. Trump would be the extreme example of this, he even stated he was a nationalist. The people on the left prepare to almost always expressed Patriotism as the basis of their belief systems. Their is a huge difference in these ideas. Nationalism taken to it's extreme results in Fascism. Patriotism on the other hand, is an individual belief, not a group belief, and that leads to a stronger Nation. It's an easy search on the internet, best to compare the two first and then compare nationalism to fascism. nationalism is not good for healthy for the United States or any other free democracy in the world. Hitler, rose to power in Nazi Germany on the wings of nationalism. In short, picture of patriotism it's good and healthy, promotes the good promote cooperation promotes peace and prosperity. Nationalism promotes one's Nation at the expense of other nations, it promotes the bad it promotes War and the illusion of prosperity but not prosperity itself it definitely doesn't promote peace or well-being of the citizens. America is making the right choice at this time, we're back on track, working with our allies, not undermining them, solving problems, not creating them. America is a leader once again, as we should be.
Straight to Godwin in the OP.....Pretty lame, Jake.

I noticed a lot of issues discussed on here have one or the other as the basis for their beliefs. The people on the right, especially the far right appear to utilize Nationalism as their format of choice. Trump would be the extreme example of this, he even stated he was a nationalist. The people on the left prepare to almost always expressed Patriotism as the basis of their belief systems. Their is a huge difference in these ideas. Nationalism taken to it's extreme results in Fascism. Patriotism on the other hand, is an individual belief, not a group belief, and that leads to a stronger Nation. It's an easy search on the internet, best to compare the two first and then compare nationalism to fascism. nationalism is not good for healthy for the United States or any other free democracy in the world. Hitler, rose to power in Nazi Germany on the wings of nationalism. In short, picture of patriotism it's good and healthy, promotes the good promote cooperation promotes peace and prosperity. Nationalism promotes one's Nation at the expense of other nations, it promotes the bad it promotes War and the illusion of prosperity but not prosperity itself it definitely doesn't promote peace or well-being of the citizens. America is making the right choice at this time, we're back on track, working with our allies, not undermining them, solving problems, not creating them. America is a leader once again, as we should be.
Trump isn't even really a nationalist. I don't think he has core beliefs, he is committed to, merely an opportunist, playing to the nattering crowd, of the easily led.

Definition of nationalism

1: loyalty and devotion to a nation especially : a sense of national consciousness

Definition of patriotism

: love for or devotion to one's country. Although poles apart ideologically, they are both unashamed of their patriotism.— Christopher Hemphill

The only difference is that one has been used as a trigger word by a group of influencers...CORPORATIONS because they are globalists.

Nationalism must be destroyed because global homogeneity is the goal. Heterogeneous peoples are less likely to group, less likely to revolt, less likely to affect the BOTTOM LINE.
Why do you think miscegeny is pushed so heavily in commercials? Corporations. Why do you think open borders are pushed so heavily? Corporations. Who do you think is pushing cancel culture? Corporations. Who do you think FUNDS groups like BLM, ANTIFA? Corporations.
Politicians are fucking window dressing. Jesus, Biden is proof of that. He is a fucking house plant with hair plugs.
I noticed a lot of issues discussed on here have one or the other as the basis for their beliefs. The people on the right, especially the far right appear to utilize Nationalism as their format of choice. Trump would be the extreme example of this, he even stated he was a nationalist. The people on the left prepare to almost always expressed Patriotism as the basis of their belief systems. Their is a huge difference in these ideas. Nationalism taken to it's extreme results in Fascism. Patriotism on the other hand, is an individual belief, not a group belief, and that leads to a stronger Nation. It's an easy search on the internet, best to compare the two first and then compare nationalism to fascism. nationalism is not good for healthy for the United States or any other free democracy in the world. Hitler, rose to power in Nazi Germany on the wings of nationalism. In short, picture of patriotism it's good and healthy, promotes the good promote cooperation promotes peace and prosperity. Nationalism promotes one's Nation at the expense of other nations, it promotes the bad it promotes War and the illusion of prosperity but not prosperity itself it definitely doesn't promote peace or well-being of the citizens. America is making the right choice at this time, we're back on track, working with our allies, not undermining them, solving problems, not creating them. America is a leader once again, as we should be.

Joe isn't a Patriot, he is a Globalist.
I noticed a lot of issues discussed on here have one or the other as the basis for their beliefs. The people on the right, especially the far right appear to utilize Nationalism as their format of choice. Trump would be the extreme example of this, he even stated he was a nationalist. The people on the left prepare to almost always expressed Patriotism as the basis of their belief systems. Their is a huge difference in these ideas. Nationalism taken to it's extreme results in Fascism. Patriotism on the other hand, is an individual belief, not a group belief, and that leads to a stronger Nation. It's an easy search on the internet, best to compare the two first and then compare nationalism to fascism. nationalism is not good for healthy for the United States or any other free democracy in the world. Hitler, rose to power in Nazi Germany on the wings of nationalism. In short, picture of patriotism it's good and healthy, promotes the good promote cooperation promotes peace and prosperity. Nationalism promotes one's Nation at the expense of other nations, it promotes the bad it promotes War and the illusion of prosperity but not prosperity itself it definitely doesn't promote peace or well-being of the citizens. America is making the right choice at this time, we're back on track, working with our allies, not undermining them, solving problems, not creating them. America is a leader once again, as we should

Patriotism is of the Left?! It is the democrats that try to destroy our Constitution, the First, Second, Fourth and Tenth Amendment. I shouldn't have to give any examples. You are in error when you call America a democracy. Look it up. A democracy is mob rule. We are and have always been a republic where the many can not deny one of his freedoms and liberties. Democrats and RINOS can say all day we are a democracy. You should have realized both are liars and will do every under handed evil trick, which is apparent by what they have done for the last five years. Matter of fact you saying the Left has any patriotism is laughable. If or when revolution happens it won't be patriots hiding under rocks.
Nationalism taken to it's extreme results in Fascism. Patriotism on the other hand, is an individual belief, not a group belief, and that leads to a stronger Nation.
You could not be more wrong

without a sense of nationalism a country disintegrates and disappears

in America conservatives are patriots who love their country

liberals tend to be globalists who merely tolerate America if they get what they want

otherwise they babble about 1619, manifest destiny, and other blemishes in our history as if then is still now

which it isnt
You could not be more wrong

without a sense of nationalism a country disintegrates and disappears

in America conservatives are patriots who love their country

liberals tend to be globalists who merely tolerate America if they get what they want

otherwise they babble about 1619, manifest destiny, and other blemishes in our history as if then is still now

which it isnt
Patriotism is the true driving force of our nation, nationalism is counterproductive.
Patriotism is the true driving force of our nation, nationalism is counterproductive.
The lefts brand of patriotism is what I said it is

libs tolerate America only when they get what they want from America

most of them have been bitten by the globalist bug which says that in the long run whats best for the world is best for America

even if we have to suffer in the short run
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I noticed a lot of issues discussed on here have one or the other as the basis for their beliefs. The people on the right, especially the far right appear to utilize Nationalism as their format of choice. Trump would be the extreme example of this, he even stated he was a nationalist. The people on the left prepare to almost always expressed Patriotism as the basis of their belief systems. Their is a huge difference in these ideas. Nationalism taken to it's extreme results in Fascism. Patriotism on the other hand, is an individual belief, not a group belief, and that leads to a stronger Nation. It's an easy search on the internet, best to compare the two first and then compare nationalism to fascism. nationalism is not good for healthy for the United States or any other free democracy in the world. Hitler, rose to power in Nazi Germany on the wings of nationalism. In short, picture of patriotism it's good and healthy, promotes the good promote cooperation promotes peace and prosperity. Nationalism promotes one's Nation at the expense of other nations, it promotes the bad it promotes War and the illusion of prosperity but not prosperity itself it definitely doesn't promote peace or well-being of the citizens. America is making the right choice at this time, we're back on track, working with our allies, not undermining them, solving problems, not creating them. America is a leader once again, as we should be.

This OP is 100% accurate in the Bizarro Universe
I noticed a lot of issues discussed on here have one or the other as the basis for their beliefs. The people on the right, especially the far right appear to utilize Nationalism as their format of choice. Trump would be the extreme example of this, he even stated he was a nationalist. The people on the left prepare to almost always expressed Patriotism as the basis of their belief systems. Their is a huge difference in these ideas. Nationalism taken to it's extreme results in Fascism. Patriotism on the other hand, is an individual belief, not a group belief, and that leads to a stronger Nation. It's an easy search on the internet, best to compare the two first and then compare nationalism to fascism. nationalism is not good for healthy for the United States or any other free democracy in the world. Hitler, rose to power in Nazi Germany on the wings of nationalism. In short, picture of patriotism it's good and healthy, promotes the good promote cooperation promotes peace and prosperity. Nationalism promotes one's Nation at the expense of other nations, it promotes the bad it promotes War and the illusion of prosperity but not prosperity itself it definitely doesn't promote peace or well-being of the citizens. America is making the right choice at this time, we're back on track, working with our allies, not undermining them, solving problems, not creating them. America is a leader once again, as we should be.
Patriotism on the other hand, is an individual belief, not a group belief,

But I went to a ball game on Memorial Day weekend, and pregame the images of service members were put up on the big screen, and families of some deceased soldiers were "given a shout out" (for lack of a better term) I thought that was patriotism. But it could be nationalism in that "supposedly" we respect people who serve with less material reward than they could get

But I also saw some ugly white people with barely disquised racist messages on clothing. I hope that was more individual. But they were boldly stating THEY controlled wha the norm was in society. Amusingly, my wife and I sat next to a black couple about our same age. We pretty much seemed more alike. Same clothes, same comments, same interests. LOL

Part of the problem, imo, in the US and possibly the UK and France too is that as societies become multiracial, various races have some grievance against another, and they use nationalism to try to define the nation as "theirs." Or to use nationalism to show they are not properly included. While, imo, nationalism is more properly a social term identifying what beliefs are common to people in a nation.
Both are overused as reasons to vote one way or the other which is why I don't consider them when voting or developing my beliefs.
The people on the left prepare to almost always expressed Patriotism as the basis of their belief systems.

Is it patriotism to blame America for everything? Is it patriotism to want to topple historic figures? Is it "patriotism" to overwhelm the country with dirty, poor, uneducated illegals? Is it patriotism to want to fundamentally change the whole country into something else? Is it patriotism to run sham elections, sham investigations and sham impeachments? Is it patriotism to call it "progress" to having 8000 riots in 70 cities?
I noticed a lot of issues discussed on here have one or the other as the basis for their beliefs. The people on the right, especially the far right appear to utilize Nationalism as their format of choice. Trump would be the extreme example of this, he even stated he was a nationalist. The people on the left prepare to almost always expressed Patriotism as the basis of their belief systems. Their is a huge difference in these ideas. Nationalism taken to it's extreme results in Fascism. Patriotism on the other hand, is an individual belief, not a group belief, and that leads to a stronger Nation. It's an easy search on the internet, best to compare the two first and then compare nationalism to fascism. nationalism is not good for healthy for the United States or any other free democracy in the world. Hitler, rose to power in Nazi Germany on the wings of nationalism. In short, picture of patriotism it's good and healthy, promotes the good promote cooperation promotes peace and prosperity. Nationalism promotes one's Nation at the expense of other nations, it promotes the bad it promotes War and the illusion of prosperity but not prosperity itself it definitely doesn't promote peace or well-being of the citizens. America is making the right choice at this time, we're back on track, working with our allies, not undermining them, solving problems, not creating them. America is a leader once again, as we should be.

Mark Twain: I support my country all the time and my government when it deserves it.

"working with our allies, not undermining them" - Yes, Biden is back to paying their bills for them. They like that. Not paying their own bills. They are like Democrats that way
The lefts brand of patriotism is what I said it is

libs tolerate America only when they get what they want from America

most of them have been bitten by the globalist bug which says that in the long run whats best for the world is best for America

even if we have to suffer in the short run
I'm not at all surprised, you embody the them vs us philosophy. You can't see the forest for the trees.

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