Patriot Act dead

Who has he majority in Congress these days? Because it seems to me the MINORITY party is the one getting their way. Hey Frist! How about growing a set instead of standing there looking like you wanna cry?
Republicans congressional leaders had lobbied fiercely to make most of the expiring Patriot Act provisions permanent
Good it failed, IMO. It should only be in place as long as a war, or as needed, no further.
It's the permanent part I have a problem with, not the act.

Do we need it? Parts yes, so make "some" parts law.
dmp said:
I hear 10 out of 10 Terrorists were lobbying to remove the Patriot Act....

the ACLU,Clintons et al...heaven forbid the act might expose them!
archangel said:
the ACLU,Clintons et al...heaven forbid the act might expose them!

Gee, you'd think Clinton wouldn't have a problem being exposed, after all he's done it on a number of occassions... especially in front of Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, ......
Mr. P said:
Good it failed, IMO. It should only be in place as long as a war, or as needed, no further.
It's the permanent part I have a problem with, not the act.

Do we need it? Parts yes, so make "some" parts law.

gotta agree with P. Lots of the PAtriot Act is good. So take those individual good thigns and make them law.
KarlMarx said:
Gee, you'd think Clinton wouldn't have a problem being exposed, after all he's done it on a number of occassions... especially in front of Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, ......

good point...I stand corrected!
:ali: ....not...>>>>>> :halo: ...angels do!
What REALLY pisses me off is that Dhimmirats like Dick Turban actually cited that bogus NYT story to support their position. This is just incredible. Do you know what happens on Dec. 31? Inter-agency sharing of information again becomes illegal. Thanks Dhimmis. /spit
theim said:
What REALLY pisses me off is that Dhimmirats like Dick Turban actually cited that bogus NYT story to support their position. This is just incredible. Do you know what happens on Dec. 31? Inter-agency sharing of information again becomes illegal. Thanks Dhimmis. /spit

Attaboys. Let's just tie our hands together behind our backs to deal with terrorism. We just love to be sitting ducks. :wtf:
theim said:
Who has he majority in Congress these days? Because it seems to me the MINORITY party is the one getting their way. Hey Frist! How about growing a set instead of standing there looking like you wanna cry?

There is nothing First can do. They won by Fillibuster. Which means the majority voted for it but a minority blocked it. There is nothing they can do.

Of course, it Republicans are smart they can use this against the Democrat Senators who voted against it pointing out that by refusing to support it, they make it easier to be hit.

Of course I think we are going to be hit by another attack soon. Democrats have been weakening the resolve of people and our enemies will recognize it.
insein said:
gotta agree with P. Lots of the PAtriot Act is good. So take those individual good thigns and make them law.

Agreed with both of you. Sen. Craig from Idaho won me over though, his reservations were the common-sense pragmatism so sorely missing from most politicians. Feingold didn't do bad either.
Avatar4321 said:
Of course I think we are going to be hit by another attack soon. Democrats have been weakening the resolve of people and our enemies will recognize it.
Which, sad to say, is what some dems want so as to blame Bush for dropping the ball even though it's things like this they do that weakens us.

Will the voting populace buy into the blaming of Bush and reps? I would hope not, but say they very well.
theim said:
What REALLY pisses me off is that Dhimmirats like Dick Turban actually cited that bogus NYT story to support their position. This is just incredible. Do you know what happens on Dec. 31? Inter-agency sharing of information again becomes illegal. Thanks Dhimmis. /spit

That is probably the worst part. The idiots don't seem to realize that is one of the major roots of the 9/11 attack.

Oh no, let's not share information, but let's pile another layer of beauracracy on top of everything. That'll help.
Is this really what the democrats want to do? It's what will happen...

December 19, 2005
While the Democrats Celebrate Their Filibuster of the Patriot Act...

...the House Republican conference reminds us why the act is so important:

If allowed to expire, the information-sharing provisions critical to breaking down the pre-9/11 “wall” between our law enforcement and intelligence personnel will be lost. This will have dire consequences.

Patrick Fitzgerald, a longtime United States Attorney and current special prosecutor, testified to his experience of how the “wall” worked in practice:

I was on a prosecution team in New York that began a criminal investigation of Usama Bin Laden in early 1996. The team ... had access to a number of sources. We could talk to citizens. We could talk to local police officers. We could talk to other U.S. Government agencies. We could talk to foreign police officers. Even foreign intelligence personnel. And foreign citizens.... We could even talk to al Qaeda members—and we did. .... But there was one group of people we were not permitted to talk to. Who? The FBI agents across the street from us in lower Manhattan assigned to a parallel intelligence investigation of Usama Bin Laden and al Qaeda. We could not learn what information they had gathered. That was “the wall.”

The “wall” had deadly consequences. The 9/11 Commission Report contained an example that none of us should ever forget. According to the unanimous bipartisan report of that Commission, the “wall” thwarted the investigation of Khalid al-Midhdar and Nawaf alHazmi, two of the hijackers who flew an airplane into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. In June 2001, FBI agents investigating the U.S.S. Cole bombing met with the CIA. Even though the CIA knew that al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi were connected to the Cole bombing and had been in the United States, the CIA refused to give the FBI this information because of the “wall.” Even after the FBI learned from the CIA of al-Mihdhar’s and al-Hazmi’s presence in the United States and the FBI launched an effort to try to locate them, FBI Headquarters refused to allow criminal investigators in New York to participate. A New York FBI agent working on the case expressed his frustration with these restrictions in the following e-mail: “Whatever has happened to this - someday someone will die - and wall or not - the public will not understand why we were not more effective and throwing every resource we had at certain ‘problems.’”

That's the wall (sometimes referred to as the "Jamie Gorelick wall") that the Democrats want to re-erect.

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