Paneuropean Union President Karl von Habsburg calls for the breakup of Moscow empire as new policy goal of the EU


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2017
yes, The only way this war (and all other wars in Europe ) ends is the collapse of Moscow empire. The USSR´s empire is gone, the Romanov´s 🇷🇺 empire is gone. NEVER 2 WITHOUT 3, the Saddam🇷🇺 Putsein ´s empire will follow!

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Destruction of Europe in a total war against Russia
we dont need a total war against your predatory empire, you 🇷🇺 guys produce only 1 % of the world GDP , we - 70% .

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Never heard of that "union". What is it? Restauration of Habsburg empire?

What do you mean by "the Habsburg Empire", Mr. Nazi from Absurdistan? Austria-Hungaria or the Holy Empire of German nation or both?

The Pan-European Union made by the way once a Pan-European breakfast in Hungaria when nearly no one believed in the reunion of Germany any longer. Many Germans who lived under Soviet pressure came to this breakfast and suddenly was a break in the iron curtain and all the guns had a jam. So all the Germans made a small excursion and never came back to the Soviet colonial empire. Thank you, Hungaria. We Germans will never forget a good deed done from our friends.

Georg Danzer - Die Freiheit 1979

A few days ago I went to the zoo
The sun was shining, my heart was so happy
I saw people standing in front of a cage
I went there to take a closer look
(There I went to take a closer look)

Do not feed was written on a big sign
And please don't tease it either, it's very wild
Adults and children looked stupid
And only one guard looked grim and very silent
(And only one guard looked grim and very silent)

I asked him, what is the name of this animal?
That's freedom, he said to me
It's so rare in the world now
That's why it's put on display here for little money
(That's why it's on display here for little money)

I looked and I said, dear sir
I see nothing, the cage is empty
That's the gag, he said
You lock her up and she's gone in an instant
(You lock her up and she's gone in an instant)

Freedom is a wondrous beast
And some people are afraid of it
But behind bars it dies
For only in freedom can freedom be freedom.

Because only in freedom can freedom be freedom
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Thanks for this information.

God bless Karl, the House of Habsburg, the Knights of the Golden Fleece and the Pan-European traditions since thousands of years and their defenders.

YES, WHY Muscovites are still against 🇷🇺 decolonization ? Do they want to be our enemies forever ? dont they want to live the normal lives ? The brutal reality the West has to accept is that Muscovy (Moscow empire ) never had the Enlightenment, nor did it ever experience any form of democracy since beginning ( the 13th century) ... Look at Sweden, we lost our Baltic, Finnish possessions in 18c. and today we do just fine. And look at imperial Muscovy today :

What do you mean by "the Habsburg Empire", Mr. Nazi from Absurdistan? Austria-Hungaria or the Holy Empire of German nation or both?

The Pan-European Union made by the way once a Pan-European breakfast in Hungaria when nearly no one believed in the reunion of Germany any longer. Many Germans who lived under Soviet pressure came to this breakfast and suddenly was a break in the iron curtain and all the guns had a jam. So all the Germans made a small excursion and never came back to the Soviet colonial empire. Thank you, Hungaria. We Germans will never forget a good deed done from our friends.

Georg Danzer - Die Freiheit 1979

A few days ago I went to the zoo
The sun was shining, my heart was so happy
I saw people standing in front of a cage
I went there to take a closer look
(There I went to take a closer look)

Do not feed was written on a big sign
And please don't tease it either, it's very wild
Adults and children looked stupid
And only one guard looked grim and very silent
(And only one guard looked grim and very silent)

I asked him, what is the name of this animal?
That's freedom, he said to me
It's so rare in the world now
That's why it's put on display here for little money
(That's why it's on display here for little money)

I looked and I said, dear sir
I see nothing, the cage is empty
That's the gag, he said
You lock her up and she's gone in an instant
(You lock her up and she's gone in an instant)

Freedom is a wondrous beast
And some people are afraid of it
But behind bars it dies
For only in freedom can freedom be freedom.

Because only in freedom can freedom be freedom


Finally! Timothy Snyder: "The West Needs To Abandon The Fantasy That There's Anything We Can Say Or Do To "Make Moscow 🇷🇺 empire Normal"​

It is not our business. With Russia by our side we would be save for ever. The whole northern hemisphere in a military union and nobody can mess with us. We don´t need such useless conflicts like in Ukraine.

Burgund? ... Was about 1000 years ago an own kingdom. ¿So what? What has this to do with what in your weird Nazi brain? At this time existed for example in Spain the land of the Vandals - Andalusia. Muslims. Also a German root of Europe. One of the most famous ... better to say most important "North African Germans" - had been the Berber Ibn Rushd alias Averroes. He had been a Muslim. "The interpreter" of "the philosopher" (Aristotle) had had a very great influence on all Catholics = all civilized Europeans. And in general: France and England are German names. The "German" influence is in general much bigger than most people seem to know. Also the USA could be called from Germans "The German States of America" what would change nothing ...

... All this different cultures are unbelievable "German" cultures and are unbelievable fascinating in their own histories. All of them belong together. And - superstupid modern racist dumbass - exactly this means the German word for Germans "deutsch". Never any real German was a German in sense of your racist thoughts, weirdo. Indeed Germans never existed. "Aryans" - what an absurde bullshit. The name German is Roman - not German. Germans are people who belong together - that's all, Mr. Absurdity. People who are united because they are able to speak with each other without any translator or AI. We never had been a nation! What you may call "German Empire" is only a weird strange "modern" French-British-Prussian absurdity. And the "Holy Roman Empire of German (=united) nation" was indeed not holy, not Roman and no empire. It was an unbelievable complex political structure basing on Christian values (holy) and the Roman peace and rule of law. And the German king - who had been relativelly unimportant - and/or the Roman emperor (and also the pope) - had been always elected. And that also from time to time shit happens and things go totally wrong is not really a new invention of the USA. You are on your own a very good example that things go totally wrong and some idiots like you think wrongness is okay because they know only wrongness.
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Regular incest in the House of Habsburg expectedly led to idiotic descendants

Which incest product are you? Hedgehog with cheese spread? Incest is since some time no theme any longer under the nobles of Europe. And by the way: Not any of the Catholic nobles in Germany supported Nazis. And the Catholic nobles are the eldest Germanic/Celtic noble houses of Europe. Doesn't look like the members of this very old noble houses had been idiots.

Question: Why do you support Putin?

Let's go for a ride
On the tides
We'll pass by old heartache

Come let us fly
Bending shackles
Waves and stormy winds set us free

We ride the water
On wooden steeds
Crack the whips of masts and cloth

We give the spurs
Our gaze rushes forward
Restless freedom - blessing and curse

Heyheyhey, do you hear the call of freedom?
Then don't wait too long
Because it goes by far too fast - far too fast
Heyheyhey, do you hear the call of freedom?
Then hold on to it
Before the ravages of time
Gives us all the rest

Come let us live,
Forgive our debts
Let's forget what separated us

Let's forgive
No time for hate
He who rests, rusts, so live in the moment

Heyheyhey, do you hear the call of freedom?
Then don't wait too long
Because it passes far too quickly - far too quickly
Heyheyhey, do you hear the call of freedom?
Then hold on to it
Before the ravages of time
Gives us all the rest
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What a nonsense, US-Russian Nazi. Compared with the USA our army would be under command of the congress and not under command of our chancellor - who is anyway only an interims-chancellor any longer and who has also to ask opposition parties for to make real decisions.

The chancellor is currently in an election campaign and misuses the situation in the Ukraine because he likes to be reelected - what's a very bad unhonorable behavior of him. He says the military support for the Ukraine has to be paid with debts - while opposition parties say: No debts - we have to increase the military household. So they say we have to change something in the structure of our household. This debate is not an actual debate because our current military support for the Ukraine is clear.

And it's also totally clear that all Germans like to support the Ukraine against the colonial Russians who like to wipe out the Ukrainians lifestyle and languag after they forced and will force a big of the population to flee. Only Nazis and Commies - right-wing and left-wing extremists - support Putin.
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What a nonsense, US-Russian Nazi. Compared with the USA our army wouldbe under command of the congress and not under command of our chancelllor - who is anyway only an interims-chancellor any longer who has to ask also opposition parties to make real decisions.

The chancellor is currently in an election campaign and misuses the sjiksiton in the Ukraine befcvaeu he likes to be reelected - wehatlsp a very bad unhonorable behasior of him. He says the military support for the Ukraine has to be paid with debts - while the oppostze parzeros says: No debts - we have to increase the military household.

It's totally clear that all Germans like support the Ukraine against the colonial Russians who like to wipe out the Ukraine. Only Nazis and Commies - right-wing and left-wing extremists - support Putin.
You do because you're a worthless serf in one of our vassel states

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