Palin's Amish Teleprompter

So the rest of the speech was ex tempore and just winging it. She essentially had four points, and talked with minimal notes for how long?

At my old job we were expected to give diversity speeches. Speaking in front of an audience with minimal notes and being remotely coherent is hard. I am impressed.

I don't make fun of 0bama for the teleprompter. At least, not often. Being able to speak like that with a crutch is impressive enough, but with only four words as your entire notes is even more impressive.

So she was more impressive than when Obama schooled a room full of repulicans with no tele prompter or notes on his hand? Wow.

Palin was in front of a bunch of sheeple who loves her and that is impressive?

Come on.
So the rest of the speech was ex tempore and just winging it. She essentially had four points, and talked with minimal notes for how long?

At my old job we were expected to give diversity speeches. Speaking in front of an audience with minimal notes and being remotely coherent is hard. I am impressed.

I don't make fun of 0bama for the teleprompter. At least, not often. Being able to speak like that with a crutch is impressive enough, but with only four words as your entire notes is even more impressive.

So she was more impressive than when Obama schooled a room full of repulicans with no tele prompter or notes on his hand? Wow.

Palin was in front of a bunch of sheeple who loves her and that is impressive?

Come on.

Obama needed a teleprompter in front of a bunch of 6th graders, even Stewart went after him on that one. But let's not ever forget this::::::lol::lol::lol:

[ame=]YouTube - Obama can't pronounce "corpsman"[/ame]
On her HAND???????


You really can't make this stuff up

And then she mocks Obama for using a teleprompter.

I think we should called the Palin Tardoprompter.

Best headline for tomorrow:

Palin gives Teabaggers a Hand Job.

Maybe that's because he's been giving speeches, not speachs, and you weren't listening anyway.

LOL, the spelling cop.
You are right about Not listening, I don't listen to people who talk down to me, and from his poll numbers, not many others are listening to him either.:lol:

If someone is trying to impress others with their intelligence, it falls flat when that person can't even spell. Just sayin'.

If you don't listen, then you have no business criticising, genius. But just for your edification, his poll numbers still don't look too shabby in spite of all the criticism. Here's ALL of them:

Obama: Job Ratings

LOL, misspell one word and that makes a person a idiot, I get it.

I think I can still read, I'll have to check with you maybe, so I can comment on anything I want to about the Obama, thank you.:lol:
How much energy did Palin's method use? How much does Obama's? I'll take three reminder points on a hand vs. entire speeches on a teleprompter for $100, Alex.
LOL, regurgitating the same talking points.

now who do we know who has been doing that exact thing for OVER a year now with over 150 speachs. give me a minute, the name will come to me.:lol:

Maybe that's because he's been giving speeches, not speachs, and you weren't listening anyway.

It's just like a liberal to correct someone's spelling or typo errors..:lol::lol::lol: When you have zero SUBSTANCE to your argument or point of view that's what you libs do. I am certain that you won all of your spelling bee's in grammer school, so as a project and while doing something useful, would you mind spell-checking the recovery act and while you are at it, the 2,000 page version of health care from the congress and the 2,000 page healthcare proposal from the senate. I am sure they need your expertise.:lol::lol::lol:

BTW- I would MUCH rather listen to someone who has an outline of the topics she wants to talk about written on her hand than someone who reads EVERY WORD verbatim from his teleprompter.

Obama's teleprompter screw ups - Google Videos
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What's blue and smells like Palin?

John McCain's dick!!

You libs sure can't stand it when you are getting beat, your teeny weeny brains are on full display for all to see. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

How are we getting beat? When's the last time we had legislation passed that conservatives genuinely supported? Compared to to every time we've had legislation passed that conservatives howled in pain over?

We're on the verge of ending DADT and allowing gays in the military. Another crushing defeat for conservatism. A generation from now the conservatives of then won't even be talking about gays in the military, much less fighting against it.

Every battle conservatives fight they eventually lose.

Kind of like the celebutard who does not know how to pronounce navy "CORPSMAN," IT'S PRONOUNCED coreman not corpsman Mr. Commander in Chief. :lol::lol::lol:

I already covered that in another thread. You see, Obama and that "one word" was an "AHA" moment for the Republicans. Palin, Bush and McCain can endlessly mangle the English language, but when Obama says just "one word" incorrectly, it's "proof" that he didn't write his book and doesn't know how to speak.

It's all Republicans have to "cling to". So pitiful.

At least it proves Palin can read. I suspect she probably did read, "Going Rogue by Lynn Vincent". I wonder if Lynn Vincent wrote those notes too?
What's blue and smells like Palin?

John McCain's dick!!

You libs sure can't stand it when you are getting beat, your teeny weeny brains are on full display for all to see. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

How are we getting beat? When's the last time we had legislation passed that conservatives genuinely supported? Compared to to every time we've had legislation passed that conservatives howled in pain over?

We're on the verge of ending DADT and allowing gays in the military. Another crushing defeat for conservatism. A generation from now the conservatives of then won't even be talking about gays in the military, much less fighting against it.

Every battle conservatives fight they eventually lose.

That's because conservatism is about looking back. Keeping things "static".

Def of Conserve:

to preserve (fruit) by cooking with sugar or syrup.

an obsolete medicinal preparation made by mixing undriedvegetable drugs with sufficient powdered sugar to form a soft mass

calls to conserve our national heritage in the face of bewildering change.


This is why Conservatives are anti education. Education leads to change.
the Progressives and Obama are bankrupting our country, unemployment remains over 10%, the Obama is sinking in the polls, the Progressives are losing seats in every state, no wonder all they want to talk about is Palin using crib notes on her hand.

the Progressives and Obama are bankrupting our country, unemployment remains over 10%, the Obama is sinking in the polls, the Progressives are losing seats in every state, no wonder all they want to talk about is Palin using crib notes on her hand.


You better be glad that it was Obama elected president and not McCain.
This is what makes Sarah Palin so endearing. She is a real person; not a phony like Odumba is. Thank you for posting this thread.

Even more hilarious: she had to cross something off of her hand. At least she didn't use white-out.

I have a sense that this was a stunt to make her seem more "folksy".

That's what "folksy" people do, they write on their hands instead of using a high-falooting teleprompter.

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