Palin on 2016: 'of course' she's interested

I don't want her to run. I like what she is doing now. She is running around, having fun and making liberals piss their panties on a daily basis.

Frankly I don't know why anyone would want to be POTUS next. This country is on the brink of collapse and whoever is POTUS will get the blame. It needs to be a democrat since they are mostly responsible.

Laughter can case one to lose bladder control. Yet Gov. Palin's discourse is anything but funny, bizarre and iniquitous utterance does not evoke humor.

So it's laughter that causes you people to wet your panties over her but it's not humorous? Which is it? Make up your mind what is causing you to wet your panties?
its not so funny, that any one of these average dummies has a fair shot at real power if they can get some one to pay dearly buye the hour, the biggest part of the lime lights power, to shine in their eye through ours full of lies, , this way of leadership will leads us all to die a slow painful demise,because we keep trying to spell our team with all I s , to the victor goes the spoils, the spoils the victor as the water boils, we see too late this wasn't the right path, now we feel God's wrath, we jump from the pan to escape the heat, right into the flames of our defeat.

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