Palin calling for an end to investigation she requested


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Palin Calling for an End to Investigation She Requested

Sept. 17, 2008
GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin shifted her tactics for the second time in three weeks on the "Troopergate" investigation, this time calling to end the very investigation that she herself called for and the one the McCain campaign had said was the only proper venue for a probe.

Both Governor Sarah Palin and her attorney general have raised new objections to 'Troopergate' investigations.

Palin's Attorney General, who initially launched an internal probe into Palin, even before the legislature began theirs, is now asking the legislators to withdraw their subpoenas of Palin aides and Palin's husband.

When the Alaska Legislature's Legislative Council, a Republican-dominated panel of 14 legislators which conducts business when the Legislature is out session, voted to investigate the firing of former Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan in July, Palin pledged her full support.

But almost immediately after joining the GOP ticket, Palin's Troopergate strategy veered sharply. Despite her earlier vows of full cooperation with the probe, she declared it unlawful. The legislature lacked the authority to investigate the matter, she said. Instead, it should be handled by the state personnel board, Palin asserted -- a panel which is under her authority.

ABC News: Palin Calling for an End to Investigation She Requested
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When Palin was announced as the VP pick and the Trooper fiasco was the first thing that they found on her, remember how the conservatives were saying how she was the one calling for the investigation and that she was pledging full cooperation? I wonder what the spin is going to be now.
When Palin was announced as the VP pick and the Trooper fiasco was the first thing that they found on her, remember how the conservatives were saying how she was the one calling for the investigation and that she was pledging full cooperation? I wonder what the spin is going to be now.

I think the McCain campaign has spun out of control.

Or just unraveled.
Several reports that there are more lies here. You can search em and post what you like, it does seem to be bad for McCain, too bad - Seriously, I wish he had picked Lieberman. Each of the links talks about a different lie.

Palin's Claim Ex Relative's FIles Are Public Documents Untrue

ABC News: Exclusive: New Doubts Over Palin's Troopergate Claims

Today ABC released a document that disproves the latest argument the self-named "McCain Truth Squad" made to stop the investigation – that, according to paid McCain campaign staffers, Commissioner of Public Safety Walt Monegan was fired for being "insubordinate." They argued that he'd tried to go to Washington, D.C. to get funding for a Sexual Assault Unit at the Alaska State Troopers to help reverse Alaska's worst in the nation rape statistics. It was alleged at a press event this week by the McCain camp that the Palin Administration did not authorize the trip, and that Monegan was fired for trying to go on the trip anyway.

Attached is the travel document from the Governor's Office authorizing Monegan to go on that trip. That document was left out of the presentation by the "Truth Squad" earlier this week.
"Commissioner Monegan was doing what the Governor said he was supposed to do – hire troopers to combat Alaska's crime problems," Gara said.

This document adds to the evidence that the McCain camp has used misleading information to try to stop the Alaska Legislature's investigation into Monegan's firing by Governor Palin
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Several reports that there are more lies here. You can search em and post what you like, it does seem to be bad for McCain, too bad - Seriously, I wish he had picked Lieberman. Each of the links talks about a different lie.

Palin's Claim Ex Relative's FIles Are Public Documents Untrue

ABC News: Exclusive: New Doubts Over Palin's Troopergate Claims

Nice read, Caligirl. I forgot about Palin illegally accessing the trooper's personel files.

They are telling so many lies, that I am beginning to feel sorry for them.
Palin Calling for an End to Investigation She Requested

Sept. 17, 2008
GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin shifted her tactics for the second time in three weeks on the "Troopergate" investigation, this time calling to end the very investigation that she herself called for and the one the McCain campaign had said was the only proper venue for a probe.

Both Governor Sarah Palin and her attorney general have raised new objections to 'Troopergate' investigations.

Palin's Attorney General, who initially launched an internal probe into Palin, even before the legislature began theirs, is now asking the legislators to withdraw their subpoenas of Palin aides and Palin's husband.

When the Alaska Legislature's Legislative Council, a Republican-dominated panel of 14 legislators which conducts business when the Legislature is out session, voted to investigate the firing of former Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan in July, Palin pledged her full support.

But almost immediately after joining the GOP ticket, Palin's Troopergate strategy veered sharply. Despite her earlier vows of full cooperation with the probe, she declared it unlawful. The legislature lacked the authority to investigate the matter, she said. Instead, it should be handled by the state personnel board, Palin asserted -- a panel which is under her authority.

ABC News: Palin Calling for an End to Investigation She Requested

Considering the fact that Palin was within her rights to remove the commissioner of Public Safety for ANY reason and replace him with someone of her choice and since it is a political appointment made BY the governor, I can understand why Palin would first agree to it when she wasn't a VP candidate and has now changed her mind.

Before she was a VP candidate, she had no problem with the investigation since she believed it was just going to prove to the people of Alaska she was fully correct - and allow her state critics to make a fool of themselves in the process. She would have been right there in Anchorage for the entire process at all times. Plans changed though -she isn't in Alaska on a regular basis, it now serves as a needless and totally pointless distraction that her national political enemies have highjacked hoping it will serve another purpose entirely. It should be dropped -and the reason the state Attorney General is requesting that subpoenas to her husband and aides be dropped is because this entire thing is a total waste of taxpayer money that in the end will do nothing except maybe educate any uninformed about the executive powers a governor has. And the fact that this particular commissioner at all times served at the pleasure of the governor. Which means if she is pleased, he keeps his job and if she isn't -he doesn't. Just like any other political appointee.

He's never getting that job back no matter what since the legislature cannot force ANY governor to keep on a political appointee he/she feels no longer performs that job to expectations. Considering this guy's own emails show blatant insubordination to executive orders, actively tried to sabotage her agenda and held secret meetings in order to divert funds to projects Palin had already vetoed -he totally deserved to be fired. So what's the point of this?
Considering the fact that Palin was within her rights to remove the commissioner of Public Safety for ANY reason and replace him with someone of her choice and since it is a political appointment made BY the governor, I can understand why Palin would first agree to it when she wasn't a VP candidate and has now changed her mind.

Before she was a VP candidate, she had no problem with the investigation since she believed it was just going to prove to the people of Alaska she was fully correct - and allow her state critics to make a fool of themselves in the process. She would have been right there in Anchorage for the entire process at all times. Plans changed though -she isn't in Alaska on a regular basis, it now serves as a needless and totally pointless distraction that her national political enemies have highjacked hoping it will serve another purpose entirely. It should be dropped -and the reason the state Attorney General is requesting that subpoenas to her husband and aides be dropped is because this entire thing is a total waste of taxpayer money that in the end will do nothing except maybe educate any uninformed about the executive powers a governor has. And the fact that this particular commissioner at all times served at the pleasure of the governor. Which means if she is pleased, he keeps his job and if she isn't -he doesn't. Just like any other political appointee.

He's never getting that job back no matter what since the legislature cannot force ANY governor to keep on a political appointee he/she feels no longer performs that job to expectations. Considering this guy's own emails show blatant insubordination to executive orders, actively tried to sabotage her agenda and held secret meetings in order to divert funds to projects Palin had already vetoed -he totally deserved to be fired. So what's the point of this?

The links provided by Caligirl show that what you are saying is untrue.

ABC News: Exclusive: New Doubts Over Palin's Troopergate Claims can put lipstick on a felon but she's still a felon.
Palin Calling for an End to Investigation She Requested

Sept. 17, 2008
GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin shifted her tactics for the second time in three weeks on the "Troopergate" investigation, this time calling to end the very investigation that she herself called for and the one the McCain campaign had said was the only proper venue for a probe.

Both Governor Sarah Palin and her attorney general have raised new objections to 'Troopergate' investigations.

Palin's Attorney General, who initially launched an internal probe into Palin, even before the legislature began theirs, is now asking the legislators to withdraw their subpoenas of Palin aides and Palin's husband.

When the Alaska Legislature's Legislative Council, a Republican-dominated panel of 14 legislators which conducts business when the Legislature is out session, voted to investigate the firing of former Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan in July, Palin pledged her full support.

But almost immediately after joining the GOP ticket, Palin's Troopergate strategy veered sharply. Despite her earlier vows of full cooperation with the probe, she declared it unlawful. The legislature lacked the authority to investigate the matter, she said. Instead, it should be handled by the state personnel board, Palin asserted -- a panel which is under her authority.

ABC News: Palin Calling for an End to Investigation She Requested

In othere words, you're a liar and your thread title reflects that.

Where is your evidence that she is not correct in who should be conducting the investigation?

Put up or shut up.
When Palin was announced as the VP pick and the Trooper fiasco was the first thing that they found on her, remember how the conservatives were saying how she was the one calling for the investigation and that she was pledging full cooperation? I wonder what the spin is going to be now.

Again, where does it say she is calling off the investigation? All I see is she is questioning WHO should be conducting it. I could see your point IF she was trying to completely call it off and it not be conducted. That's NOT what the article says.
It was like just a week ago, Cons were proudly proclaiming of Palin was full cooperating, and wanted an investigation.

p.s. The alaska state legislature's Judiciary Committee is majority Republican.
You can put lipstick on leftwingnut, lying moonbats and try to spin them as legitimate people too, but they're STILL just leftwingnut, lying moonbats.

Same shit goes for the right, and you know it.

I guess to some republican politicians, subpenus's don't mean anything?:badgrin:
You can put lipstick on a pig, but apparently you can't make it talk.


Good one.

She was for her investigation, before she was against it.
She said to congress, "thanks, but no thanks, on that troopergate investigation." <snicker>
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