The show was just awful. They could not keep continuity.
It was bizarre to say the least.

Could I have been wrong! Last evening again while the world was covering the Haiti tragedy, I turned to Fox faux news. And lo what should I see, but Sarah and Glenn smiling back at me. Yikes. Analogies are difficult, a smiling tug of odd ideas between two mental midgets, the depth of a small puddle, Sarah was actually more straightforward than Glenn who seemed like he didn't know where to step next. His uncertainty was out of place given his usual conspiratorial spiels. But conspiracy and martyrdom were here too.

I was wrong, Fox is not anti America, they are just representative of modern American youth, they are just dumb, empty, lazy. Like the American Idol contestant who blames the judges for their lack of talent, Glenn and Sarah aim whatever resentments they can find at the other side. The teachers are right, they are just not there, spoiling parents, TV, and electronics have created a generations of nitwits. A mental tragedy for America that continues at Fox.
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I can't wait for Shatner to do the Beck/Palin interview as beat poetry
It was bizarre to say the least.

Could I have been wrong! Last evening again while the world was covering the Haiti tragedy, I turned to Fox faux news. And lo what should I see, but Sarah and Glenn smiling back at me. Yikes. Analogies are difficult, a smiling tug of odd ideas between two mental midgets, the depth of a small puddle, Sarah was actually more straightforward than Glenn who seemed like he didn't know where to step next. His uncertainty was out of place given his usual conspiratorial spiels. But conspiracy and martyrdom were here too.

I was wrong, Fox is not anti America, they are just representative of modern American youth, they are just dumb, empty, lazy. Like the American Idol contestant who blames the judges for their lack of talent, Glenn and Sarah aim whatever resentments they can find at the other side. The teachers are right, they are just not there, spoiling parents, TV, and electronics have created a generations of nitwits. A mental tragedy for America that continues at Fox.

And for some strange reason more fair and balanced then any other Cable News program....which is why they're cleaning up in the ratings.

Fox News, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin. They're all in the same boat. They dared to oppose Obama. They must deserve all of this stuff everyone is making up about them...Right??
Reasonable people often can recognize fairness and tend to stay away from vitriol and venom.

They can also recognize when somebody is lying to Fox News has everyone else beat in viewership. CNN is in last place. What does that tell you.
It was bizarre to say the least.

Could I have been wrong! Last evening again while the world was covering the Haiti tragedy, I turned to Fox faux news. And lo what should I see, but Sarah and Glenn smiling back at me. Yikes. Analogies are difficult, a smiling tug of odd ideas between two mental midgets, the depth of a small puddle, Sarah was actually more straightforward than Glenn who seemed like he didn't know where to step next. His uncertainty was out of place given his usual conspiratorial spiels. But conspiracy and martyrdom were here too.

I was wrong, Fox is not anti America, they are just representative of modern American youth, they are just dumb, empty, lazy. Like the American Idol contestant who blames the judges for their lack of talent, Glenn and Sarah aim whatever resentments they can find at the other side. The teachers are right, they are just not there, spoiling parents, TV, and electronics have created a generations of nitwits. A mental tragedy for America that continues at Fox.

And for some strange reason more fair and balanced then any other Cable News program....which is why they're cleaning up in the ratings.

Fox News, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin. They're all in the same boat. They dared to oppose Obama. They must deserve all of this stuff everyone is making up about them...Right??

Me thinks mudwhistle suffers from mad cow disease.
It was bizarre to say the least.

Could I have been wrong! Last evening again while the world was covering the Haiti tragedy, I turned to Fox faux news. And lo what should I see, but Sarah and Glenn smiling back at me. Yikes. Analogies are difficult, a smiling tug of odd ideas between two mental midgets, the depth of a small puddle, Sarah was actually more straightforward than Glenn who seemed like he didn't know where to step next. His uncertainty was out of place given his usual conspiratorial spiels. But conspiracy and martyrdom were here too.

I was wrong, Fox is not anti America, they are just representative of modern American youth, they are just dumb, empty, lazy. Like the American Idol contestant who blames the judges for their lack of talent, Glenn and Sarah aim whatever resentments they can find at the other side. The teachers are right, they are just not there, spoiling parents, TV, and electronics have created a generations of nitwits. A mental tragedy for America that continues at Fox.

And for some strange reason more fair and balanced then any other Cable News program....which is why they're cleaning up in the ratings.

Fox News, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin. They're all in the same boat. They dared to oppose Obama. They must deserve all of this stuff everyone is making up about them...Right??

Me thinks mudwhistle suffers from mad cow disease.

I'm just pointing out the obvious asshole.
If Palin and Beck are such dummies I would think you wouldn't waste your time watching them?? Nothing better to do???? Just askin.
For their non-stop talk constantly reminding everyone how smart they are, Libruls are still too fucking dumb to realize that adults frothing at the mouth whenever they discuss Boooooshhhhhhhhhhh or Palin is just not fun to watch.

Kepp it up, Libs. Don't go changing to try to appeal to viewers.
I thought you Libs would be gobbling up Jon Stewarts news or Olbermann's opinions, you watch Fox wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than I do
At least THEY, at FOX are getting highly paid for their, in some cases useless 'babble'.

WE do it in here for FREE..:lol:
Reasonable people often can recognize fairness and tend to stay away from vitriol and venom.

They can also recognize when somebody is lying to Fox News has everyone else beat in viewership. CNN is in last place. What does that tell you.

Are you sure about that? That position turns truth into a popularity contest. Based on this philosophy the people recognized truth and fairness in Barack obama and therefore selected him president over John McCain.

You might want to revise that position or at least change your avatar. I have always thought of Spock as reprenting logic.

I believe it is more accurate to state that while some people can eventually recognize fairness, many people thrive on emotional appeal. Therefore many are actually drawn to vitrol and venom as long as it supports their belief system. I believe we live in a society that is increasing polarized politically because intelligent discourse has been replaced by emotional appeal.

The polarization of America based upon emotional appeal is demonstrated both on the political right and left:

1) The election of Barack Obama based upon a slick internet compaign (weak opposition and the complacentness of Hilary Clinton helped)
2) The popularity of talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck
3) The countering of talk radio with TV hosts such as Keith Oberman and Rachael Maddox
4) The FOX news network and their slant on the news with accompanying Orwellian slogan.
5) Sarah Palin existence as a national political figure.

I believe our first Republican president and our greatest president said it best, "You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."
...and a quitter , who would have thought

I hear this attack from the left a lot. What is funny is that the left forgets that Obama quit his job in the Senate to take the job of president but nothing was ever said about that.

Got hypocrisy?

(on a side note, I believe anybody who is running for another office should leave their current position if in an elected job)

...and a quitter , who would have thought

I hear this attack from the left a lot. What is funny is that the left forgets that Obama quit his job in the Senate to take the job of president but nothing was ever said about that.

Got hypocrisy?

(on a side note, I believe anybody who is running for another office should leave their current position if in an elected job)


Obama never did his job.
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