Palestinian's aren't the only ones who throw rocks!

Not really as both systems would produce the self same voltages, shown by my Delta wound 3 phase mill and star wound 3 phase lathe.
Is this "international electrical code" the same as your world series . As I am 100% certain that in the UK we work to a completely different set of rules. For starters all our electrical systems have to be protected with a separate earth and not earthed to the negative of a 3 phase line. In fact the earth should be separate to any other installation on the same line so that every separate item is earthed at least 3 times.
I start at DC and go on up to light and our systems work on 50 Hz, so you can imagine the trouble using US 60 Hz equipment, my H.F. transmitter is always 2% of frequency and I need to compensate for this.
Don't read trade Journals, don't see the point as nothing much changes, and anything that does is issued as a HSE declaration ( Health and Safety Executive ) that is enshrined in law. Such as the RCD/NVR devices fitted to the mains supplies so that in the case of a power outage no device will start when the power returns. As I said what you consider to be "International" the rest of the world see's as American
I quoted you the code, moron.

You're trying real hard to "act" like you know something.

Maybe you should just stick with throwing rocks at Palestinian's.
Not really as both systems would produce the self same voltages, shown by my Delta wound 3 phase mill and star wound 3 phase lathe.
Is this "international electrical code" the same as your world series . As I am 100% certain that in the UK we work to a completely different set of rules. For starters all our electrical systems have to be protected with a separate earth and not earthed to the negative of a 3 phase line. In fact the earth should be separate to any other installation on the same line so that every separate item is earthed at least 3 times.
I start at DC and go on up to light and our systems work on 50 Hz, so you can imagine the trouble using US 60 Hz equipment, my H.F. transmitter is always 2% of frequency and I need to compensate for this.
Don't read trade Journals, don't see the point as nothing much changes, and anything that does is issued as a HSE declaration ( Health and Safety Executive ) that is enshrined in law. Such as the RCD/NVR devices fitted to the mains supplies so that in the case of a power outage no device will start when the power returns. As I said what you consider to be "International" the rest of the world see's as American
I quoted you the code, moron.

You're trying real hard to "act" like you know something.

Maybe you should just stick with throwing rocks at Palestinian's.

As I said your code only applies to the USA, and not the rest of the world. Which is why Europe has 230v 50hz PME electricity supplies while you have 117v 60hz unprotected supplies.
As I said your code only applies to the USA, and not the rest of the world. Which is why Europe has 230v 50hz PME electricity supplies while you have 117v 60hz unprotected supplies.
How are you defining "unprotected"?

BTW, 120V hasn't been a "supply", since the early 20's.

No PME and no 10 microamp RCD's as standard.

Then why do I need a 240 to 120 transformer when I buy American market radio equipment
Israeli settlers attack US consulate convoy in the West Bank

When the U.S. delegation arrived in the area to investigate settlers started hurling stones at the convoy.
Not only did they throw rocks at a US convoy, they uprooted thousands of olive trees that were planted on land these psycho settlers didn't own.

These people are mean. Just plain mean. If there was anyone in need of an ass-whipping, it's these people.

C'mon ... be nice. These are God's Chosen we're discussing here. There are certain perks enjoyed by folks who God loves more than everyone else. The rest of humanity were made to be their doormats or, Goyim (cattle), if you will. They're completely within their right to be mean. But it's a total sin to be mean back and you're simply anti-Semetic if you are. So shuddup!!!

Israeli settlers attack US consulate convoy in the West Bank

When the U.S. delegation arrived in the area to investigate settlers started hurling stones at the convoy.
Not only did they throw rocks at a US convoy, they uprooted thousands of olive trees that were planted on land these psycho settlers didn't own.

These people are mean. Just plain mean. If there was anyone in need of an ass-whipping, it's these people.

C'mon ... be nice. These are God's Chosen we're discussing here. There are certain perks enjoyed by folks who God loves more than everyone else. The rest of humanity were made to be their doormats or, Goyim (cattle), if you will. They're completely within their right to be mean. But it's a total sin to be mean back and you're simply anti-Semetic if you are. So shuddup!!!

2 extremist drunken yobs are not indicative of all Jews, if they were then all Americans would be obese, loud mouthed gun toting black drug crazed murdering rapists.
C'mon ... be nice. These are God's Chosen we're discussing here. There are certain perks enjoyed by folks who God loves more than everyone else. The rest of humanity were made to be their doormats or, Goyim (cattle), if you will. They're completely within their right to be mean. But it's a total sin to be mean back and you're simply anti-Semetic if you are. So shuddup!!!

My issue is with Israeli's, not Jews.
C'mon ... be nice. These are God's Chosen we're discussing here. There are certain perks enjoyed by folks who God loves more than everyone else. The rest of humanity were made to be their doormats or, Goyim (cattle), if you will. They're completely within their right to be mean. But it's a total sin to be mean back and you're simply anti-Semetic if you are. So shuddup!!!

My issue is with Israeli's, not Jews.

Thank God you're merely an anti-Zionist and not a frigging Jew-hating anti-Semite.
Thank God you're merely an anti-Zionist and not a frigging Jew-hating anti-Semite.
I have no reason to hate Jews.

Zionists, on the other hand, are arrogant, hypocritical assholes, who think their shit don't stink.

And I hate that!
O.K. So Jews aren't Zionists. That's a relief. And...... my shit stinks pretty bad and I know it.
C'mon ... be nice. These are God's Chosen we're discussing here. There are certain perks enjoyed by folks who God loves more than everyone else. The rest of humanity were made to be their doormats or, Goyim (cattle), if you will. They're completely within their right to be mean. But it's a total sin to be mean back and you're simply anti-Semetic if you are. So shuddup!!!

My issue is with Israeli's, not Jews.

The dudes in the video ARE Israelis. LOL
No PME and no 10 microamp RCD's as standard.
We have better standards.

Then why do I need a 240 to 120 transformer when I buy American market radio equipment
You got that backwards. You need to boost the voltage from 120/240.

Hardly as we scrapped the outdated and unsafe American practice many years ago and installed Protective Multiple Earthing on all instalations. This is why we have 3 pins on our plugs, and far fewer electrocutions. I can hold the bare wires and feel nothing more than a split second tingle.

No I need to drop it from 240 down to 120, and use an isolation transformer because of inadequate earthing
Hardly as we scrapped the outdated and unsafe American practice many years ago and installed Protective Multiple Earthing on all instalations. This is why we have 3 pins on our plugs, and far fewer electrocutions. I can hold the bare wires and feel nothing more than a split second tingle.
Wouldn't it be easier to get a prescription for Viagra and not go through all that trouble?
Thank God you're merely an anti-Zionist and not a frigging Jew-hating anti-Semite.
I have no reason to hate Jews.

Zionists, on the other hand, are arrogant, hypocritical assholes, who think their shit don't stink.

And I hate that!

So what in your opinion defines a Zionist, and were did you hear this first said in such a racist manner. Reminds me of the JEW HATING NAZI's that infest British boards who used to call them Israeli's because they thought it would not be seen as racist. When they started to get warnings and bans for their context in which they used the term they soon realised they were on a slippery slope to prison.
Hardly as we scrapped the outdated and unsafe American practice many years ago and installed Protective Multiple Earthing on all instalations. This is why we have 3 pins on our plugs, and far fewer electrocutions. I can hold the bare wires and feel nothing more than a split second tingle.
Wouldn't it be easier to get a prescription for Viagra and not go through all that trouble?

Doesn't work with all the other meds, so rely on instinct. Had no complaints up to now, apart from one when I was going round for the fourth time and she wanted to sleep.
Doesn't work with all the other meds, so rely on instinct. Had no complaints up to now, apart from one when I was going round for the fourth time and she wanted to sleep.
My idea of the perfect date, is to take them out, take them back to their place, cum on their back, take $40 out of their purse, crawl out a window and never call them again. Let them wake up sticky, broke and confused.

"What's on my back?"
"Where's my money?"
"Why is my window open?"

boo-hoo-hoo... son of a bitch!

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