Palestinians are Relatively Happy

I am sure they are much happier than many Arabs living in the other Arab countries. In fact, there are probably many groups around the world who are actually suffering greatly who no doubt would like to trade places with them.

Palestinians are Relatively Happy

Friday, December 27, 2013 | Aviel Schneider

Only four percent of Israel’s population say that they are suffering. This is the same percentage as in the United States. Even the ostensibly “oppressed” Palestinians are suffering less than many of their fellow Arabs in Middle Eastern countries.

“Even though the situation of the Palestinians is not ideal, the Gallup poll shows that other people have a much harder life,” a senior Foreign Ministry official told Israel Today. “Too many believe the Palestinian propaganda about their ‘miserable’ lives. This is their way to demonize Israel.”

The full article appears in the current edition of Israel Today Magazine

For an oppressed occupied people they have one of the highest live birth rates in the whole of the M.E They also have one of the longest lifespans, best nutrition and lowest disease rate. This is all thanks to Israel who provides medical care as good as anywhere else in the world to the muslims. Time to turn of the tap and let them provide their own electricity, water, medical welfare, schooling and religious instruction. Just 20% of their weapons budget would make them the healthiest people in the M.E

They are better off in Israel than in the West Bank and Gaza. Developing infrastructure is not really feasible since they can't get permits and the settlements continue to expand.

Even in gaza and the west bank the live birth rate is amongst the highest in the world and the life expectancy is better than many 1st world nations. They have had many chances to re-build and prosper but have refused to even talk about peace. They could have prospered under joint ventures with Israeli partners but they prefer to follow the teachings of the Koran and kill every kuufaar until only islam prevails.
The collapse of our economy was a direct result of the repeal of Glass-Steegall.

The economy was going down the pan before that as the oil shieks were calling in their debts to the international banks. the sub prime mortgages were funded by arab oil money as that was the only place the banks could get the money. It was all down to the rules on sharia banking and how the lenders could not get any interest on their money over and above the current rate of inflation. So as long as they got back what they had lent the muslims were happy. Wall street is no longer the world economy stabiliser as the far east had more to offer, and had already went through its own downturn. In 2000 I bought a new car that was financed by a loan from the manufacturer who offered 0% interest on the loan, a 3 year warranty while also offering a discount on the car and free servicing for 3 years. The best US offer was a loan at 18% and a 12 month warranty. Six years later the west went tits up and the economies crashed due to the Islamic quest for world domination.

Where did you get the idea that the "oil sheiks" called in their debts to international banks?

From the stock markets at the time, and the quiet in the M.E. The pacific rim nations did not have the same catastrophic collapse as the west did because they had far less arab oil money in their systems

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