"Palestinianism is violence against Jewish indigenousness in Israel"

Population stats for Arab "Palestinians":

1993 - 2.2 million

2003 - 3 million

2013 - 4 million

2023 - 5.4 million


GRAP - Genocidal radical Racist Arab-Palestinian
(Israel VS Genocide - since 1920 - written in 2010)


7,000 Gazans Took Part in Oct. 7 Attacks, New IDF Data Shows Some 7,000 Gazans participated in the Hamas-led Oct. 7 assault on southern Israel....

some 3,800 terrorists from the Hamas terror group’s elite Nukhba forces who led the invasion, followed by 2,200 “terrorists and looters from Gaza.” Around 1,000 other terrorists participated in the attack from within the Gaza Strip, firing some 4,300 rockets and assisting the forces that crossed into Israeli territory... Some 1,200 people were murdered in the Oct. 7 attack. Thousands more wounded and 251 were kidnapped to Gaza,
(of whom per 9.2.24 -] 101 remain in captivity.[/I]

Their bodies tell their stories. They’re not alive to speak for themselves.
NBC News has reviewed evidence that suggests dozens of Israeli women were raped, sexually abused or mutilated during the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks.

Hamas terrorists had ‘a thing with sexual organs’ and targeted genitalia of Israeli victims: UN testimony
By Yaron Steinbuch, Dec. 5, 2023.

Oct 7: sexual violence



What is massive Arab racism pro bloody savagery?
Most Arab "Palestinians" support Oct 7 atrocities. (June 2024 poll).



Kan 7.10.360: A Digital Memorial Project for the Events of October 7.




Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh, from the comfort of his home in Qatar: "We need the blood of women, children, and the elderly of Gaza..."


June 2024:
Israel Has Killed 17,000 Terrorists in Gaza Since Start of War, IDF Says.

More than half of those killed in Gaza are Hamas terrorists.
The Gaza ministry of health has not directly counted 31,000 dead. Their own documentation says that they directly counted some 17,000 in their hospitals, and (as of March 4) over 13,000 from "trusted media sources."

Hamas' women are just as guilty!

And Hamas "health" Ministry numbers are not to be trusted.

First, even the UN itself, which initially accepted the false Hamas data, had to publish a clarification 1 that the number of women and children among those killed in Gaza was not "a majority", but about a third.

Secondly, a statistical study by an expert from the University of Pennsylvania published in the magazine 'Tablet' 2 found that the claim about the majority of women and children among the dead cannot be true and it appears that the ratio between a dead gunman and a dead gunman is in the region of 1:1, and this was by no means the only study that cast great doubt the reliability of the Palestinian reports on the number of women and children among the dead.

Thirdly, the American research institute "Washington Institute" 3, also stated that the information published by the Hamas authorities should not be trusted - it lacks credibility, and seems to be deliberately distorted to create an image of an indiscriminate massacre of the civilian population, in the study Under the title: "Gaza casualty figures have become completely unreliable."

Fourth, another and interesting analysis of the casualty data in Gaza was carried out by the data analyst Mark Zlochin and published in the British 'Telegraph' 4. This study examined the data provided by the UN about 150 UNRWA workers who were killed in the war

The most striking figure is that 62% of the UNRWA workers who were killed are men. This is despite the fact that men make up only 41% of all the agency's workers in Gaza. In fact, the chance of a man working for UNRWA being killed by the IDF is more than double the chance of a woman. It seems that indeed many UNRWA workers fought in the ranks of Hamas (and thus had a higher chance of being killed). In addition, this is further proof that the figures of the Hamas Ministry of Health (according to which women have a similar chance of being killed by the IDF) are not reliable.

In addition, Zlochin found that there is an almost perfect match between the data of the UN workers (the women) who were killed and the hospital casualty records, which allows him to estimate for himself how many Gazans have been killed since the outbreak of the war: about 18,000 (compared to Hamas's claim of 32,000 dead).

And there was also the AP news agency, which determined that the number of women and children among the dead dropped below 40%. 5

Fifth: Oh and the "10,000" missing?

Not one person found under the rubble in Gaza for four months - there are still exactly 10,000 missing (if you believe Hamas, which the UN does).
One of the many bogus statistics we've been following from Gaza is the number of missing people buried under rubble.

As we've noted, between November and May, Hamas regularly reported - and the UN regularly repeated - 7,000 missing people under the rubble in Gaza. Then, sddenly, on May 3, that number jumped to 10,000 people missing.

Does anyone have the names of these missing people? Do we know what methodology was used to estimate their numbers?

Of course not. Because Hamas made them all up. And that's good enough for the UN.

Right now, the number of supposedly missing people has remained steady at exactly 10,000 for four months. The UN keeps publishing that number, crediting the Gaza Government Media Office, which is Hamas.

So not one person has been discovered under the rubble since May? Or maybe some have been discovered, but are equaled out with the number newly buried?

The number is fiction, like all of Hamas numbers. But NGOs and the UN need to publish the highest, most absurd numbers because that gives the sense of urgency that they demand for their anti-Israel political purposes.

Not one person found under the rubble in Gaza for four months - there are still exactly 10,000 missing (if you believe Hamas, which the UN does)



New study shows: Gazan civilian death toll deliberately exaggerated to vilify Israel.
INN | 15/12/24.



Famed British Colonel:

"My experience of monitoring the IDF actions, is that Israel is taking absolutely unprecedented and extremely effective measures to minimize civilian deaths. Despite what many people proclaim, who know nothing about it, [is that] Israel has achieved what I estimate to be the lowest proportion of civilian to military casualties in any conflict in modern times.”

Kemp says Gaza civilian casualties “historically low”.
Colonel Richard Kemp is touring Australia at the moment at the invitation of the right leaning Australian Jewish Association.
By Bruce Hill.
9 May 2024, 8:00 am


How about Hamas private admission?

Some 80% of Gaza fatalities are Hamas or family members.
Israel has estimated that 17,000 combatants have been killed in the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7, 2023.
Oct 7, 2024.
Hamas is privately admitting that 80% of the Palestinians killed during the year-long war in Gaza are Hamas members or their families...


Do Women and Children Really Make Up 70% of the Gaza Death Toll?
HonestReporting Staff.
November 18, 2024.

The claim that 70% of Gaza’s casualties are women and children just doesn’t add up. Why? This figure only reflects a sample of about 8,000 reported deaths, which leaves out a lot of context. Never mind that in the overall toll, Hamas doesn’t include its own combatants, and inconsistencies in counting methods, like open-source Google forms, mean these numbers may be very misleading. For real understanding, the media needs to ask harder questions.

▶ Do Women and Children Really Make Up 70% of the Gaza Death Toll? | HonestReporting HonestReporting


Palestinianism "export..."

Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran's Hezbollah copy "palestinian" tactics:

IDF: 90% of Hezbollah rockets, drones fired from civilian areas.


December 2024:

Two-thirds of Palestinians want Hamas in new Gaza government, survey finds.

Marwan Barghouti, a convicted terrorist murderer, received the most support of all possible candidates for Palestinian Authority leader.
No argument here. It is what it is

Palestinianism seeks to strip justice and authenticity from Israel’s very existence and to upend its alliance with the human-rights-supporting, democratic world.
By David M. Weinberg
December 28, 2024.

Over the past 15 years, and especially since the atrocities of October 7, annihilationist Palestinianism has become the rave in some “progressive” circles, especially among hard-left rioters on Western campuses.

This means dismissal of Jewish/Zionist rootedness in the Land of Israel and adoption of the Palestinian campaign to delegitimize and destroy Israel.

“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Palestinianism is an ideology and an identity invented by the KGB and advanced by Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas ever since he rejected John Kerry’s 2014 peace initiative. It makes conflict in the Land of Israel a zero-sum game.

It fabricates Palestinian inhabitance of Israel going back to the Canaanites and Philistines of the Bible; it inverts Arab rejection and invasion of young Israel in 1948 and the expulsion of Jews from Arab lands by claiming a Palestinian “Nakba”; it turns the Temple Mount into al-Haram al-Sharif (The Noble Sanctuary), denying any Jewish history in Jerusalem and the Land of Israel; and it converts genocidal assaults on the People of Israel, like Hamas’s Simchat Torah attack, into heroic acts that must be celebrated by all freedom seekers.

Palestinianism leads to antisemitism
In short, Palestinianism is violence against Israeli/Jewish indigenousness in Israel. It savages the core identity of Jews and Israelis. It is offensive to deny the most basic building blocks of Jewish connection to Jerusalem and Israel.

It seeks to strip justice and authenticity from Israel’s very existence and to upend its alliance with the human-rights-supporting, democratic world.

And as we have seen over the past year, it directly leads to violent antisemitic battering of Jews and Jewish institutions worldwide.

We got a whiff of what was coming back in 2018 when UNESCO passed – davka on Hanukkah – a series of nonsensical resolutions (proposed by Abbas), declaring Jerusalem an exclusively Muslim heritage city and criminalizing Israel’s custodianship of the holy city.

Most European nations, those great paragons of “peace” and “love” for Jews, went along with that affront, either voting for or abstaining on the denialist resolutions. Then, they doubled down on such perfidy by adopting a similar resolution in the UN General Assembly in 2021.

Then-US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, responded to the UN disgrace by tweeting that “More than 2,000 years ago, Jewish patriots (Maccabees) captured Jerusalem, purified the Holy Temple, and rededicated it as a house of Jewish worship. The UN can’t vote away the facts: Jerusalem is the ancient and modern capital of Israel. Happy Hanukkah from this blessed city!”

Alas, the gangs rampaging today against Jews and Israelis in the streets of Berlin, London, Montreal, and Sydney have swallowed every bit of Abbas’s bile about exclusive Arab rights to Israel.

They ignore the fact that Abbas’s gangs have destroyed Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus, sought to destroy Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem, have run Christians out of Bethlehem, and have wantonly dug up and destroyed thousands of years of Jewish archeological treasures on the Temple Mount.

The big lie.
WHAT DO YOU DO in the face of such defamation and betrayal? What do you do when the Big Lie is evident everywhere?

First, you act to introduce realism and truth-telling to the global dynamic by reasserting the Jewish People’s profound historic and national rights in Israel and Jerusalem. You insist on a narrative that proclaims incontrovertible indigenous Jewish rights in Israel.

You push back against anti-Israel denialism by reinforcing Israel’s sovereign hold on all parts of Israel.

This begins with recapturing a sense of outrage about anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish sentiment. After 2,000 years of demonization and persecution, Jews and Zionists in the 21st century no longer have to bear body blows on a regular basis!

We are no longer powerless. It is time to reengage in the fight for Israel with passion and conviction, not apologetics or apprehension.

From a hasbara (public diplomacy) perspective, it is not enough to explain Israel’s security dilemmas or revisit its past diplomatic generosity towards the Palestinians.

What is needed is a much more basic restatement of Israel’s cause and purpose: Israel as a grand historic reunion of people and land; as the Jewish People’s contribution to science, technology, arts, and culture in the modern world; and Israel as a reliable anchor for democracy in a dangerous part of the world.

I think that Israel wins when you speak about justice and the Jewish nation.

Second, in the face of betrayal and peril, you act with overwhelming military power to reset the regional strategic architecture and reinforce Israeli deterrence. Israel is now doing this across all its borders, and a fierce takedown of Iran is surely next.

Of course, this presents a heightened hasbara challenge for Israel’s advocates –which must be met defiantly and unwaveringly.

For Israel’s Zionists and advocates, there is no choice but to own up to Israel’s strength. They must affirm it and articulate how that strength is justifiably and wisely being used to fight Iran, Islamic jihadism, and annihilationist-against-Israel Palestinianism.

Remember David Ben-Gurion’s famous adage about the messianic era when the lion will lie down with the lamb, as per Isaiah? “That will be great,” said Ben-Gurion, “as long as Israel is the lion!”

So, Israel’s supporters cannot apologize and cannot be shy about Israeli military prowess. They must articulate the reasons why Israel must be the “lion” and use crushing force to deter its enemies and defend its homeland.

I have found that forthright talk has a salutary impact. Without being nasty or unfeeling regarding Israel’s adversaries, one can convey a deep sense of sincerity by articulating core Zionist commitments and clarifying Israeli red lines.

People are forced to respect that, even if they may not impute to Israel spectacular charity.

Better shock and awe than shrink and whimper.

Israel's allies.
WHEN SEEKING SOLACE and affirmation in these trying times, I also draw inspiration from intelligent and courageous non-Jewish allies. They should be acknowledged and encouraged.

The Emiratis are an excellent example of far-sightedness and friendship. The Emiratis do not bemoan colonialism in their past. They do not wail about anti-Arab discrimination, wallow in negativity, or seek scapegoats.

They believe in hard work and in using one’s riches (be they intellectual riches or oil riches) for the betterment of one’s own people. From this perspective, cooperation with Israel is a win-win situation for the Emiratis, and they have honorably abided by their peace treaty with Israel despite global and regional assaults on it.

Indeed, in repeat visits to Dubai and Abu Dhabi, I have found that Emiratis respect Israelis for their faithfulness to Jewish tradition, for their belief in the power of Jewish history, and for their loyalty to ancient heritage and unique national identity.

Believe it or not, the Emiratis seem to understand – perhaps better than we do ourselves sometimes – that these anchors of identity are the greatest source of strength and authenticity.

Another shining example of intellectual honesty towards Israel and courage is the Lebanese-Syrian activist Rawan Osman, who features in the jaw-dropping new documentary film Tragic Awakening: A New Look at the Oldest Hatred.

Osman details her journey from Jew-hater to Jewish believer and supporter of Israel, on the background of an intellectual investigation into the roots of ancient and modern antisemitism.

Brilliantly produced by my friends (and former fellow Canadians) Rabbis Raphael Shore of OpenDor Media and Shalom Schwartz of the Aseret Movement, the film offers a bold answer to the question: Why the Jews?

Their answer is classically Jewish and Talmudic: Sinah (hatred) of Jews stems from Sinai, meaning that Jewish morals and teachings sourced in the Torah are an “affront” to some in the world. Jew-haters hate Judaism’s empowering, soaring, and disruptive message.

(That certainly was the case for Adolf Hitler.)

Run and see the film and/or read Rabbi Shore’s provocative new book on which it is based, Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Jews? Learning to Love the Lessons of Jew-Hatred. He argues that the best response to those who hate Jews is to embrace Judaism, appreciate its grandeur, and benefit from it.

As the late Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks taught: Non-Jews most respect Jews who are self-respecting.

In any case, it is wonderful that deep-thinking and brave figures like Rawan Osman can rise beyond the decrepit teachings fed to her during her Arab adolescent years.

I take inspiration also from Indigenous activists like Nova Peris of Australia. A double-gold Olympic champion and former member of parliament who is lionized and recognized by everyone Down Under, she has become one of Israel’s most outspoken defenders.

Peris electrifies listeners with her discourse on proud Aboriginal identity and Indigenous claims to ancestral lands, making an explicit comparison between the struggle of her First Nations’ communities and the struggle of the Jewish People for respect and for reclamation of its ancient homeland.

“The history of the Jewish People reminds me that strength comes not just from right but from purpose, faith, and resilience,” says Peris.

Yes, indeed, in these dark days there are smart, good people who unapologetically stand with Israel. We must take heart and determine to win all our wars unapologetically and smartly too, Maccabean style, “kayamim hahem bazman hazeh,” as in the days of old in these very times.
You ...

You are ..
"The USS Liberty: Case Closed"
download (53).jpeg

Martin Luther King on Anti-Zionism:

When approached by a student who attacked Zionism, Dr. King responded: “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism.”

Last edited:
OK, it was difficult as you didn't specify what I was wrong about. Your writing skills, you know.

I believe that the Earth has gone through warming and cooling cycles many times. I'm not even sure it is getting that much warmer now, as 'science' has become our new faith, and their advertising revenue is huge. I think that the fact that every body now has a camera in their pocket at all times to film large storms helps with the 'climate crisis' advertising scheme. At the end of the day, when science can build a fully functioning Earth, then and only then can they say with surety what is really happening. That is my usual answer to the climate doomsday-ers. And that ain't gonna happen any time soon.

I supported W only because I couldn't support the alternative. And look what that alternative gave us. The previous paragraphs' discussion.

No, not much of a conservative at all.

Now, how could a person with an IQ of only 5 answer your post so succinctly?

p.s. take a close look at the patch on my hat in my picture, pal. My buddies in APIII% think its funny you calling me a traitor.

If you support Zionist Fascism... the shoe fits.

The Jew Army Rangers who offed Pat Tillman and hate hoaxed it to AQ also had cool hats...

Climate Science is actually quite simple.

What caused this...

was in fact this...

Did you already prepare to move to Gaza sh#thole?

One of the main differences between you and I is that I care about America and you DO NOT, you only care about ISRAEL, which is why you should, at a minimum, be forced deported TO ISRAEL.
Population stats for Arab "Palestinians":

1993 - 2.2 million

2003 - 3 million

2013 - 4 million

2023 - 5.4 million


GRAP - Genocidal radical Racist Arab-Palestinian
(Israel VS Genocide - since 1920 - written in 2010)


7,000 Gazans Took Part in Oct. 7 Attacks, New IDF Data Shows Some 7,000 Gazans participated in the Hamas-led Oct. 7 assault on southern Israel....

some 3,800 terrorists from the Hamas terror group’s elite Nukhba forces who led the invasion, followed by 2,200 “terrorists and looters from Gaza.” Around 1,000 other terrorists participated in the attack from within the Gaza Strip, firing some 4,300 rockets and assisting the forces that crossed into Israeli territory... Some 1,200 people were murdered in the Oct. 7 attack. Thousands more wounded and 251 were kidnapped to Gaza, (of whom per 9.2.24 -] 101 remain in captivity.[/I]

Their bodies tell their stories. They’re not alive to speak for themselves.
NBC News has reviewed evidence that suggests dozens of Israeli women were raped, sexually abused or mutilated during the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks.

Hamas terrorists had ‘a thing with sexual organs’ and targeted genitalia of Israeli victims: UN testimony
By Yaron Steinbuch, Dec. 5, 2023.

Oct 7: sexual violence



What is massive Arab racism pro bloody savagery?
Most Arab "Palestinians" support Oct 7 atrocities. (June 2024 poll).



Kan 7.10.360: A Digital Memorial Project for the Events of October 7.




Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh, from the comfort of his home in Qatar: "We need the blood of women, children, and the elderly of Gaza..."


June 2024:
Israel Has Killed 17,000 Terrorists in Gaza Since Start of War, IDF Says.

More than half of those killed in Gaza are Hamas terrorists.
The Gaza ministry of health has not directly counted 31,000 dead. Their own documentation says that they directly counted some 17,000 in their hospitals, and (as of March 4) over 13,000 from "trusted media sources."

Hamas' women are just as guilty!

And Hamas "health" Ministry numbers are not to be trusted.

First, even the UN itself, which initially accepted the false Hamas data, had to publish a clarification 1 that the number of women and children among those killed in Gaza was not "a majority", but about a third.

Secondly, a statistical study by an expert from the University of Pennsylvania published in the magazine 'Tablet' 2 found that the claim about the majority of women and children among the dead cannot be true and it appears that the ratio between a dead gunman and a dead gunman is in the region of 1:1, and this was by no means the only study that cast great doubt the reliability of the Palestinian reports on the number of women and children among the dead.

Thirdly, the American research institute "Washington Institute" 3, also stated that the information published by the Hamas authorities should not be trusted - it lacks credibility, and seems to be deliberately distorted to create an image of an indiscriminate massacre of the civilian population, in the study Under the title: "Gaza casualty figures have become completely unreliable."

Fourth, another and interesting analysis of the casualty data in Gaza was carried out by the data analyst Mark Zlochin and published in the British 'Telegraph' 4. This study examined the data provided by the UN about 150 UNRWA workers who were killed in the war

The most striking figure is that 62% of the UNRWA workers who were killed are men. This is despite the fact that men make up only 41% of all the agency's workers in Gaza. In fact, the chance of a man working for UNRWA being killed by the IDF is more than double the chance of a woman. It seems that indeed many UNRWA workers fought in the ranks of Hamas (and thus had a higher chance of being killed). In addition, this is further proof that the figures of the Hamas Ministry of Health (according to which women have a similar chance of being killed by the IDF) are not reliable.

In addition, Zlochin found that there is an almost perfect match between the data of the UN workers (the women) who were killed and the hospital casualty records, which allows him to estimate for himself how many Gazans have been killed since the outbreak of the war: about 18,000 (compared to Hamas's claim of 32,000 dead).

And there was also the AP news agency, which determined that the number of women and children among the dead dropped below 40%. 5

Fifth: Oh and the "10,000" missing?

Not one person found under the rubble in Gaza for four months - there are still exactly 10,000 missing (if you believe Hamas, which the UN does).
One of the many bogus statistics we've been following from Gaza is the number of missing people buried under rubble.

As we've noted, between November and May, Hamas regularly reported - and the UN regularly repeated - 7,000 missing people under the rubble in Gaza. Then, sddenly, on May 3, that number jumped to 10,000 people missing.

Does anyone have the names of these missing people? Do we know what methodology was used to estimate their numbers?

Of course not. Because Hamas made them all up. And that's good enough for the UN.

Right now, the number of supposedly missing people has remained steady at exactly 10,000 for four months. The UN keeps publishing that number, crediting the Gaza Government Media Office, which is Hamas.

So not one person has been discovered under the rubble since May? Or maybe some have been discovered, but are equaled out with the number newly buried?

The number is fiction, like all of Hamas numbers. But NGOs and the UN need to publish the highest, most absurd numbers because that gives the sense of urgency that they demand for their anti-Israel political purposes.

Not one person found under the rubble in Gaza for four months - there are still exactly 10,000 missing (if you believe Hamas, which the UN does)



New study shows: Gazan civilian death toll deliberately exaggerated to vilify Israel.
INN | 15/12/24.



Famed British Colonel:

"My experience of monitoring the IDF actions, is that Israel is taking absolutely unprecedented and extremely effective measures to minimize civilian deaths. Despite what many people proclaim, who know nothing about it, [is that] Israel has achieved what I estimate to be the lowest proportion of civilian to military casualties in any conflict in modern times.”

Kemp says Gaza civilian casualties “historically low”.
Colonel Richard Kemp is touring Australia at the moment at the invitation of the right leaning Australian Jewish Association.
By Bruce Hill.
9 May 2024, 8:00 am


How about Hamas private admission?

Some 80% of Gaza fatalities are Hamas or family members.
Israel has estimated that 17,000 combatants have been killed in the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7, 2023.
Oct 7, 2024.
Hamas is privately admitting that 80% of the Palestinians killed during the year-long war in Gaza are Hamas members or their families...


Do Women and Children Really Make Up 70% of the Gaza Death Toll?
HonestReporting Staff.
November 18, 2024.

The claim that 70% of Gaza’s casualties are women and children just doesn’t add up. Why? This figure only reflects a sample of about 8,000 reported deaths, which leaves out a lot of context. Never mind that in the overall toll, Hamas doesn’t include its own combatants, and inconsistencies in counting methods, like open-source Google forms, mean these numbers may be very misleading. For real understanding, the media needs to ask harder questions.

▶ Do Women and Children Really Make Up 70% of the Gaza Death Toll? | HonestReporting HonestReporting


Palestinianism "export..."

Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran's Hezbollah copy "palestinian" tactics:

IDF: 90% of Hezbollah rockets, drones fired from civilian areas.


December 2024:

Two-thirds of Palestinians want Hamas in new Gaza government, survey finds.

Marwan Barghouti, a convicted terrorist murderer, received the most support of all possible candidates for Palestinian Authority leader.

There was no 10/7 attack, most Americans with IQ over 100 know it, and Israel has lied about this before, in 67, when they claimed they were attacked when in fact Israel started it... and then we got reports the Israelis were exterminating the residents of GAZA, and we sent the USS Liberty to investigate...

Waging war against America, giving aid and comfort to the enemy, both charges stick to your treasonous ass...
"The USS Liberty: Case Closed"
View attachment 1059268
Martin Luther King on Anti-Zionism:

When approached by a student who attacked Zionism, Dr. King responded: “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism.”

Most Jews are loathe to discuss Jesus.

Publicly yes.

Privately no.

I've gotten different words describing the same issue coast to coast...

"he was selling access to Heaven ha ha ha"
"Judas was actually the highest character of the group"
"the guy made David Koresh look like a saint"
"oh it's ugly, really ugly, what he really did"
Lol you quote rense about Einstein first of all Einstein referred to a certain section...and not against zionism per se.
But Rense who was a 911 conspiracy liar put falsely that title..that title...

But did you know Einstein himself was a zionist?

"Einstein was a prominent supporter of both Labor Zionism and efforts to encourage Jewish–Arab cooperation. In 1938 Einstein explained "In this hour one thing, above all, must be emphasized: Judaism owes a great debt of gratitude to Zionism. The Zionist movement has revived among Jews the sense of community."
Wow. Seriously?! The topic is the indigeneity of the Jewish people to their historical homeland. And all anyone chooses to do here is squirrel.
Victims of "Gaza health ministry" Arab "palestine" Hamas' brutality

Burning Homes
Palestinian terrorists threw a grenade into the bomb shelter where a Jewish woman was hiding. They entered, dragged her outside, shot her in the head, and smashed her head open with his rifle - link.
Palestinian terrorists dressed as IDF soldiers gunning down civilians in cars on the road - Twitter link.
Amalia (6) and Michael (9) hid in this closet for 14 hours, after they saw their mother and father m*rdered by Palestinians. Their little sister Abigail (4) was in her father's arms when he was executed by Hamas. She crawled from under his dead body and ran to the neighbors. She and the neighbors were kidnapped by Hamas - link.
Terrorist beheading man, beheaded soldier, raped woman - Twitter video.
"They are burning us, we are suffocating" This was last message of Johny Siman Tov to his sister. His entire family including his children were burned alive by Hamas terrorists - link.
Children murdered by Hamas - Twitter pic.
Immediately after they massacred their parents, they took them out of the car and shot them to death,Alin and Eitan, two young children - Twitter pic.
A child murdered by Hamas - Twitter pic.
People were pulled out of their cars and butchered and mutilated in the streets - link.
Jewish women who were tied up and burnt alive on October 7th by Hamas - link.
A man tried to hide under a car, a Palestinians executes him point blank and continues to shoot at civilians - Twitter video.
Palestinians making sure the many bodies of Israelis, including children, on the floor are dead - Twitter video.
They slaughtered her parents and then posed with her as a trophy - Twitter pic.
Dragging wounded and beaten Israeli hostages to a truck - link.
Families dragged out of their car and executed - Twitter pic.
Driving with a wounded or dead hostage on a motorcycle while people cheer - Twitter pic.
Kinneret Gat, a 69 years old, during the Palestinians massacre of Be'eri, sticks her tongue out at the terrorist filming her. She was murdered about an hour later - Twitter video.
It wasn't enough for the terrorists to shoot civilians, their bodies were smashed with their guns - Twitter video.
Looting cars after executing civilians on the streets - Twitter pic.
Palestinians burned people alive - Twitter pic.
Parent and child burned alive by Hamas - Twitter pic.
Executing people in a car and then dragging them out - Twitter video.
Elderly men and women, some of them Holocaust survivors, executed ny Hamas while waiting at their bus stop to return to their retirement home - Twitter video.
Children were murdered in their beds - Twitter pic
They kidnapped babies and toddlers - link
Palestinian civilians celebrating and stepping on a corpse of a dead soldier (censored) - Twitter video.
Victim with her head blown up, murdered in her bed - Twitter pic.
Palestinians kidnap a child - Twitter video.
Mutilated bodies of Israelis including children in a bomb shelter - Twitter pic.
Burning cars after murdering the families in them - Twitter pic
Arbel, Shachar and Omer, children murdered by the Palestinians on October 7 - Twitter pic.
A mob mutilating and stepping on the body of an Israeli soldier, uncensored - Twitter video.
Corpse of a raped burned woman - Twitter video.
A Palestinian spitting on the naked mutilated corpse of a Jewish girl - Twitter pic.
Palestinians shooting and stabbing a civilian lying on the road - Twitter video.
UNRWA teacher bragging about kidnapping a woman to be used as a sex slave - Twitter recording.
People dragged out of their car and murdered, some burned, other was shot inside the car - Twitter video.
extremely graphic: of abuse of bodies by Palestinian Islamic Jihadists - Twitter video.
Corpse of a raped burned woman - Twitter video.
A Palestinian civilian carrying the naked body of a hostage on his motorcycle - Twitter pic.
The charred remains of an adult and a child, who were bound together with metal wires and burned - Twitter pic.
They burned families alive, hidden in their homes and documented it - Twitter video
Pic of a Palestinian civilian beheading an Israeli - Twitter pic.
Burning people alive after tying their hands - Twitter pic.
Palestinian Islamists murdered Yonatan, his wife Tamar, their three young children; 6-year old twins Shahar and Arbel, 4-year-old son Omer - Twitter pic
Hamas kidnapped a young woman with special needs. Will this Free Palestine? - Twitter pic.
Pulling people out of their cars to execute them - Twitter video.
Hamas terrorists tried to burn couple Ariel and Elay and their 18 month year old daughter Yael alive on October 7th - Twitter video.
Clips of the atrocities committed by Hamas, including beheading - Twitter video.
Hamas terrorists shooting at a father and his little daughter running in the streets, killing the father - Twitter video.
Palestinian civilians celebrating around a nearly dead and mutilated Israeli -Twitter video.
Hamas and Palestinian civilians celebrating around a nearly dead and mutilated Israeli -Twitter video.
Children were mutilated in front of their tied up parents before being burned while the terrorists were eating a meal - Twitter video.
A volunteer describes the horrific state of the female bodies found after the attack - Twitter video.
shocking new footage from the October 7 kidnapping of Yarden Bibas, being beaten by civilian mob as he is kidnapped - Twitter video.
Hamas murdered children in their beds - Twitter pic.
Parading an Israeli woman with blood soaked pelvic area by Hamas terrorists yelling Allah Ackbar - Twitter video.
Testimony of victims unit driver about the massacre - Twitter video.
The Kapishter family was driving home from a camping trip for their son’s 5th birthday when they were attacked by Hamas on 10/7. The whole family was slaughtered. 8 yo Eline was so horrifically brutalized that she could only be ID’d via DNA - Twitter link. Another link.
2 girls being executed at short range by Hamas - Twitter video.
Karina Pritika, 23, A former rhythmic gymnast in Israel, Hamas executed her with a shot to the head at point blank range, as she was kneeling and begging for her life - Twitter pic.
Executing civilians in their car - Twitter video.
Executing civilian on the street - Twitter video
Murdering an elderly man sitting in a char - Twitter video.
Pensioners waiting for their bus to return to their retirement home, murdered by Hamas - Twitter pic Twitter video. Twitter pic.
A family being executed in their car at close range by Hamas: Twitter video.
This is the closet where 9-year-old Michael and 6-year-old Amalya Idan hid after they saw their mother being murdered by terrorists, Michael grabbed Amalia and they hid for 14 hours until they were rescued - link.
The Israeli woman in this video filmed of her kidnapping on Oct 7th has spoken out about the horrifying sexual assault she faced during Hamas captivity - link.
Left: Nazis executing a Jewish woman with her child in Ivanhorod, 1942. Right: Hamas executing a Jewish woman in Kibbutz Alumim, 2023 - Twitter pic.
22 year old girl murdered at a music festival, against 5 terrorists, parading her corpse in Gaza - Twitter pic Video.
Hamas terrorist capturing a young woman - Twitter pic.
Palestinians stab a young man who was riding his bike - Twitter pic.
The October 7th monsters burned people alive and documented it. Every gunshot heard in the background, is another life taken - link.
Palestinian civilians parading a probably dead hostage, beating him up and yelling "allahu ackbar"- link.
This was the scene from the Nova music festival massacre on Oct 7. A bloodbath of over 300 young Israelis - Twitter video.
Video clips filmed by terrorists from October 7 when they infiltrated Israel and slaughtered entire families, tortured, raped, and burned people alive - Twitter video.
The IDF believes that hostage Elad Katzir was murdered by his captors in mid-January, not long after the Palestinian Islamic Jihad published a propaganda proof of life video of Elad - Twitter link. MSN link.
Reminder of the innocent lives murdered, raped, mutilated and kidnapped - Twitter video (blurred).
"Today marks 6 months since the Hamas attack on Israel, 1,200 lost their lives, Children were slaughtered, Babies were kidnapped, Women were raped, 133 remain hostage" - link.
There are still those who call them "freedom fighters" - Twitter pic.
A Hamas terrorist standing on the mutilated corpse of an Israeli - Twitter video.
Hamas took civilians out of their cars and executed them - Twitter pic.
They burned families alive - twitter pic.
Supporting Hamas and calling this terrorist organization “resistance” means supporting murdering of civilians, raping of women and kidnapping of children - Twitter video of victims.
Room full of brutally massacred civilians - Twitter video.
Executing car full of civilians - Twitter video. Second video.
The brutality of the Hamas terrorists, multiple pics - Twitter pic.
Terrorists dragging a woman they murdered from her car while cheering - Twitter video.
Proudly displaying burned and murdered civilians while praising Allah - Twitter video.
A dead and naked body of a kidnapped Israeli is dragged in streets of Gaza on a motorcycle while crowd is cheering - Twitter video.
Abdallah, an Israeli Arab plastic surgeon who volunteered at the Abu Kabir Forensics Center to help identify bodies, reports beheadings, burned children, amputated limb, etc - YouTube video.
After shooting one girl point blank, the monster takes his time with the second girl. She can't escape, she's on her knees begging for her life. the monster calmly reloads his gun, takes a few steps back, and shoots her in the head in cold blood - Twitter video.
Stabbing of a 22 year old student: Twitter pic.
A group of elderly Jews were traveling by bus to an activity organized by their retirement home.Palestinian Terrorists murdered them all: Twitter pic.
Burned bodies of civilians: Twitter video.
Hamas kidnapping entire families, women and children: Twitter video.
2 Hamas terrorists stepping on the body of a murdered Israeli civilians, proudly displaying the Islamic finger salute - Twitter pic.
The girls killed by the Palestinians during October 7th - Twitter video.
364 innocent young Israelis who just wanted to dance and live their lives were massacred in the most brutal way possible at the Nova Music Festival - link.
All I needed to hear.


Do you even believe what you write?

It takes an IQ over 5 to notice things.... especially when Zionist Fascism is involved in another hate hoax.

"Many people tell me 10/7 did not happen" Trump to Tucker Carlson

RAV 10/8 interviews church leader in Nazareth....

Were you hit?

No we had a QUIET NIGHT.... how do you have a "quiet night" if 1000 rockets flew over your head...??

Then RAV's Charlie Kirk completely nailed it...

"This attack is not believable"

Initially the claim was that the gliders got in Israel because they were SILENT and were not picked up on radar. Then, when asked FROM WHERE were these gliders launched, the story changed, they were "motorized" (and hence neither silent nor invisible to radar). To land a glider with 400 pounds of human, engine, and weaponry is incredibly difficult. To believe 10/7 you must believe the Israeli people just stood there watching these gliders fly overhead, land on streets with trees and lights (virtually impossible even for an expert) and that Israeli households are all unarmed (which is 180 degrees from reality).

Yes, indeed, it takes an IQ under 5 to believe 10/7, and Pro Israel Christians qualify on that score...
Victims of "Gaza health ministry" Arab "palestine" Hamas' brutality

Burning Homes
Palestinian terrorists threw a grenade into the bomb shelter where a Jewish woman was hiding. They entered, dragged her outside, shot her in the head, and smashed her head open with his rifle - link.
Palestinian terrorists dressed as IDF soldiers gunning down civilians in cars on the road - Twitter link.
Amalia (6) and Michael (9) hid in this closet for 14 hours, after they saw their mother and father m*rdered by Palestinians. Their little sister Abigail (4) was in her father's arms when he was executed by Hamas. She crawled from under his dead body and ran to the neighbors. She and the neighbors were kidnapped by Hamas - link.
Terrorist beheading man, beheaded soldier, raped woman - Twitter video.
"They are burning us, we are suffocating" This was last message of Johny Siman Tov to his sister. His entire family including his children were burned alive by Hamas terrorists - link.
Children murdered by Hamas - Twitter pic.
Immediately after they massacred their parents, they took them out of the car and shot them to death,Alin and Eitan, two young children - Twitter pic.
A child murdered by Hamas - Twitter pic.
People were pulled out of their cars and butchered and mutilated in the streets - link.
Jewish women who were tied up and burnt alive on October 7th by Hamas - link.
A man tried to hide under a car, a Palestinians executes him point blank and continues to shoot at civilians - Twitter video.
Palestinians making sure the many bodies of Israelis, including children, on the floor are dead - Twitter video.
They slaughtered her parents and then posed with her as a trophy - Twitter pic.
Dragging wounded and beaten Israeli hostages to a truck - link.
Families dragged out of their car and executed - Twitter pic.
Driving with a wounded or dead hostage on a motorcycle while people cheer - Twitter pic.
Kinneret Gat, a 69 years old, during the Palestinians massacre of Be'eri, sticks her tongue out at the terrorist filming her. She was murdered about an hour later - Twitter video.
It wasn't enough for the terrorists to shoot civilians, their bodies were smashed with their guns - Twitter video.
Looting cars after executing civilians on the streets - Twitter pic.
Palestinians burned people alive - Twitter pic.
Parent and child burned alive by Hamas - Twitter pic.
Executing people in a car and then dragging them out - Twitter video.
Elderly men and women, some of them Holocaust survivors, executed ny Hamas while waiting at their bus stop to return to their retirement home - Twitter video.
Children were murdered in their beds - Twitter pic
They kidnapped babies and toddlers - link
Palestinian civilians celebrating and stepping on a corpse of a dead soldier (censored) - Twitter video.
Victim with her head blown up, murdered in her bed - Twitter pic.
Palestinians kidnap a child - Twitter video.
Mutilated bodies of Israelis including children in a bomb shelter - Twitter pic.
Burning cars after murdering the families in them - Twitter pic
Arbel, Shachar and Omer, children murdered by the Palestinians on October 7 - Twitter pic.
A mob mutilating and stepping on the body of an Israeli soldier, uncensored - Twitter video.
Corpse of a raped burned woman - Twitter video.
A Palestinian spitting on the naked mutilated corpse of a Jewish girl - Twitter pic.
Palestinians shooting and stabbing a civilian lying on the road - Twitter video.
UNRWA teacher bragging about kidnapping a woman to be used as a sex slave - Twitter recording.
People dragged out of their car and murdered, some burned, other was shot inside the car - Twitter video.
extremely graphic: of abuse of bodies by Palestinian Islamic Jihadists - Twitter video.
Corpse of a raped burned woman - Twitter video.
A Palestinian civilian carrying the naked body of a hostage on his motorcycle - Twitter pic.
The charred remains of an adult and a child, who were bound together with metal wires and burned - Twitter pic.
They burned families alive, hidden in their homes and documented it - Twitter video
Pic of a Palestinian civilian beheading an Israeli - Twitter pic.
Burning people alive after tying their hands - Twitter pic.
Palestinian Islamists murdered Yonatan, his wife Tamar, their three young children; 6-year old twins Shahar and Arbel, 4-year-old son Omer - Twitter pic
Hamas kidnapped a young woman with special needs. Will this Free Palestine? - Twitter pic.
Pulling people out of their cars to execute them - Twitter video.
Hamas terrorists tried to burn couple Ariel and Elay and their 18 month year old daughter Yael alive on October 7th - Twitter video.
Clips of the atrocities committed by Hamas, including beheading - Twitter video.
Hamas terrorists shooting at a father and his little daughter running in the streets, killing the father - Twitter video.
Palestinian civilians celebrating around a nearly dead and mutilated Israeli -Twitter video.
Hamas and Palestinian civilians celebrating around a nearly dead and mutilated Israeli -Twitter video.
Children were mutilated in front of their tied up parents before being burned while the terrorists were eating a meal - Twitter video.
A volunteer describes the horrific state of the female bodies found after the attack - Twitter video.
shocking new footage from the October 7 kidnapping of Yarden Bibas, being beaten by civilian mob as he is kidnapped - Twitter video.
Hamas murdered children in their beds - Twitter pic.
Parading an Israeli woman with blood soaked pelvic area by Hamas terrorists yelling Allah Ackbar - Twitter video.
Testimony of victims unit driver about the massacre - Twitter video.
The Kapishter family was driving home from a camping trip for their son’s 5th birthday when they were attacked by Hamas on 10/7. The whole family was slaughtered. 8 yo Eline was so horrifically brutalized that she could only be ID’d via DNA - Twitter link. Another link.
2 girls being executed at short range by Hamas - Twitter video.
Karina Pritika, 23, A former rhythmic gymnast in Israel, Hamas executed her with a shot to the head at point blank range, as she was kneeling and begging for her life - Twitter pic.
Executing civilians in their car - Twitter video.
Executing civilian on the street - Twitter video
Murdering an elderly man sitting in a char - Twitter video.
Pensioners waiting for their bus to return to their retirement home, murdered by Hamas - Twitter pic Twitter video. Twitter pic.
A family being executed in their car at close range by Hamas: Twitter video.
This is the closet where 9-year-old Michael and 6-year-old Amalya Idan hid after they saw their mother being murdered by terrorists, Michael grabbed Amalia and they hid for 14 hours until they were rescued - link.
The Israeli woman in this video filmed of her kidnapping on Oct 7th has spoken out about the horrifying sexual assault she faced during Hamas captivity - link.
Left: Nazis executing a Jewish woman with her child in Ivanhorod, 1942. Right: Hamas executing a Jewish woman in Kibbutz Alumim, 2023 - Twitter pic.
22 year old girl murdered at a music festival, against 5 terrorists, parading her corpse in Gaza - Twitter pic Video.
Hamas terrorist capturing a young woman - Twitter pic.
Palestinians stab a young man who was riding his bike - Twitter pic.
The October 7th monsters burned people alive and documented it. Every gunshot heard in the background, is another life taken - link.
Palestinian civilians parading a probably dead hostage, beating him up and yelling "allahu ackbar"- link.
This was the scene from the Nova music festival massacre on Oct 7. A bloodbath of over 300 young Israelis - Twitter video.
Video clips filmed by terrorists from October 7 when they infiltrated Israel and slaughtered entire families, tortured, raped, and burned people alive - Twitter video.
The IDF believes that hostage Elad Katzir was murdered by his captors in mid-January, not long after the Palestinian Islamic Jihad published a propaganda proof of life video of Elad - Twitter link. MSN link.
Reminder of the innocent lives murdered, raped, mutilated and kidnapped - Twitter video (blurred).
"Today marks 6 months since the Hamas attack on Israel, 1,200 lost their lives, Children were slaughtered, Babies were kidnapped, Women were raped, 133 remain hostage" - link.
There are still those who call them "freedom fighters" - Twitter pic.
A Hamas terrorist standing on the mutilated corpse of an Israeli - Twitter video.
Hamas took civilians out of their cars and executed them - Twitter pic.
They burned families alive - twitter pic.
Supporting Hamas and calling this terrorist organization “resistance” means supporting murdering of civilians, raping of women and kidnapping of children - Twitter video of victims.
Room full of brutally massacred civilians - Twitter video.
Executing car full of civilians - Twitter video. Second video.
The brutality of the Hamas terrorists, multiple pics - Twitter pic.
Terrorists dragging a woman they murdered from her car while cheering - Twitter video.
Proudly displaying burned and murdered civilians while praising Allah - Twitter video.
A dead and naked body of a kidnapped Israeli is dragged in streets of Gaza on a motorcycle while crowd is cheering - Twitter video.
Abdallah, an Israeli Arab plastic surgeon who volunteered at the Abu Kabir Forensics Center to help identify bodies, reports beheadings, burned children, amputated limb, etc - YouTube video.
After shooting one girl point blank, the monster takes his time with the second girl. She can't escape, she's on her knees begging for her life. the monster calmly reloads his gun, takes a few steps back, and shoots her in the head in cold blood - Twitter video.
Stabbing of a 22 year old student: Twitter pic.
A group of elderly Jews were traveling by bus to an activity organized by their retirement home.Palestinian Terrorists murdered them all: Twitter pic.
Burned bodies of civilians: Twitter video.
Hamas kidnapping entire families, women and children: Twitter video.
2 Hamas terrorists stepping on the body of a murdered Israeli civilians, proudly displaying the Islamic finger salute - Twitter pic.
The girls killed by the Palestinians during October 7th - Twitter video.
364 innocent young Israelis who just wanted to dance and live their lives were massacred in the most brutal way possible at the Nova Music Festival - link.

That is a movie by Simon Elliot...


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