Palestine as Kosovo?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Richard Falk, UN special rapporteur who was denied entry into the occupied territories by Israel has some grave suspicions concerning the "new one-state solution" being considered by Israeli politicians and also a novel plan for resolving Palestine's occupation.

"Falk, who taught international law at Princeton University, will issue a report to the United Nations this fall in which he will assert that the Israeli process of colonialism and apartheid has accelerated over the past three years.

"He will call...for the UN to consider unilaterally declaring Palestine an independent state, as it did with Kosovo."

If it's true Oslo empowered the PLO to negotiate international status issues, Palestinians could issue a unilateral declaration of status and seek independence, diplomatic recognition and membership in the UN.

"The recent Kosovo advisory opinion of the World Court in the Hague provides a well-reasoned legal precedent for such an option."

Formalizing Israel's Land Grab
Statehood is a subjective political thing. Over 100 countries recognize Palestine as a state. Where some Palestinian politicians clamor to create a Palestinian state, the street already considers themselves to be a country.

The street wants to end the occupation of their country They call Israel '48 occupied lands. Even Palestinian citizens of Israel say they are under occupation and call Israel '48 Palestine.

The Palestinians, being the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine, have first rights to statehood.
Falk, who taught international law at Princeton University, will issue a report to the United Nations this fall in which he will assert that the Israeli process of colonialism and apartheid has accelerated over the past three years.

The process of colonialism that created much of the Arab Middle East.

Israel is the only country in the apartheid Arab Muslim worlds with no apartheid. Every Israeli citizen is constitutionally guaranteed equal rights.:clap2:
Falk, who taught international law at Princeton University, will issue a report to the United Nations this fall in which he will assert that the Israeli process of colonialism and apartheid has accelerated over the past three years.

The process of colonialism that created much of the Arab Middle East.

Israel is the only country in the apartheid Arab Muslim worlds with no apartheid. Every Israeli citizen is constitutionally guaranteed equal rights.:clap2:
Then why is 20% of Israel's total population identified by the State as non-Jews instead of recognizing Arab citizens as a national minority group?

Israel's leaders mirror the lack of official recognition as evidenced by David Ben Gurion stating that Arabs should be permitted to stay in Israel "to serve as water carriers" as well as Golda Meir who declared that "there is no such thing as Palestinians,"

Social, Economic and Political Status...
Falk, who taught international law at Princeton University, will issue a report to the United Nations this fall in which he will assert that the Israeli process of colonialism and apartheid has accelerated over the past three years.

The process of colonialism that created much of the Arab Middle East.

Israel is the only country in the apartheid Arab Muslim worlds with no apartheid. Every Israeli citizen is constitutionally guaranteed equal rights.:clap2:
Then why is 20% of Israel's total population identified by the State as non-Jews instead of recognizing Arab citizens as a national minority group?

Israel's leaders mirror the lack of official recognition as evidenced by David Ben Gurion stating that Arabs should be permitted to stay in Israel "to serve as water carriers" as well as Golda Meir who declared that "there is no such thing as Palestinians,"

Social, Economic and Political Status...

George, you're a moron. Much of the Arab Middle East was colonized by the British and French.

Israel, on the other hand, is the only country in the world with international recognition and legitimacy as a state both by the League of Nations and the UN.

Go back to sleep, fool.
Then why is 20% of Israel's total population identified by the State as non-Jews instead of recognizing Arab citizens as a national minority group?

George, you're a moron. I live in Israel, where the Arab community is identified as Arab.

Arabic is a national language in Israel. Street signs in Israel are in Arabic. There are Arab media, Arab businesses. Arab schools. Arab landowners

There are Arab members of the Knesset. There is an Arab justice of the Supreme Court.

You really make a fool of yourself, fool.
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Then why is 20% of Israel's total population identified by the State as non-Jews instead of recognizing Arab citizens as a national minority group?

George, you're a moron. I live in Israel, where the Arab community is identified as Arab.

Arabic is a national language in Israel. Street signs in Israel are in Arabic. There are Arab media, Arab businesses. Arab schools. Arab landowners

There are Arab members of the Knesset. There is an Arab justice of the Supreme Court.

You really make a fool of yourself, fool.
How much land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River is the Jewish State of Israel entitled to?

Simple question.

Why won't you answer?
The process of colonialism that created much of the Arab Middle East.

Israel is the only country in the apartheid Arab Muslim worlds with no apartheid. Every Israeli citizen is constitutionally guaranteed equal rights.:clap2:
Then why is 20% of Israel's total population identified by the State as non-Jews instead of recognizing Arab citizens as a national minority group?

Israel's leaders mirror the lack of official recognition as evidenced by David Ben Gurion stating that Arabs should be permitted to stay in Israel "to serve as water carriers" as well as Golda Meir who declared that "there is no such thing as Palestinians,"

Social, Economic and Political Status...

George, you're a moron. Much of the Arab Middle East was colonized by the British and French.

Israel, on the other hand, is the only country in the world with international recognition and legitimacy as a state both by the League of Nations and the UN.

Go back to sleep, fool.
The Jewish State of Israel is also the product of Western colonialism, or did you sleep through Lord Balfour's declaration?
Then why is 20% of Israel's total population identified by the State as non-Jews instead of recognizing Arab citizens as a national minority group?

Israel's leaders mirror the lack of official recognition as evidenced by David Ben Gurion stating that Arabs should be permitted to stay in Israel "to serve as water carriers" as well as Golda Meir who declared that "there is no such thing as Palestinians,"

Social, Economic and Political Status...

George, you're a moron. Much of the Arab Middle East was colonized by the British and French.

Israel, on the other hand, is the only country in the world with international recognition and legitimacy as a state both by the League of Nations and the UN.

Go back to sleep, fool.
The Jewish State of Israel is also the product of Western colonialism, or did you sleep through Lord Balfour's declaration?

George, you moron, the countries of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and most of the rest of the Arab Middle East were created out of Western colonialism.

Israel is the only country in the Middle East that existed prior to World War I. Twice, in antiquity.

It was the League of Nations that established the modern state of Israel, not the Balfour Declaration, you dumbass.

George, you like making a fool of yourself, fool?
Then why is 20% of Israel's total population identified by the State as non-Jews instead of recognizing Arab citizens as a national minority group?

George, you're a moron. I live in Israel, where the Arab community is identified as Arab.

Arabic is a national language in Israel. Street signs in Israel are in Arabic. There are Arab media, Arab businesses. Arab schools. Arab landowners

There are Arab members of the Knesset. There is an Arab justice of the Supreme Court.

You really make a fool of yourself, fool.
How much land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River is the Jewish State of Israel entitled to?

Simple question.

Why won't you answer?

George, you moron, the League of Nations established ALL of Palestine as the Jewish homeland, including Eastern Palestine (Jordan).

You know less than zero abot the subject matter, dummy
How about the Nile to the Euphrates?

Maybe you forgot the British contribution to the League of Nations proposal?

"The mandate formalised British rule in the Southern part of Ottoman Syria from 1923–1948. With the League of Nations' consent on 16 September 1922, the UK divided the Mandate territory into two administrative areas, Palestine, under direct British rule, and autonomous Transjordan, under the rule of the Hashemite family from Hijaz Saudi Arabia, in accordance with the McMahon Pledge of 1915.

Transjordan was exempt from the Mandate provisions concerning the Jewish National Home.

In the late 1950s Uri Avnery proposed an alliance between Israel and the Palestinians to topple the Hashemite dynasty in Jordan with Israel forming a local federation with the Palestinian Jordanian state.

Eventually, this lead to the proposal of a regional federation of Israel with its neighbors that some saw reaching as far as Baghdad.
Incredible :cuckoo:

Israel has gotta be one of the only states that needs to justify it's right to exist.
How about the Nile to the Euphrates?

Maybe you forgot the British contribution to the League of Nations proposal?

"The mandate formalised British rule in the Southern part of Ottoman Syria from 1923–1948. With the League of Nations' consent on 16 September 1922, the UK divided the Mandate territory into two administrative areas, Palestine, under direct British rule, and autonomous Transjordan, under the rule of the Hashemite family from Hijaz Saudi Arabia, in accordance with the McMahon Pledge of 1915.

Transjordan was exempt from the Mandate provisions concerning the Jewish National Home.

In the late 1950s Uri Avnery proposed an alliance between Israel and the Palestinians to topple the Hashemite dynasty in Jordan with Israel forming a local federation with the Palestinian Jordanian state.

Eventually, this lead to the proposal of a regional federation of Israel with its neighbors that some saw reaching as far as Baghdad.

George, you're a moron. The entire international body of the League of Nations unanimously ratified the Palestine Mandate establishing all of Palestine as the Jewish homeland.

The Balfour Declaration was non-binding. The Palestine Mandate, binding.

The British tried to undermine the Palestine Mandate in severing Eastern Palestine and giving it to the Hashemite trash from the Hejaz and, subsequently, issuing the '39 White Paper suppressing Jewish immigration during NAzi Germany.

Ultimately, Britain did not even vote in favor of Israeli statehood

Your history lesson for the day, gratis.
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So, why did the Zionists accept a part of Palestine in 1947 when they received the whole pie 25 years earlier?

What happened to that "homeland for the Jews" thing?
So, why did the Zionists accept a part of Palestine in 1947 when they received the whole pie 25 years earlier?

What happened to that "homeland for the Jews" thing?

I only help my children with their homework.

Ask your mommy and daddy to help you with yours, punkass
So, why did the Zionists accept a part of Palestine in 1947 when they received the whole pie 25 years earlier?

What happened to that "homeland for the Jews" thing?

I only help my children with their homework.

Ask your mommy and daddy to help you with yours, punkass

You always duck that question. What's the matter? Don't you like the answer?
So, why did the Zionists accept a part of Palestine in 1947 when they received the whole pie 25 years earlier?

What happened to that "homeland for the Jews" thing?

I only help my children with their homework.

Ask your mommy and daddy to help you with yours, punkass
If your children were routinely shot at from IDF observation towers, would you continue your collaboration with Israeli apartheid without asking for more money?
"Graduates of the Shin Bet security service pride themselves on being able to recite Arabic proverbs, claiming this is the way to win over an Arab interlocutor.

"If it sounds to you as if I’m a bit envious of the linguistic training they receive, you are not mistaken; in my sort of school – the field – I have been able to memorize only a few Arabic adages.

"One I learned from one of the many villagers who was handed an expropriation order for his land. Sitting at the entrance to his home, he looked like he was attending a funeral.

'To whom can a grain of wheat complain when the cock is the judge?' he said, in response to my dumb question about what he planned to do.

"This saying is useful in situations when all other words fail. For example, in a military tribunal that convicts and detains demonstrators protesting the robbery of their land, like Adib and Abdullah Abu Rahma."

The sooner Israeli cocks follow their South African mentors down the memory hole, the better.

HASS: Jerusalem or Gaza?
So, why did the Zionists accept a part of Palestine in 1947 when they received the whole pie 25 years earlier?

What happened to that "homeland for the Jews" thing?

I only help my children with their homework.

Ask your mommy and daddy to help you with yours, punkass
If your children were routinely shot at from IDF observation towers, would you continue your collaboration with Israeli apartheid without asking for more money?

George, you're a moron.

Israel is the only country in the apartheid Arab Muslim Middle East that is not apartheid. All ISraeli citizens are constitutionally guaranteed equal rights, unlike the Arab Muslim countries that discriminate by religion, gender andsexual orientation.

You embarrass yourself, George.

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