Litre of the Band
The UN Partition Plan gave the Palestinians 43% of the land in Palestine. However, due to Zionist terrorism from groups like Irgun and the land seized in the '67 war, Palestinians are down to just 22% of the land.
Since 1967, Israel has uprooted over 689,000 Palestinian trees, over 25,000 Palestinian homes have been raised to the ground and over 927 square miles confiscated.
The Israelis deliberately and routinely terrorize Palestinian children. How much longer will the world put up with this pariah nation?
Since 1967, Israel has uprooted over 689,000 Palestinian trees, over 25,000 Palestinian homes have been raised to the ground and over 927 square miles confiscated.
The Israelis deliberately and routinely terrorize Palestinian children. How much longer will the world put up with this pariah nation?

Palestine: 50 Years of Occupation - Global Research
When the Palestinian engaged the peace process in 1993, they anticipated the emergence of their Palestinian State within five years time on the 22% of Palestine’s land occupied by Israel on June 5, 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital. It was way off the 43% designated to the Palestinians in...