Page 47 and a strange fruit.

Remember this?


I wonder
A lot of yellow paint in this scratches.

Savile Row is known for its bespoke tailors, as are many small back roads in Indonesia.
I can Image James Bond in duds from these dudes.
I have to be fair, many of these guys produce pretty good stuff, and I've used them more than once for tailored shirts.



Coconuts - a lot of coconuts


a very lot of coconuts


What can you do with so many of the things?

They seem to be burning them...


Ah, coconut charcoal for cooking - It gives the food a very nice flavour.

They sieve it down to get rid of the dust, then scoop it into sacks for sale to street food vendors.



Next up - A Javanese wedding - Watch this space
I don't much bother with the big malls unless I'm taking my wife shopping, but I'm glad I popped in this place for a kebab.
They've taken Star wars advertising to a whole new level as epic as the film is likely to be.



BSD city is putting up its Christmas decorations.
Most malls and better off areas have a notable Christmas display, including Christmas music playing just as much as in western malls

Big crime is something we don't see all that much of out here, but it does happen.
I understand the police have solved this one and arrested the thieves.


The machine stands in local minimart; they broke in at night and smashed their way into the ATM.
When you settle down in bed this evening, think what it would be like to sleep in this bedroom, that's also their kitchen and living room.

I mentioned a Javanese (Muslim) wedding.
It all starts with a party, get together of family and friends, and praying session at the house.
There's always a fat pile of food, and lots of people to eat it.


After a day or two of that, it's off to the local mosque, presents and traditional offerings in hand.




The mosque is filled, so the job can start.

The wedding is split into religious bits and official bits.


Better off families tend to video and photograph the whole thing. This is the daughter of a higher ranking local policeman, so things were done well.


Gifts are quite what they are in most western weddings, more like a dowry but presented in a very nice way.


You don't get a marriage certificate as such, you get marriage books.



Respect for parents is especially important in Javanese culture, so the last part of the wedding is to show that and acceptance of the new family.

First, you should watch the accident.

Then see the aftermath.

The pick up


The bike


The people



They were both moving a little, but both were a mess, one having some red stuff coming out of his head.
There were dumped into the back of the pick up and taken to hospital.
The local police were informed, but I don't know what happened after that.
I'll make a call to a friend and try to find out if they survived.
Sunday was car free day in Jakarta.
I've never really bothered looking, but I gave it a blast.

Indonesia used many military aircraft since the 1945 independence declaration, including a lot of home made gliders and aircraft from a wide variety of countries.
Some of the first were surrendered Japanese aircraft, but these were quickly replaced with units from Russia and America.
Old aeroplanes are commonly used as gatekeepers in towns throughout the country.
We see that here with this Bronco.

Indonesia has had a varied past, much of which involved Buddhism and Hinduism.
The most famous example of the Borobudur temple, but there are many more smaller building around Java. This is one of a cluster in the Dieng area near Wonosobo in Central Java.

A trip to Jakarta always lets you see something different, but you sometimes have to wander off the beaten track to do it, but usually not too far.

Car free days see a lot of activities, including baseball.


A police patrol in their green vehicle; one of the very few things allowed on the closed sections of the roads.
A few people may tag along - saves all the peddling.


Walk 20 metres off the road and you see other things.


Another thing you see is street artists.
Some are a bit lousy, other amazing.

I don't usually post tourist stuff, but Taman safari is a bit special, so I will on this occasion.
I made this video a couple of years ago.

Music is human - if you don't have an instrument, make one

Microbus drivers are pretty much universally hated by other road users, mostly because they do stupid things like park on a junction to pick up and drop off passengers.


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