Pacifism and the Left


I know about our targets for nukes, I did that job early in my career....shut the fuck up.

Sure you did....

You go on and on about China having less nukes than us. How many nukes do they need to take out Honolulu or Los Angeles, eh dumbfuck? They have improved their space and missile technology to deliver those nukes today compared to 10 years ago, that is the fucking point.

And again, why would they nuke their best customers? while I think free trade was the ultimate in Republican Dumbass, whether or not they could get their nukes here is kind of unimportant if that wouldn't be in their best interest. They could do more damage by simply calling in the debt. That would wreck our economy without firing a shot.

Oh, you don't think Iran nuking Israel or Saudi Arabia is a big deal. You are clearly a piece of shit that lives in your trailer park believing nothing else matters except coming home every night to your blow up doll and a case of a beer.

Nope, live ina nice house and got a professional job and I'm more a wine drinker than a beer drinker, but to the point, guy. Fuck Israel. Fuck Saudi Arabia. Seriously.

Not that I think for a moment Iran would ever do that, because, frankly, for all your bogeyman shit, Iran has actually been far better behaved than we've been.

The only country that's ever used nukes on defenseless civilians? Oh, wait, that would be us.

Also....Shut the fuck up about your peon 11 years in the military, that was a blip for my dad and me.

Why are you taking credit for your Dad's service?

As for Syria, I know a lot more about it than you will ever know.

FYI....Russia is now sending ATTACK helicopters to Syria but of course you claim they're not causing trouble in the world.

Yawn, again, who cares? Those people have been killing each other for hundreds of years. They'll be killing each other hundreds of years from now. If we took the money we are pissing away on fighter planes and missiles and aircraft carriers and invested it into developing sustainable green energy, they'd be exactly what they were before they found out they had oil. Nothing.
Well, you keep going to the Ann Coulter Crazy Well on that one.

Seriously. Just keep going there.

As time goes by, scholars are less and less afraid to reveal the truth...FDR, McCarthy....I'm looking for the works to come on the rapist.

Scholars today still think McCarthy was an Evil Turd.

Just curious....I've seen your posts: how would you, in any manner, be conversant with scholars????
They are bastions of learning and enlightenment.

If you equate that with Liberalism, I won't argue.

No sensible human being could agree with your conflation.
Of course, not being sensible, you have no problem with the nonsense.

1. “But for most professors, neither finding truth nor seeking wisdom nor teaching is the primary goal of the university; promoting leftist ideas is. In a talk before fellow economists, Lawrence Summers, president of Harvard University and secretary of commerce under President Bill Clinton, addressed the question of why there were so many fewer women than men in science, math and engineering. He suggested that among other reasons, one might be that women's brains are less suited to these subjects than men's brains. But such empirical truths are not utterable in the most intellectually closed places in America -- our universities. Over 100 Harvard professors signed a petition against President Summers, leftist alumni threatened to give no more money to Harvard, and the vast majority of Harvard's professors kept a cowardly silence while their colleagues sought to suppress completely respectable intellectual inquiry.

…In the year 2005, nearly four centuries after Galileo was forced to recant observable scientific facts about our solar system, the president of Harvard University was forced to do a similar thing.” Professors as inquisitors - Dennis Prager - Townhall Conservative Columnists

2. It is very difficult for many people to acknowledge the low intellectual and moral level to which many professors and universities have fallen. On Feb. 21, the 600 Northwestern University students enrolled in the popular Human Sexuality course taught by professor John Michael Bailey were told that if they wished to stay after class -- it was clearly made optional -- they would see a live demonstration of female ejaculation, the subject of that day's class. A naked young woman (not a student) would demonstrate a "f---saw" and come to orgasm in front of the students. About 120 students stayed.When word came out about this contribution to young people's understanding of life, the university defended it. Its official spokesman, Al Cubbage, released this statement: "Northwestern University faculty members engage in teaching and research on a wide variety of topics, some of them controversial and at the leading edge of their respective disciplines. The university supports the efforts of its faculty to further the advancement of knowledge."

…In Bailey's class and Mr. Cubbage's statement, we have reached the logical culmination of the '60s and '70s. Instead of studying Dead White European Males, students get to study a young white living female ejaculating with a f---saw…. For four years, the American college student is taught that human beings are animals…. the exhibition is no different than watching a female baboon having sex.$50,000_orgasm/page/2

3. What happened to the truth?

a. In academia, truth has fallen in priority to ideology, also known as the ‘greater truth’ of pre-formed conclusions. A case in point is climate change. Normal science discovers facts, and then constructs a theory from those facts. ‘Post-modern science’ starts with a theory that is politically sensitive, and then makes up facts to influence opinion in its favor.

b. Mike Hulme is Professor of Climate Change in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia (UEA), [] and was good enough to reveal the truth in the Guardian, 2007: “…this particular mode of scientific activity… has been labeled "post-normal" science. Climate change seems to fall in this category. Disputes in post-normal science focus as often on the process of science - who gets funded, who evaluates quality, who has the ear of policy - as on the facts of science…. Self-evidently dangerous climate change will not emerge from a normal scientific process of truth seeking,… scientists - and politicians - must trade (normal) truth for influence. If scientists want to remain listened to, to bear influence on policy, they must recognise the social limits of their truth seeking and reveal fully the values and beliefs they bring to their scientific activity…. Climate change is too important to be left to scientists - least of all the normal ones.” The appliance of science | Society | The Guardian.

4. Professor Frank Kauffman…”An independent report on the School of Social Work at Missouri State University says officials there bullied students by creating "an atmosphere where the Code of Ethics is used in order to coerce students into certain belief systems," documenting allegations made by a Christian student who was penalized under the system.”

Frank G. Kauffman (Missouri State University)
As WND reported late last year, Missouri State social work professor Frank G. Kauffman was placed on leave as part of a settlement of a lawsuit brought on behalf of student Emily Brooker.
She refused his assignment to lobby for homosexual adoptions because it violated her religious beliefs,
and then was brought up on ethics charges within the program's system. Her lawsuit, handled by The Alliance Defense Fund, was settled quickly by the school with the leave of absence as well as monetary damages and a removal from her record of the charges against her. ‘Toxic’ environment after Christian’s complaint

5. There are at least five areas to which PC applies and where it succeeded in imposing a fair amount of conformity. They are: 1) race-minority relations; 2) sexual and gender relations: 3) homosexuality; 4) American society as a whole; 5) Western culture and values. In regard to each, PC prescribes publicly acceptable opinions and attitudes which are often conveyed on the campuses by required courses, freshman orientation, sensitivity training, memoranda by administrators, speech codes, harassment codes, official and student publications and other means.

Deviations from the norm of PC may result in public abuse, ostracism, formal or informal sanctions, administrative reproach, delayed promotion, difficulty in finding a job, being sentenced to sensitivity training.

Paul Hollander, “Political correctness is alive and well on campus near you,” Washington Post, December 28, 1993, p. A19

I wonder if your opinion will change once you attend college....
Dennis Prager. :lol:

It's cute how you use wingnut opinion columns to try to back up your bullshit.

That comes from her dependency on the 'we' mentality. The one she likes to (oddly) ridicule.
True to a degree.

But Ike made the mistake of including South Vietnam in the wall against Communism when in fact, it would have rather been on the other side of the wall.

Ike even suggested to JFK that he occupy Laos as well, to keep the north from sending weapons to the South.

And this was often our problem in the Cold War. We looked at the whole world as a chessboard while the pawns just were concerned about their own square. We supported dictators who did terrible things to their people, but dammit, they weren't dirty stinkin' commies! We gave a shit load of money to Muslim Freedom Fighters in Afghanistan because the Commies might teach women how to read.

Oh, one of those terrorists? A young man named Osama Bin Laden.

Ike had 741 military advisers in Vietnam. Kennedy upped it to 16,300. Some would call that a military threat, especially since Ike had avoided that kind of troop involvement.
On August 24, 1963, Khrushchev remarked in his speech in Yugoslavia, "I once said, 'We will bury you,' and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you.

It's working!

Wow, repeating your retarded point about number of military advisers doesn't improve it.

We all got it the first time you said it, really.

Point was, Ike was the one who made the commitment to Saigon. Never should have, but he did.

As for the working class "burying" us, I'm always wondering why the GOP and the Right has such a fantastic hostility to working people.

"True to a degree" was the only retarded statement that I saw. Point was, Ike's commitment was limited to a very small number of military advisers. Kennedy didn't have to get us involved any more, but he sure as hell did.

And, it was that right winger Nikita Kruschchev that made the statement about working people.
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No sensible human being could agree with your conflation.
Of course, not being sensible, you have no problem with the nonsense.

1. “But for most professors, neither finding truth nor seeking wisdom nor teaching is the primary goal of the university; promoting leftist ideas is. In a talk before fellow economists, Lawrence Summers, president of Harvard University and secretary of commerce under President Bill Clinton, addressed the question of why there were so many fewer women than men in science, math and engineering. He suggested that among other reasons, one might be that women's brains are less suited to these subjects than men's brains. But such empirical truths are not utterable in the most intellectually closed places in America -- our universities. Over 100 Harvard professors signed a petition against President Summers, leftist alumni threatened to give no more money to Harvard, and the vast majority of Harvard's professors kept a cowardly silence while their colleagues sought to suppress completely respectable intellectual inquiry.

…In the year 2005, nearly four centuries after Galileo was forced to recant observable scientific facts about our solar system, the president of Harvard University was forced to do a similar thing.” Professors as inquisitors - Dennis Prager - Townhall Conservative Columnists

2. It is very difficult for many people to acknowledge the low intellectual and moral level to which many professors and universities have fallen. On Feb. 21, the 600 Northwestern University students enrolled in the popular Human Sexuality course taught by professor John Michael Bailey were told that if they wished to stay after class -- it was clearly made optional -- they would see a live demonstration of female ejaculation, the subject of that day's class. A naked young woman (not a student) would demonstrate a "f---saw" and come to orgasm in front of the students. About 120 students stayed.When word came out about this contribution to young people's understanding of life, the university defended it. Its official spokesman, Al Cubbage, released this statement: "Northwestern University faculty members engage in teaching and research on a wide variety of topics, some of them controversial and at the leading edge of their respective disciplines. The university supports the efforts of its faculty to further the advancement of knowledge."

…In Bailey's class and Mr. Cubbage's statement, we have reached the logical culmination of the '60s and '70s. Instead of studying Dead White European Males, students get to study a young white living female ejaculating with a f---saw…. For four years, the American college student is taught that human beings are animals…. the exhibition is no different than watching a female baboon having sex.$50,000_orgasm/page/2

3. What happened to the truth?

a. In academia, truth has fallen in priority to ideology, also known as the ‘greater truth’ of pre-formed conclusions. A case in point is climate change. Normal science discovers facts, and then constructs a theory from those facts. ‘Post-modern science’ starts with a theory that is politically sensitive, and then makes up facts to influence opinion in its favor.

b. Mike Hulme is Professor of Climate Change in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia (UEA), [] and was good enough to reveal the truth in the Guardian, 2007: “…this particular mode of scientific activity… has been labeled "post-normal" science. Climate change seems to fall in this category. Disputes in post-normal science focus as often on the process of science - who gets funded, who evaluates quality, who has the ear of policy - as on the facts of science…. Self-evidently dangerous climate change will not emerge from a normal scientific process of truth seeking,… scientists - and politicians - must trade (normal) truth for influence. If scientists want to remain listened to, to bear influence on policy, they must recognise the social limits of their truth seeking and reveal fully the values and beliefs they bring to their scientific activity…. Climate change is too important to be left to scientists - least of all the normal ones.” The appliance of science | Society | The Guardian.

4. Professor Frank Kauffman…”An independent report on the School of Social Work at Missouri State University says officials there bullied students by creating "an atmosphere where the Code of Ethics is used in order to coerce students into certain belief systems," documenting allegations made by a Christian student who was penalized under the system.”

Frank G. Kauffman (Missouri State University)
As WND reported late last year, Missouri State social work professor Frank G. Kauffman was placed on leave as part of a settlement of a lawsuit brought on behalf of student Emily Brooker.
She refused his assignment to lobby for homosexual adoptions because it violated her religious beliefs,
and then was brought up on ethics charges within the program's system. Her lawsuit, handled by The Alliance Defense Fund, was settled quickly by the school with the leave of absence as well as monetary damages and a removal from her record of the charges against her. ‘Toxic’ environment after Christian’s complaint

5. There are at least five areas to which PC applies and where it succeeded in imposing a fair amount of conformity. They are: 1) race-minority relations; 2) sexual and gender relations: 3) homosexuality; 4) American society as a whole; 5) Western culture and values. In regard to each, PC prescribes publicly acceptable opinions and attitudes which are often conveyed on the campuses by required courses, freshman orientation, sensitivity training, memoranda by administrators, speech codes, harassment codes, official and student publications and other means.

Deviations from the norm of PC may result in public abuse, ostracism, formal or informal sanctions, administrative reproach, delayed promotion, difficulty in finding a job, being sentenced to sensitivity training.

Paul Hollander, “Political correctness is alive and well on campus near you,” Washington Post, December 28, 1993, p. A19

I wonder if your opinion will change once you attend college....
Dennis Prager. :lol:

It's cute how you use wingnut opinion columns to try to back up your bullshit.

That comes from her dependency on the 'we' mentality. The one she likes to (oddly) ridicule.


It's you I like to ridicule.
Scholars today still think McCarthy was an Evil Turd.

The Kennedy's were huge backers of McCarthy. Bet you didn't know that!

I did. I just don't care.

What is this hard on you have for the Kennedys, anyway?

Ted Kennedy got away with drowning a young woman and Jack Kennedy put us into into a land war in Asia.

What is it that you find admirable about them?

At least you admit none of the Kennedy's were scholars. That is a start.
As time goes by, scholars are less and less afraid to reveal the truth...FDR, McCarthy....I'm looking for the works to come on the rapist.

Scholars today still think McCarthy was an Evil Turd.

Just curious....I've seen your posts: how would you, in any manner, be conversant with scholars????

You mean other than actually attending a college and not saying crazy shit like you do and getting thrown out?
The Kennedy's were huge backers of McCarthy. Bet you didn't know that!

I did. I just don't care.

What is this hard on you have for the Kennedys, anyway?

Ted Kennedy got away with drowning a young woman and Jack Kennedy put us into into a land war in Asia.

What is it that you find admirable about them?

At least you admit none of the Kennedy's were scholars. That is a start.

Three of them died in service to their country. All of them served their country.

And getting us into Vietnam was a bipartisan fuckup, because it took a decade before anyone said, "Hey, this is a horrible idea!"

Now, yeah, I think it's pretty awful that Ted Kennedy was not held accountable for negiligent homicide, which probably would have ended his career if he weren't rich. Of course, lots of poor people get away with that, too.
Just curious....I've seen your posts: how would you, in any manner, be conversant with scholars????

You mean other than actually attending a college and not saying crazy shit like you do and getting thrown out?

When did she say she got thrown out of college? Or are you just lying and fabricating again?

If you go into any college history department and insist Joseph McCarthy was a hero like she does, you'll soon find out your parents wasted their money...
You mean other than actually attending a college and not saying crazy shit like you do and getting thrown out?

When did she say she got thrown out of college? Or are you just lying and fabricating again?

If you go into any college history department and insist Joseph McCarthy was a hero like she does, you'll soon find out your parents wasted their money...

My question was, when did she say she got thrown out of college? Are you afraid of this question too?
Um, I answered it.... and again, you were too dumb to understand the answer, guy....

Um, I answered it.... and again, you were too dumb to understand the answer, guy....


Seems Unkie has revealed your most frequently used weapon....calumniation.

That is why you serve, not a exemplar of the Left, but as foil for the Right.

You may be familiar with the words of the second Republican candidate for the presidency, who said:
'You may deceive all the people part of the time, and part of the people all the time, but not all the people all the time.'
Scholars today still think McCarthy was an Evil Turd.

Just curious....I've seen your posts: how would you, in any manner, be conversant with scholars????

You mean other than actually attending a college and not saying crazy shit like you do and getting thrown out?

No...I mean specifically...which scholars do you quote to support your theses?

As you know, I quote, document, and link as a matter of course.

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